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Everything posted by Jonnyboy

  1. @grojan Thanks for the heads up, problem should be fixed version 0.511 posted Changelog -fixed issue with path for modules
  2. this wasn't directed at you and I do not know why it is not working for you. But, I will look at it.
  3. version 0.51 posted Changelog -fixed issue with firefox not being set as default -added option to name the profile to create -added option to name the folder location where your profile is stored -added option to change background image, color and font colors -added splash screen -added progress marker in title bar -added options to copy the modules folder in Firefox 3.0.*
  4. The firefox window opening during setup is a bug and has been corrected. I am testing it now. Where else are you creating a shortcut? I could add that as an option, also.
  5. Why do you need to edit it? Does it not install to the location that you desire?
  6. send me the logs It is failing during a copy operation. I need the logs to see which one it failed at. Thanks
  7. I am working on installing your profile, in any folder. After that, I will get the progress indicator. And thanks
  8. I will not change from 24 to 16422. There are many people that prefer to install to somewhere other than %ProgramFiles%. That would not be possible if I use 16422. Also, I do not want to parse your install folder to determine if it is in %ProgramFiles% or not. One more thing, 16422 is the wrong "correct" folder in 64-bit systems. Global extensions installs your extensions in Firefox\extensions folder, not in your profile\extensions folder. Global makes them accessible for every profile(shared), not just yours. The extensions data is saved in your profile, that is not shared between profiles. You do not point the script to the extensions folder, it will find them. You point to the profile you want to use. The script does not care if you, currently, are using "Global" extensions or not. It will gather all extensions from both locations and placed them in the appropriate place for the installer.
  9. That error is usually caused by rerunning the script a second time. I thought that I had it fixed. For now, press F5 before running a second time. Or, close the program and re-open. The next update will close the program. Thanks
  10. version 0.501 posted Changelog v0.501 - 11-09-08 -fixed issue with localization -fixed downloading only en-US -fixed issue with global extensions
  11. please post the log files This may not work for you if you are using an OS other than English. I am working on localization. But, will take some time. ***EDIT*** I have found a solution. As soon as tested, I will post.
  12. With some help, I could translate this into other languages. If you would like it translated, PM me. Also, I have found a way to install the profile into any folder and using any name. I will be adding this and more to the next version. If you would like me to add something, let me know.
  13. version 0.50 has been posted Please report any bugs that you may find.
  14. Sorry, I missed your your reply. As soon as I complete my Firefox Addon Maker update. I will update this tool.
  15. I finished the update. It needs some testing and it should be fully tested by tomorrow. If you would like to assist me in testing, PM me and I will send you the link.
  16. I have just glanced at the logs and 2 things could be wrong. The most likely is that Mozilla has added a few reg entries with 3.0.3 and I have not yet finished my update that will incorporate any changes from that. The other possibility is the path chosen to install into. I will look into both as I complete the update.
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