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Posts posted by AMIRZ
This also works with the full 5.02 Ultimate version but from a different site.
Or the direct link:
Thanks for the info Mr_Smartepants, will share it too :thumbsup_anim:
Edit: If so then could you explain that how to get the version 5.02 above working with the license legally as you said? I have tried them all and still can't get it working while it still refuses to use that v 4.6 serial... :confused02:
Get Everest Ultimate Edition 4.6 - Free License Legally
Homepage (Lavalys): http://www.lavalys.com/
It's not the latest version (5.02) but still good enough as a free legal giveaway, especially for people who always love and prefer genuine and still legal software... :thumbsup_anim:
First thanks alot to For Free on Internet for such kind offer like this
To get your free license, just visit this offer Here: http://for-free-on-internet.com/2009/06/ev...tion-46-4-free/
or just follow the below steps instead:
1. Go to this promotion page (in German): http://www.pro.de/aktion/com/everest
and fill in your first and last names :
Vorname: your first Name
Nachname: your last name
E-mail: your email address
then click on
I think Zone Alarm is still the best 3rd party firewall by far, but anyhow still your own choice though...
Hey Bismuth, welcome 2 Wincert mate :thumbsup_anim: . Have you just used the uploaded sources file or your own Vista partition/media either for pidgenx.dll etc source? Please also make sure/please check data.bin file that is in %ProgramFiles%\Alky for Applications\Libraries (C:\Program Files\Alky for Applications\Libraries) directory. If it doesn't exist, try to uninstall and reinstall Alky using the same or another valid Vista serial. ~~ Edited here ~~ (while Ultimate is more recommended) or you can grab other pidgenx.dll and pkeyconfig.xrm-ms files from your own Vista and copy them to the sources folder before using your own serial. Also it was just .Net Framework 1.1 runtime but yeah i think it's still fine if you're using .Net framework 3.5 instead since it has also included 1.0-3.0 as well as 3.0 as said. Anyway good luck, please don't hesitate to post here if you still get the problem. Cheerz!
Nice info, just missed this post till today lol thanks 4 the bump
guys guys, this is an English language forum, please keep it that way. I won't delete this posts, but if you'll need an international part of the forum, I'll do it because of our faithful member Amirz..
Oops i'm very sorry N1K, yeah i "forgot" this is an English Forum lol, sorry i promise i'll start posting in English after this, considering that would maybe more useful for other people (included Malaysians/Indonesians) i.e who may also have the same problem. Again sorry it's my own fault thanks for your understanding before. Also thank you so much for your kind offer N1K really appreciated, yeah it would be great, or maybe in the future
@Wa'alaikum salam Mas Harumankasturi, first since this is actually an English forum, i think we should keep talking to each other in English only mas (which should be no problem since i have seen most Malaysians who can speak English very well in both real life and net, much better than myself hehe), but anyway if you'd still prefer to use Malay (or Indonesian language) either, then both of us can please do it through PM, yeah same with me too hehe. And sorry if my English is neither good nor fluent hehe lol
Your system actually meets minimum requirement for Windows MCE (even maybe for Vista), so it should'nt be any problem with the app at all. And yes you should have already had .Net Framework 1.1 SP1 installed to as i clearly wrote it on the first post yet (one of some main required prerequisites). Since MCE 2005 with update rollup 2 is basically a .Net app, it needs some .net components installed of course as usual, which ones are mainly Gacutil.exe, updated MScoree.dll, Regasm etc. Yes like .Net 3.0, .Net Framework 3.5 would also install multiple .net frameworks (1.0, 1.1, 2.0...) as well, according to MS statement that it's no problem to have multiple .net frameworks installed on your system, however some files such as Gacutil.exe (Global Assembly Cache tool) is only presented in SP1 of .Net Framework 1.1, so you would still have to install it separately for Windows Media Center bcoz of that. Anyway good luck
PS: check your PM box later also, please thanks Mas Harumankasturi cya n keep in touch... .
