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Windows 7 Install does not complete (resolved)


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I have a new one for those of you who have more experience with the Windows 7 setup than I do. For the most part, Windows 7 gets setup. During the stage where "Windows if finalizing your settings", the install just stops and does nothing at that point. Everything is still operational, but it does not go past that screen. I am able to call up a command prompt and get the task manager running, and it appears that the setup is stuck on a command prompt that is not doing anything. It could be related to some of the addons I use, but no one else has reported problems with those addons at this time. If I killed that defunct command prompt, the setup continues on, but the "SetupComplete.cmd" does not run. Anyone have any ideas?

I have included a list of addons for those who wish to know and a couple of screen shots of the action.




Edited by crashfly
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... If I killed that defunct command prompt, the setup continues on, but the "SetupComplete.cmd" does not run. ...

Manually kill cmd.exe see if install continues, maybe a program did not use /c switch with cmd.exe so it remains open

Uhm, check the first post.

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Can you please attach that "SetupComplete.cmd"? There may be a 'pause' or other command in it causing it to wait for user input.

@echo off
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\Autounattend.xml (set CDROM=%%i: & GOTO INSTALL)
echo Installing Malicious Software Removal Tool ...
start /wait %CDROM%\apps\kb890830-x64-v3.22.exe /q
echo Installing KB2533552 ...
start /wait %windir%\system32\wusa.exe %CDROM%\apps\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
echo Installing Games for Windows Live ...
start /wait %CDROM%\apps\gfwlivesetup.exe /s
echo Installing MS .net 4 ...
start /wait %CDROM%\apps\MSN4x32x64_Aug14-2011.exe

I do not see how that can be, as the setup does not appear to even run the "setupcomplete.cmd" file. Except for the install commands, I copied the file verbatim from someone else's post on another forum.

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Try running it after logon to see what is making it take long or look for the following in task manage





P.S. Don't add a space after %%i:&

@echo off
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\Autounattend.xml (set CDROM=%%i:& GOTO INSTALL)
echo Installing Malicious Software Removal Tool ...
start /wait %CDROM%\apps\kb890830-x64-v3.22.exe /q
echo Installing KB2533552 ...
start /wait %windir%\system32\wusa.exe %CDROM%\apps\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
echo Installing Games for Windows Live ...
start /wait %CDROM%\apps\gfwlivesetup.exe /s
echo Installing MS .net 4 ...
start /wait %CDROM%\apps\MSN4x32x64_Aug14-2011.exe

I tested this and it works fine, i couldn't test the MS .net4 as i don't have that download.

Edited by Legolash2o
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If it helps any, I do believe I finally found what was causing the setup not to complete. I converted most of the installers over to being setup by W7T. It would appear that the 'setupcomplete.cmd' file completely hides *everything* windows and all from being displayed during the "Final Settings" phase. What I did not realize is that even using the "/s" option on the installer, gfwlivesetup.exe was not completely silent. It waited for the user at the end to hit the "close" button. Damn squirrelly if you ask me, but at least I figured out what it was.

Just remember, the 'setupcomplete.cmd' file does not allow *any* user interaction. So if you have something that requires it, do not put it to install in that file.

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