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Posts posted by robi450

  1. I think those are controlled by the UIFILE or XMLFILE resources

    You are right! Controlled by UIFILE 110 (set up a new connection, connect to a network, choose homegroup and troubleshoot icons)

    So UIFILE 110 is right, as you see the preview. I managed to change from 24x24 to 32x32 or 48x48.

    I think UIFILE 111 is for "minimap" icons. I already edited but I can't do this to be 48x48.


    Here is the UIFILE 111 sample:

    (The original is: width="32rp" height="32rp but the modification it doesn't work)


    <style resid="minimap">
    <if class="navbutton">
    <button contentalign="middlecenter" font="gtf(CONTROLPANELSTYLE,4,0)" foreground="gtc(CONTROLPANELSTYLE, 4, 0, 3803)" width="48rp" height="48rp"/>
    <if keyfocused="true">
    <button contentalign="middlecenter|focusrect"/>
    And in Vista it looks completely different:
        <style resid="minimap" >
          <if class="navbutton" >
            <if keyfocused="true" >
              <button contentalign="middlecenter|focusrect" />


    So there must be a way to do this properly, but I can't figure out how can I do this at the moment..

  2. Greetings!


    I have started to mod netcenter.dll. My goal is to achieve icon size as vista.

    Although, I have some difficulties..

    I managed to edit some of them to 48x48 (netcenter.dll - UIFILE 110) but my network "minimap" icons are still 32x32.

    I can't figure out how do I resize it to 48x48. (as vista network and sharing center)




    I would appreciate it so much if someone can help me. :)

  3. I would try uninstalling it see if the problem continues

    If the problem goes away I would then reinstall the codec pack and separate the different file types (avi, flv, mkv, etc) and see which one is the cause the high cpu usage

    I think it may be a explorer thumbnail issue

    Thanks for your help. :thumbsup_anim:

    It was codec problem.

    Now I can open any video folder.

  4. Hi guys

    I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit

    When I open my Video folder , my CPU usage goes to 99-100%.

    Task manager indicates Explorer.exe is the process using 99% of this.

    It remans 99-100% until I close explorer.exe and after I restart.

    I don't know why Exporer.exe would suddenly start using all my system resources when I open a video folder. :confused02:

    After I read maybe the problem is FLV video...

    Any ideas?

  5. Hi Fixit

    Thanks your work. :)

    But I've a problem with shell32.dll because I cannot replace.

    Don't know why :g: (of course I used take ownership)

    Btw: Is there any way to add system files (for example: shell32.dll, task manager etc) to win7?

    I mean like Xptsp. :D

    This was just an idea but it would be cool.

  6. Hm.. you should copy your shell32.dll to somewhere else.. then open it with any hex editor.. find those bytes with find hex values function or replace function to do replace as soon as possible, once you have replaced the code, you have to replace back your shell32.dll to system32 directory, for the easiest way just use replacer-google it- it's always better to have a back up.., hope this help..

    Yeah finally done it :thumbsup_anim:

    Thank you

  7. Toolbar Icons of Windows Explorer - How do to change?

    I want to change the toolbar icons of Windows Explorer, without recourse from specific programs.


    I consulted Vishal Gupta and he told me that all the icons are in "Shell32.dll", but I only found one icon there.

    But it does not matter. I want to change to other icons that I have.

    I'm using Windows XP - SP3 with all updates.

    Can someone show me the best way to do it? Thx!

    I think you should edit browseui.dll with reshacker. :g:

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