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Everything posted by LUZR4LIFE

  1. Happy B-day. I hope all went well.
  2. Nice. I still want to upgrade mine. But little low on cash and I just spent 1500 on upgrades already. The tower is bad ass. I like it more that mine. LOL, but I was in a hurry.
  3. LOL. I had no luck so I just started to use it inside VMWare. Just annoying a little but it gets the job done.
  4. I will. I just want to know how to do it. I am going to go back to XP as my Primary after I get done making my XPCD. Its easier to add Vista after XP. LOL.
  5. Thanks Mr. Thunderbird. Now I just have to figure out what N1K is talking about in his topic on installing XP after Vista.
  6. OK, I just installed XP on a another partiontion and now when I restart etc. it goes straight to XP and does not give me the option to choose Vista. Any ideals on what to do to fix this issue??? Thank you


    Welcome to WinCert.
  8. Welcome to WinCert. I hope you find everything you need.
  9. Nice setup. I love my q6600. I would go crazy going back to something smaller. LOL
  10. Thanks. Hopefully something happens. I am getting mad. LOL. I was watching a movie and it was fine. I started to watch another and it just started locking up.

    Hi there

    Welcome to WinCert. I hope you enjoy your stay and find information your looking for. If not just ask.
  12. OK, I just started using Vista Ultimate again. this is the 4th time I went back to it. LOL. I have all of the updates. I keep getting "not responding" issues, with everything. Not every time I do something but maybe about 40% of the time. Is there a know fix?


    http://www.atomfilms.com/film/animator_vs_animation_2.jsp Not sure if you know but her is part 2 of that.
  14. Welcome to WinCert. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  15. Happy Birthday. It's my daughters birthday also. I hope you enjoy it and all goes well
  16. Thanks. I actually replied on the second link earlier. I may just have to uninstall all my security one at a time and check to see if it is that.
  17. Can you use Vlite for creating XP CD's?
  18. Ok. I am now using Vista and when I go to finalize a XPCD shuts down. Is NLite not compatible with Vista?
  19. OK. I have slipstreamed SP3, WMP 11 and Hot fixes plus a several addons. My issue is that now, my Audio driver will no longer work. it installs and there is no issue shown in Device Manager. Is there a know conflict or any suggestions? I ahve done this a few times and think the issue is somewhere with SP3 or the slipstream of WMP11.
  20. Happy Birthday. It's mine also. I am 28
  21. Thank you. I am starting off with a field trip with my daughter at her school and ending it at the ________ club. LOL
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