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Posts posted by Kaylar

  1. in :inetcplmui U didn't set big1 and name1 variables

    btw after IE7 integration I have inetcpl.mu_ which contains inetcpl.mui; from the script I understand that is looking in fact for inetcpl.cpl.mui. I'm using OnePiece_IE7_WinXPSP3_v2.3.1_AddOn_ENU.7z to integrate IE7, could this be the problem that I don't have inetcpl.cpl.mui?

  2. winnt32u.dll is deleted

    change the line set com=DLL to set com=DL_

    set name=winnt32u
    set ext=dll
    set big=WINNT32U
    set com=DLL
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" Del "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=DLL
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %cp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%big%.%com%" >nul
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto winsrv
    %rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
    %pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
    %cp% /v /y "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul

  3. what version of xptsp r u using? cause this seems like an old problem, i switched my theme to classic and i dont have this problem.can you confirm this is the same dialog as when you normally copy paste items .so jsut test copy pasting any big item so you ahve the chance to see the animation and compair,thx.

    also what xptsp are you using ? the manual patcher? the addon?the gui?

    and it would help to know what build is the xp ure using,and what version of the uxtheme.dll patch ure also using if you havint used the addon or gui.

    Copy dialog in Windows is OK; it looks like when we copy from mobile device (nokia phone in this case) some other dialog is used;

    i'm using the manual patcher, xptsp XPtsp.v1.0.10b11batch.exe, Win XP pro sp3

    Download: XPtsp v1.0.10b11a GUI

    MD5: 4AEE540827F811799E7B280B528E1997, Size: 31.2mb

    Bober: Found some info online about a problem with BLISS.BMP, how it can't be selected on XP Embedded because it wasn't installed. Article gave steps on how to remedy, including selecting image and saving as a BMP. This seems to indicate that Setup actually converts the BLISS.JPG to BLISS.BMP, instead of renaming it....

    EDIT: Tried renaming the BLISS.JPG file and placing in %WinDir%\Web\Wallpaper as BLISS.BMP. Doesn't work...

    hum ,have you tried putting the the image int he same folder as the theme?

    Setup actually converts the BLISS.JPG to BLISS.BMP and it should be in %WinDir%\Web\Wallpaper as BLISS.BMP after install.

    @dougiefresh: try to convert bliss.jpg in bliss.bmp and not just renaming it.

  4. hi

    regarding on what I wrote here I managed to fix my problem which was in Shellstyle.dll (blue_ss.dll from the pack)


    all I did was to change in UIFILE \ 1

    background: rcbmp(120,6,0,0,0,1,0);
    borderthickness: rect(4,4,4,4);
    padding: rect(4rp,4rp,0rp,0rp);


    background: rcbmp(120,5,0,0,0,1,0);
    borderthickness: rect(8,2,8,2);
    padding: rect(1rp,1rp,1rp,1rp);

    if U like it black I could give U one


  5. hi ricktendo,

    i found this bug ":inetres" label doesn't exist

    set name=inetmgr
    set ext=exe
    set big=INETMGR
    set com=EX_
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto inetres
    %xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    %rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
    %pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
    %cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    set name=inetres
    set ext=dll
    set big=INETRES
    set com=DL_

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