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niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 last won the day on June 4 2024

niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 had the most liked content!


About niTe_RiDeR_Pr0

  • Birthday June 23

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  • Interests
    RePacking, WinToolkiting, coding, software, programs :)
  • OS
    Windows 10 x86
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  1. VidCoder v2.51 - Dual x86/x64 - 2-in-1 Compressed RePack About RePack (info): Multilanguage Installer. Installs 32/64bit version according to system architecture automatically. VidCoder requires .NET Framework 4.0. This RePack checks if .NET Framework 4.0 is installed in the system, and if it is not found, then it prompts the user to download and install automatically (within the installer). Compressed installer size from 24MB (size of 32+64bit installer) to 17MB. Optional Command-Line Switches: Download: http://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BxE7TpGda882NGVGVkhqRm84MTg File Name: VidCoder_2.51_x86-x64_RePack.exe File Name: 17.9 MB MD5 Hash: 50D3F051BC2B7CA1E1C53448F523E02C Alternative Download Link: https://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/files/file/51-vidcoder-v251-repack-x86x64/ Tested on my old Windows 7 laptop without .NET Framework 4.0 installed:
  2. IrfanView v4.4.4 - x86/x64 + Plugins + Toolbars + Languages - 5-in-1 RePack About RePack (info): Multilanguage installer. Installer contains: IrfanView-x86 files, IrfanView-x64 files, all plugins, all languages & 21 toolbar skins. Added IrfanPaint 3rd party plugin and Shell Extensions Installer installs x86/x64 version according to your Windows architecture. Optional Command-Line Switches: Download: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BxE7TpGda882SmNOaTRpMS0xbHM File Name: IrfanView_4.4.4.Dual_RePack.exe File Name: 30.2 MB MD5 Hash: B6D1ACB40002CCB6ACF5D115A92D14EC Alternative Download Link: https://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/files/file/50-irfanview-v444-repack-x86x64pluginstoolbarslanguages-5-in-1/
  3. So many dead topics in this forums nowadays.... Feels like visiting a ghostly forum.... Back in 2013 this forum was so flourishing & active.... Well, nowadays people's (even mine) schedule is so tightly packed... Wish those good ol' days were back in this world... Oh god!
  4. Links are Forbidden (403) Please fix this
  5. Updated Now beta version also available, containing latest beta versions of the runtimes Cheers & Regards
  6. Found out what the issue was, & fixed it. Sorry for the delay, was busy with studies. Here's the link: https://mega.nz/#!RlhR2LCJ!jzY-3YLfm3zrfgJfocqyTvBzNe-Gk1kKcQvQYBxa6kA I am not able to edit the topic due to site issues. Cheers & Regards
  7. ACDSee v19.2.0.486 - Dual x86+x64 2-in-1 Compressed RePack [Seperate x64 & x86 also available] - made by niT€_RiDeR_Pr0 About RePack: 30-day trial version. Removed useless plugins like Facebook, Flickr, Smugmug & Zenfolio plugin, disabled random website launch after installation/uninstallation, improved/enhanced the compression (LZMA2) & decreased the file size a lot. [Total size of x86 & x64 official installers combined would be 196 MB, but it has been reduced to a mere 126 MB, thereby reducing file size by 70 MB]. Optional Command Line Switches: DOWNLOADS: Dual x86+x64 2-in-1 Installer: Download: https://mega.nz/#!o5QEHAYJ!lDR_Ik6g_-syTpi2kIKqyBV8uRMRGdVPzOQdwhsRjJE File Name: ACDSee_19.2.0.486.Dual_RePack.exe File Size: 126.0 MB File Hashes: http://pastebin.com/qZnZ2bj7 x86-only Installer: Download: https://mega.nz/#!UoIjVKqI!1kxw_ciDCXGvYVJbgxwSplt8YQxDGdSkpmDjd3cpzPU File Name: ACDSee_19.2.0.486.x86_RePack.exe File Size: 59.1 MB File Hashes: http://pastebin.com/KjaUh950 x64-only Installer: Download: https://mega.nz/#!AlQynbLI!JjWkf4AtL-8UrJJbY8K8G_6lmipQdbLF3yNgm6sN1Xw File Name: ACDSee_19.2.0.486.x64_RePack.exe File Size: 67.6 MB File Hashes: http://pastebin.com/jQ6GLwHa Cheers & Regards...
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