Wa'alaikum salam mas, maaf ya mas untuk hal ini, sya bingung sungguh diluar dugaan saya karena baru kali ini dapat karena selama ini majority users lainnya good, average tidak ada masalah seserius ini apalagi seperti mas bilang semua persyaratan sudah dipenuhi (software prerequisites, driver etc) tapi masih belum bisa juga :confused02: . Tapi akan tetap sya usahakan sebisa saya ya mas, insyaAllah kalo begitu dapat solusinya akan segera saya kabari mas secepatnya ya. Alternatif lainnya mas bisa convert OS Xp Pro mas ke Xp MCE 2005 langsung (OSnya) untuk dapat hasil paling optimalnya sesuai yang ada di thread, tapi yah memang tidak selalu 100% menjamin kalau hasilnya lebih baik karena setiap system berbeda...doakan saya dan juga kita ya mas makasih Assalamu'alaikum...
Edit: Mas bilang di pos pertama, mas hanya punya .Net Framework 3.5 terinstall di Xp Pro SP3 mas ya mas?
Coba download dan install juga .Net Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1:
sesudah itu restart komputernya dan coba jalankan WMC nya lagi
Kalo belum bisa, uninstall WMC dan reinstall WMC lagi untuk meregistrasi ulang beberapa file dan driver. Dan coba jalankan kembali Windows Media Center
^ Wa'alaikum salam mas Harumankasturi. Oh drivernya ATI sudah diupdatekan ya mas? OK coba lagi download copy lagi file ehshell.exe yang ini ke C:\Windows\ehome untuk meng overwritenya:
Sesudah dicopy filenya lalu coba dijalankan lagi Windows Media Centernya, mudah2 an ya mas
Kalo masih black screen, banyak juga kemungkinan penyebabnya mas (karena setiap system berbeda meskipun untuk majority users tidak ada masalah sejauh ini yang saya tahu...), mungkin memorinya kurang untuk mengangkat MCEnya (e.g terlalu banyak application running) atau MCE crash dengan program/service lainnya etc. Atau mungkin juga karena skin Vistanya mungkin ya mas (hacked load png dan flash resolusi tinggi). Mungkin kalau pakai skin standardnya dari MS Xp MCE 2005 tidak black screen tapi yah memang taste "Vista"nya tidak ada. Mohon maaf nanti mungkin saya research lagi deh mas, mudah2 an bisa ketemu solusinya asap... :tired:
assalamualaikum mas,,maaf menganggu..saya sudah cuba patch dia mas tapi masih jugak black screen..hmmm..mngapa ya mas??
Wa'alaikum salam mas. Masih hitam juga mas? Biasanya berhasil kok di komputer saya yang VGA aslinya disabled dan juga banyak users lainnya. Sudah didownload dan diextract file yang dari saya upload mas? Maaf mas hanya memastikan tapi yang dicopy bukan hasil downloadnya kan mas tapi hanya file ehshell.exe yang ada didalamnya (diextract dengan Winzip/Winrar atau dengan another utility). Nah yang originalnya ehshell.exe overwrite mas dengan ehshell.exe yang baru. Selain itu coba ubah2 resolusi monitornya di display properties (click kanan desktop -> Display properties) maaf mas cuma memastikan.
Welcome 2 Wincert mate
mas dimana kamu?dapat tolong ngak?
Waduh maaf sabar mas, saya kan juga manusia biasa, kan kita juga perlu tidur dan juga harus kerja/kesibukan lain hehe kan tidak mungkin saya didepan komputer atau internet terus ya (yeah i love computer but otherwise actually i'm not a "geek" anyway).
