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Just came on to say hello to everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. I also hope the Holidays go well also since I have no ideal when I well have time online again. LOL. Things are rough for me still. I sold my computer (q6600, 3g RAM, 200G HDD, TV tunner ,tower, burner etc. with my 19 inch LCD) for 350 USD. Y E S I am ver stupid and should be slapped to death but I needed it to pay child support or I would have had to go to jail for 45 days. I would have gladly of done the days in jail to keep the computer, LOL but couldn't deal with not seeing my daughter that long. I won joint custody of my daughter but they the court seems to think that money is more important than a child having both parents in their life. Enough about that. The economy is down in Michigan so I still can't find employment, the mobo on my spare computer went out so that sucks, which what good is a computer if you can't get online. LMAO. Thats it for now, just wanted to to let everyone know whats going on with me.

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Guest snakecracker

Hey Lurz nice to see you again.

i hate courts, They suck! alot has happened here on wincert and alot has happened with you.

you sold your computer!! ahh as long as it keeps you out of jail its the best thing to do!

well, hope to see you soon mate.

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