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Posts posted by Jonnyboy

  1. Sorry but always the same problem... No "firefox.hta" in the executable. :crying_anim02:

    Are you sure to have fixed the link ?

    Cya ^^

    EDIT : Sorry, problem solved ! In fact, if i download with Firefox, no "firefox.hta" in archive... but with Internet Explorer it's ok ! (??? Bug with Vista x64 ???)

    EDIT 2 : Wonderfull, works perfectly ! Thanks Thanks Thanks !

    P E R F E C T D U D E :)

    Ok, so what was the problem?

  2. version 0.51 posted


    -fixed issue with firefox not being set as default

    -added option to name the profile to create

    -added option to name the folder location where your profile is stored

    -added option to change background image, color and font colors

    -added splash screen

    -added progress marker in title bar

    -added options to copy the modules folder in Firefox 3.0.*

  3. no, I'll leave that part as is... I just add shortcut in one other place...

    EDIT: P.S. I also noticed during windows setup that it tried to open firefox and was directed to www.filebox.com/[installation_folder_path] that may not have been the exact site or whatever but it was something similar, so I also added a postsetupcommand to kill firefox.exe, and that took care of the browser window opening... I don't know if that was just some weird fluke that only happened that one time... but since adding the post setup cmd to kill firefox.exe I haven't seen the window open...

    The firefox window opening during setup is a bug and has been corrected. I am testing it now.

    Where else are you creating a shortcut? I could add that as an option, also.

  4. ahh, well you know things I do not... I am fine with editing the inf for myself once addon has been built... I wouldn't have even asked if I had known...

    thanks for the clarification on the extensions folders... I gotcha loud and clear on that one now!

    thanks again for a superior addon!!!

    Why do you need to edit it? Does it not install to the location that you desire?

  5. sorry tried it over 5 times here, same story. tried also to check/uncheck global.. all in vain

    I may have to wait for another fix( 500 version works nevertheless)

    send me the logs

    It is failing during a copy operation. I need the logs to see which one it failed at.


  6. Dude! Duuude! Respect! This works awesome! Now, if you could just add some sort of progress indicator during the addon making process...

    Thanks! You kick ass.

    I am working on installing your profile, in any folder. After that, I will get the progress indicator.

    And thanks

  7. testing now to see if it fixes my issues with registry entries...

    also maybe a suggestion... not sure if it's easy to take care of or not... but I would prefer if this used 16422 instead of 24 and you just specify the subdir of programfiles for it to install to. I am also a little confused about global/user extensions... I guess I don't know as much about firefox as I thought... I only use my admin account, so which extensions folder should I point the builder to?

    I will not change from 24 to 16422. There are many people that prefer to install to somewhere other than %ProgramFiles%. That would not be possible if I use 16422. Also, I do not want to parse your install folder to determine if it is in %ProgramFiles% or not.

    One more thing, 16422 is the wrong "correct" folder in 64-bit systems.

    Global extensions installs your extensions in Firefox\extensions folder, not in your profile\extensions folder. Global makes them accessible for every profile(shared), not just yours. The extensions data is saved in your profile, that is not shared between profiles.

    You do not point the script to the extensions folder, it will find them. You point to the profile you want to use. The script does not care if you, currently, are using "Global" extensions or not. It will gather all extensions from both locations and placed them in the appropriate place for the installer.

  8. just tired this version, and getting error as shown here


    That error is usually caused by rerunning the script a second time. I thought that I had it fixed. For now, press F5 before running a second time. Or, close the program and re-open. The next update will close the program.


  9. New version looks really good and that's all. It doesn't work for me. It's picked up files - ff setup and ff build - and created bin folder. I have announcement all is done and I have any file, silent or addon. It must be a bug somewhere.

    please post the log files

    This may not work for you if you are using an OS other than English. I am working on localization. But, will take some time.


    I have found a solution. As soon as tested, I will post.

  10. new version looks really good.

    i've a suggestion about something. maybe you could include a note about "With some help, I could translate this into other languages." on the front page? you might get more people to notice if its located on your first post :)

    Good suggestion. I will do that.


  11. With some help, I could translate this into other languages.

    If you would like it translated, PM me.

    Also, I have found a way to install the profile into any folder and using any name. I will be adding this and more to the next version.

    If you would like me to add something, let me know.

  12. yup, sorry forgot about those... doh!

    I have just glanced at the logs and 2 things could be wrong. The most likely is that Mozilla has added a few reg entries with 3.0.3 and I have not yet finished my update that will incorporate any changes from that. The other possibility is the path chosen to install into. I will look into both as I complete the update.

  13. having some trouble... after making addon and testing it... after it installs everything loads fine but...

    1. it asks to be default (I had already selected this option)

    2. when closing firefox with multiple tabs open and then reopening it again asks to be default browser and also doesn't remember the tabs that were previously opened (this option is set in the settings though)

    any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!

    if I run the firefox installer after installing the inf addon, it fixes both these problems...

    Send me the logs and I will look into it.


  14. is this tool write the full INF file

    or merg the four file in one inf

    This tool just creates the necessary sections to add to your inf file. It will also create the cab file for those files.

    I am working on an update for my Firefox Addon Maker that uses an hta as the gui. As soon as completed with it, I will start on this and add some features. To include creating the inf for you.

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