OK mas maaf kayanya saya mungkin kurang spesifik menjawabnya diatas: sebagai persyaratan aplikasi multimedia dengan performance tinggi dari Microsoft maka Windows Media Center membutuhkan spesifikasi yang lebih tinggi dari Xp biasa: sekitar Minimum 512 MB RAM, 1,8/2 GHz Processor Pentium 4, dan DirectX9 VGA (GPU) card 128/256 Mb or higher. Jika VGA cardnya mas sudah support DX9, maka mas tinggal upgrade drivernya saja dengan yang paling baru. Misalnya VGA cardnya mas NVidia, maka tentukan tipenya dulu (E.g NVidia Geforce 8800), maka mas bisa download drivernya gratis di websitenya NVidia: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us . Hal yang sama juga dengan merk dan tipe lain misalnya ATI etc tinggal di-Google aja mas. Ini step yang paling recommended mas, karena average komputer zaman sekarang kan diasumsikan sudah sesuai/lebih tinggi dari spec diatas dan sudah support Vista/MCE/Windows 7 dan juga game/multimedia applications dengan performance tinggi. VGA cardnya onboard atau terpisah mas?
Tapi kalo misalnya VGA cardnya mas kurang memenuhi/belum support DX9, atau karena alasan lainnya, maka InsyaAllah mas lebih mudah bisa pakai hasil "patched" (aka hacked) ehshell.exe (main WMC executable file) sesuai yang sudah saya jelaskan di guidenya di thread ini mas. Tinggal download dan copy file ehshell.exe untuk overwrite originalnya di %windir%\ehome aka C:\Windows\ehome. Lalu coba buka lagi MCE nya, semoga tidak hitam lagi. InsyaAllah semoga berhasil Amin.
Download patched ehshell.exe: http://www.hr-host.com/wincert/Amirz/Patch...d_to_Xp_Pro.zip
Download dan copy itu ke C:\Windows\ehome untuk mengoverwrite originalnya. Oh jangan lupa buat backup aslinya (optional but recommended)
Untuk pembaca lain yang mungkin butuh sama hal tapi tidak mengerti Bahasa Melayu hehehe:
Download and copy it to C:\Windows\ehome to overwrite the original one. Don't forget to create the backup of it (optional but recommended).
Btw ini cara mempatch ehshell.exe nya mas (dikutip dari post pertama saya di thread ini): Oh sorry for my bad English hehehe OK mas cya
[b]10) Optional: "Optimizing MCE" in Old/Low End Machine (Preventing any error of it on Low End Machine).[/b]
Sometimes/maybe if you have Xp MCE 2005 installed on low end machine with onboard/low-end VGA or without good drivers installed, then Windows Media Center often gives any error message, black screen, etc when it's loading. It's caused Xp MCE 2005 natively requires higher specs hardwares than normal Xp and acceleration (as Xp MCE 2005 requirements) such as supported DX9 VGA card, good monitor resolution etc, some items that might not be available on old/low end machine (the same case with Vista Movie Maker on old hardware). However seems that we can fix that by this little hacking that i've found:
Oh one more this can be for any version/build of Windows Media Center:
- Decompile ehshell.exe by using the above way (ildasm.exe)
- After that, open ehshell.il file by using any text file editor/Notepad (again i recommend [url="http://www.ultraedit.com/"]UltraEdit[/url], it's awesome app for editing text and scripting)
Go to line 567908 (usually will be different address on another version/build) or only search for the second #StartupError.Title" string (without quotes-This is a load string function for error message) and find some routines like below:
[code]// Code size 161 (0xa1)
.maxstack 9
.locals (string V_0,
string V_1,
class ServiceBus.UIFramework.Dialog V_2,
class [EhCM]eHome.UI.Library.DialogMenuItem[] V_3)
IL_0000: call class ServiceBus.UIFramework.PageBasedUCPService ServiceBus.UIFramework.PageBasedUCPService::get_DefaultUCP()
IL_0005: pop
IL_0006: call class ServiceBus.UIFramework.StringTable ServiceBus.UIFramework.UCPService::get_StringTable()
IL_000b: ldstr "#StartupError.Title"
IL_0010: ldnull
IL_0011: callvirt instance string ServiceBus.UIFramework.StringTable::ProcessLocalisableString(string,
class ServiceBus.UIFramework.XmlControl)[/code]OK, look at this string above:
[code]IL_0000: call class ServiceBus.UIFramework.PageBasedUCPService ServiceBus.UIFramework.PageBasedUCPService::get_DefaultUCP()[/code]Change it all to:
[code]IL_0000: ret[/code]So the entire lines will become:
[code] // Code size 161 (0xa1)
.maxstack 9
.locals (string V_0,
string V_1,
class ServiceBus.UIFramework.Dialog V_2,
class [EhCM]eHome.UI.Library.DialogMenuItem[] V_3)
IL_0000: ret
IL_0005: pop
IL_0006: call class ServiceBus.UIFramework.StringTable ServiceBus.UIFramework.UCPService::get_StringTable()
IL_000b: ldstr "#StartupError.Title"
IL_0010: ldnull
IL_0011: callvirt instance string ServiceBus.UIFramework.StringTable::ProcessLocalisableString(string,
class ServiceBus.UIFramework.XmlControl)[/code]That's it. Save and compile it as usual.Next time while you're opening Media Center on old machine, you won't get any error anymore, and it will load quicker. (But you don't have to do this on a capable/new machine, it will be useless) .
