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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2017 in Posts

  1. for example you can also save the Flash.sfx Ciao.
    1 point
  2. Hi mooms, I've seen in your Flash_Silent_Install_Maker (anyway is already everything Ok there) that uses BL_FV to take the version of the file, and I remembered that years ago when I used the cmd file (to creating True Addon), I used this way ehhh, always thinking of including fewer files in the source or doing everything from the cmd file :FLASHPLAYER IF /I EXIST "%TARGETDIR%" RD /S /Q "%TARGETDIR%" MD "%TARGETDIR%" CD /D "%TARGETDIR%" "%TEMP%\7z.exe" x -y "%WORKFILE%" > .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO strPath = "%TARGETDIR%\AFPVerFN.txt" >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set strFile = fso.CreateTextFile(strPath, True) >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set f = fso.GetFolder("%TARGETDIR%") >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set fc = f.Files >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO For Each fs In fc >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO If fso.GetExtensionName(fs) = "ocx" then >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO strFile.WriteLine(fso.GetFileVersion(fs)) >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO End if >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Next AFPOCXVer.vbs DEL /F/Q *.vbs IF EXIST "*.*" FOR /F "USEBACKQ DELIMS==" %%I IN (`DIR /A-D /OGN /B "%TARGETDIR%\*.exe"`) DO ECHO %%~nxI >> "AFPVerFN.txt" IF EXIST "*.*" FOR /F "USEBACKQ DELIMS==" %%I IN (`DIR /A-D /OGN /B "%TARGETDIR%\*.ocx"`) DO ECHO %%~nxI >> "AFPVerFN.txt" setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (AFPVerFN.txt) do ( set /a AFPVer+=1 set AFPVerFN!AFPVer!=%%a) set AFPVerFN ::== setLocal DisableDelayedExpansion set AFPVer=%AFPVerFN1% SET AFPEXEN=%AFPVerFN2: =% SET AFPOCXN=%AFPVerFN3: =% ::ect ect ect ::ect ect ect ::ect ect ect ::ect ect ect nothing special, thought to post it maybe you're interested Ciao.
    1 point
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