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    Windows 7 x64

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  1. Hello, I will add my observations WTK _v1_1.7.0.1 from playing with WIN10 22h2 & All-In-On Integrator. Of course, I didn't check all combinations and options. I would not want to be misunderstood, just sharing my observations, absolutely nothing expected. So from the operation of the program: Drivers = OK Tweaks = OK Updates = OK Components Removal = OK v Lite - Accessories - Themes - Aero ticking will result in the installation not being possible, then there is a black screen when installing after a reset. Suggests mark in red for Windows 10. Services - BlackViper 'Tweaked' = OK. But Windows with Biometric::Disabled. Only when using password makes a message during installation somehow "OOBELOCALHELLO" or something like that. Just 'Skip' / 'Try again' and it goes on, when not using password is OK. I would suggest highlighting in yellow?. With best regards. Edit - all works for my now.
  2. Sad all project dead. even website deleted. But thanks for a bit of learning. should have last version somewhere. still see fresh ad on here. possible soon i take a "last" windows. (now most time i'm on Linux, just some easy one like mint). Again THANKS for new thinks what i learn. like run via NSudo ! - that take a bit of time before i learn.
  3. From mistake what i done....... use N-Sudo.. whoever you think, you need : all in Your windows: framework, mdt... dism..... Download fresh win-toolkit, fresh win update, a fresh ADD-ON + right language, (from https://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/11127-microsoft-net-framework-48-for-windows-7/ set output catalogue - integrate update from "general" "hot-fix" and "security" and "withoutESU " and ADD-ON and go. ALL work for my..... now RunOnce need framework to operate!!! You need use add-on! not sure you can do that specific add-on yourself because of D3DCompiler. (- is included in 4.8 nad no in 4.7) and right for You Language Packs.
  4. all work, windows install ok, until try install programs in new windows Error - 1629
  5. self answer: YOU NEED integrate add-on: exactly that one : translated from German: "For Windows 7, at least .NET Framework 4.7.2 should be installed. This also applies to the WinToolkitRunOnce. Microsoft .NET Framework for Windows 7 add-on from abbodi1406 should be integrated, otherwise it will not start."
  6. Self answer: YES, YOU NEED integrate add-on: exactly that one : https://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/11127-microsoft-net-framework-48-for-windows-7/
  7. (win7) Can someone explain? when it needed: when build image? (easy just update .NET) or when install? how to do it?
  8. I wanted to ask if there is any progress with version 1.8?
  9. Hi when 1.8 come?
  10. im dont know it help but: IE instaled OK. but NET F. not.
  11. Win7 pro BlackViper preset not work, after click nothing is marked.
  12. is no folder called DRIVERS on DVD...?
  13. win7 blue screen when install system after driver integration - ahcix64s.sys all downloaded via wintoolkit
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