Nice work thanks
are u from indonesia?im from malaysia...can i know y wmc not run in my xp pro?it just black screen..my windows xp pro sp3..net framework 3.5,wmp 11 n ie 8...saya harap awak dapat bantu saya secepat mungkin kerna aku memang sudah lama mencari software ini,,,trimas..
Yes i'm from Indonesia and welcome 2 Wincert Harumankasturi saudaraku serumpun Melayu :thumbsup_anim: Wa'alaikum salam nice 2 meet u here
Well, semoga saya bisa membantu awak. Kalau saya boleh bertanya, jenis apa yang awak pakai: WMC Installer dan/atau Xp to Xp MCE 2005 convertion pack? Juga spec komputernya (hardwares), dan bagian mana yang berwarna hitam/black screen? Maksud saya apakah keseluruhan jendela (window/User Interface) dari application nya hitam atau hanya sewaktu memainkan file2 tertentu (e.g dvr-ms, mov etc)? Jika keseluruhannya berwarna hitam, maka ini kemungkinan diakibatkan oleh VGA card/driver yang tidak mendukung MCE application, jadi awak dapat mengupgrade vga/drivernya (recommended), atau cukup memakai hasil patch dari ehshell.exe sesuai di guide sebelumnya (InsyaAllah dapat saya patch kan nanti setelah tahu jenisnya). Tapi kalo hanya sewaktu memainkan file2 tertentu maka mungkin awak dapat install codec nya saja (e.g KLite Codec Pack) atau mengupgrade beberapa dll tertentu di system32 folder.
OK saya tunggu replynya...
Edit: Maaf saya bru baca PM nya mas, uda dibalas pliz check PM box
I LOL'ed btw they should fight against Al-Qaeda hahaha
Oops i missed this post till today thanks
^^ Awesome job as always, thank you pri2sh
^ About $20/month here (ISP: Telkomnet Speedy, Jakarta-Indonesia)
Already tried it before not much impressive. 8% increase in performance.
Same here, anyhow i believe that it's still more secure and stable than SP1 though...
Welcome 2 Wincert :thumbsup_anim:
^^ Maybe he just wants the best protection as much as possible
OMG i'm sorry to hear that, really terrible i just remembered "tsunami" disaster (+earthquake too) that happened to my country several years ago (2004)
Lol "only for ten lucky guys" (Rapids**t). MediaFire or 4Shared links would be better anyway
Hahaha nice find
in Windows Customization
Posted · Edited by AMIRZ
You can't edit user.exe using Reshacker bcoz it's not PE 32 bit (common Windows binary file nowadays) but NE 16 bit format (that's why you got "not valid Win32 app" error message), you'll need NE res binary editor and maybe 16 icon res editor instead (which are kinda rare since Windows 3.x era with NE 16 bit app is over/obsolete)