Yza_K Posted March 14, 2008 Share Posted March 14, 2008 Praticamente rifatto, smaltato e aggiunto 2 motori torrent......#include <GuiConstants.au3> #include <ie.au3> ; Autore: Rex Romae-migliorato e reso funzionante da YZA_K; Fonte: www.eng2ita.net GUICreate("Torrent Searcher V2.0",250,50) $bottone = GUICtrlCreateButton("Avanti", 175,7) $parola = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10,10,160,20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1=1 ;Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $bottone $sito = InputBox ( "Dove vuoi cercare?", "1.ThePirateBay "&@LF&"2.TorrentPortal "&@LF&"3.IsoHunt "&@LF&"4.Mininova "&@LF&"5.IlCorsaroNero "&@LF&"6.GamesTorrents "&@LF&"7.SeedPeer"&@LF&"8.xtorrents"&@LF&"9.snarf-it", "", "",230,230) $parola=GUICtrlRead($parola) Select case $sito = 1 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://thepiratebay.org/search/"&$parola&"/3/0") ; END CASE 1 case $sito = 2 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://www.torrentportal.com/torrents-search.php?search="&$parola&"&sort=id&d=desc&type=or&sizel=&sizeh=&cat=0&exclude=") ; END CASE 2 case $sito = 3 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://isohunt.com/torrents/?ihq="&$parola) ; END CASE 3 case $sito = 4 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://www.mininova.org/search/?search="&$parola) ; END CASE 4 case $sito = 5 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://ilcorsaronero.info/tor.php?search="&$parola) ; END CASE 5 case $sito = 6 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://www.gamestorrents.com/buscar.php?busqueda="&$parola&"&cat=0&=Go%21") ; END CASE 6 case $sito = 7 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://www.seedpeer.com/search.php?search="&$parola) ; END CASE 7 case $sito = 8 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://www.xtorrents.org/torrents.php?search="&$parola) ; END CASE 8 case $sito = 9 $oIE = _IECreate ("", 0,1) sleep(288) _IENavigate ($oIE,"http://www.snarf-it.org/pages/search.html?query="&$parola) ; END CASE 9 EndSelect; Chiuse select $bottone EndSwitch WEnd Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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