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Posts posted by Fixit
]~ Windows XP (Alle Bootscreens zijn getest op een up-to-date SP3 XP Pro)
~ Talen: Alle
- ~ Groene, Blauwe, Rode en Paarse Vista-like bootscreens.
~ De mogelijkheid om uw kernel te patchen met een custom XP bootscreen
~ De mogelijkheid om uw kernel te patchen in een XP-CD source met een custom XP bootscreen
Sample: TV-Test screen v1.2
Custom "bootscreen": By Kirs
Verzoeken voor bootscreens kunnen in dit topic geplaatst worden, misschien kunnen we ze maken.
- Change log:
auto-change the colors from the 4bit pallet in the kernel to the 4bit color pallet used in the bitmap.
redone all bootscreen bitmaps and hexedited them to make them visible.
added red and purple XPtsp bootscreens
added preview popup window (tnx Dougiefresh)
new way to use custom bootscreens via zipped bitmaps from any provided location.
added checks to make sure correct bitmaps are being used.
added a get sample button.
multi lang support.
The ability to patch your kernel in a XP-CD Source with a custom bootscreen
Added some skins
Some minor error fixes
~ v2.3
Fixed bootscreen fade-in at XP start
Major patching speedup
added a button to check for update/bootscreens (navigates to the default browser)
repairs a bug from v2.2
minor script fixes and updates
~ v2.4
Updated the uninstaller
New setup installer (inno setup)
Added checks for kernel Update's or Downgrades (to make a new backup)
GUI support: Dougiefresh
GUI Graphix: Kirs
GUI: Mr.Fixit
- ~ Groene, Blauwe, Rode en Paarse Vista-like bootscreens.
0.9.b6: Blue Copy/delete/move avi's text vrij gemaakt, menu start folders vervangen .
0.9.b7: Blue
1.0: Blue last updated 20-2-09
res-updates, some blue icons. new intro.wmv, added uxtheme-patch, sfc-patch and setupapi-patch
- XPtsp.Blue.NLD.v1.0.batch.exe
MD5: 203a2a512b392a0f63b87370913d8725
Grootte: 46,9 MB
Extra opties:
notheme (Om het thema niet te laten vervangen)
nobootscr (Om het bootscreen totaal over te laten slaan)Extra thanx for help: Bober and Kirs
For true blue taskmanager: Bober and Dougiefresh
- XPtsp.Blue.NLD.v1.0.batch.exe
--<< XPtsp Batch NL >>--
- Verander uw XP van uiterlijk met een naar het Nederlands vertaalde versie van de Engelse XPtsp 1.4.5 van
(gebaseerd op het oude V'iso van Ricktendo64.)All Credits to: Bober, Ricktendo64, Amnesia and all other people who worked on XPtsp.
Extra thanx for testing NLD: HJW
- (gebruik altijd een schone xp sp3 source)
Slipstream AUB eerst
daarna de XPtsp Nld patcher met de hand (het makkelijkste is om de patcher in de xp source map te plaatsen en vanuit daar te starten)
en als laatste kan DriverPacks worden gebruikt.logo test vragen tijdens de installatie antwoorden met "ja".
*mocht Uxtheme patch niet werken. gebruik dan hiervoor n-lite of achteraf de uxtheme multi-patcher 6.0 van Windows-x
- Geschikt voor Windows XP Professional, Home en Media Center (ook voor
*getest op xp professionalChange log:
updated with Rick's latest ehres.dll.res (mce users)
Amnesia's new sfx bitmap 101
updated with eng batch v.1.4.5
added uxtheme-patch, sfc-patch and setupapi-patch
1.4.6b1: last updated 08-06-09
added ie8 support
- XPtsp_NLD_1.4.6b1_Batch.exe (Geen Addon)
MD5: 762d1238a3431a1e7b7dcacb5149c9d0
Grootte: 51,2 MB
Extra opties:
bluebootscr (Voor het blauwe bootscreen ipv. het groene)
nobootscr (Om het bootscreen totaal over te laten slaan)
notaskmgr (Om het bredere taakbeheer over te laten slaan)
notheme (Om het thema niet te laten vervangen) -
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ow that one...
just drag the setup.exe into reshacker (ore open with reshacker) than u can replace the icon..
save and your done.
All About Resource Hacker in a Brief Tutorial by Vishal Gupta
Firefox please!
i like all the extras, like skins and addons.. eg. quick locale switcher
If u have made a translated version of XPtsp which language is not in the international section of the forum u can post it here..
i've got the up and down in ntoskrnl sp3, but for left to right the values exists 20+ times for each.
i tried them all but didn't give any result except for some bluescreens.. lol
il try again with ur values when i find my old left to right notes..
not really...
Always use the same resolution's as in the original packs.
file size's of icons and bitmaps etc. can be different, that should not be a problem..
yes. and use xnresource editor to do so... cuz reshacker does not save logonui.exe.res correctly...
I had problems with that... try to replace the bitmaps with XNresource editor for that one with a new logonui.exe.res from the green pack.. hmmm
And the new logonui.exe give an error.
The bluebarry ridge logonui.exe:
So this is the error:parse error 'tyle' at line 1
did u save the new resfile logonui.exe.res with reshacker?
I'll look at the dutch ie8 support and try to update in the next few days..
oh and one final thing:
@Fixit can you make the oobe pics for mce look like the xp pro ones ? that would be nice especially for those who integrate Vista's skin for MCE.
Well if u want u can just copy some jpg files from the extra folder to the mce folder...
Or this one...
i'v got something like that.. did you use the flames plugin?
just finished updating it a bit but it still needs work
You can just zip, rar or 7z the 2 bitmap's and rename it to "anyname_boot.lbs" if u like, but all will work "anyname_boot.zip, rar, 7z".
It has to be a 4bit (16 colors) bmp..
hmm.. bitmap looks just fine to me...
Edit: Whoops... April 2008 :S.. out dated post ghehe....
Nice!! very blue
... lol
[Addon] Cursors "n Fonts addon NL
in Addons
Cursors "n Fonts addon NL (XPtsp)
md5: ddf4f8f34ffdabdcea2ff042d95c04a4
(kan samen met andere addons worden geslipt in RVM-I)
-aero cursors white
-5 vista fonts Segoe
-(aangepast voor XPtsp nld)