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Posts posted by X-Force

  1. On 21.12.2016 at 11:15 PM, Legolash2o said:

    xForce: on the 16th October post it seems like you was trying to integrate 32bit updates into an x64 OS.

    Only My OS x64;

    Working image x86 + x86 update OR Working image x64 + x64 update

    Latest version have same error: Invalid architecture: 'D:\Hotfix32\windows6.1-kb3020369-x86.msu'


    some people have too;



  2. Hi Legolas2o,

    Wintoolkit not have this problem.

    There is a problem in all versions of the following after the version, latest test version too.

    OS : Win7 x64 - Working image x86 pro sp1


  3. Classic-Installation:
    KB3188740 - October 2016 Windows 7 SP1 NET Framework 3.5.1 Security and Quality Package
    KB3185330 - October 2016 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7

    KB3188740 replace KB3142042
    KB3185330 replace KB3185278 - KB3076949 - KB3124280 - KB3145739 - KB3175024 - KB3178034 - KB3109094

    Not tested fresh install

    Thank you @Thiersee

  4. https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/windowsitpro/2016/08/15/further-simplifying-servicing-model-for-windows-7-and-windows-8-1/



    Monthly Rollup

    From October 2016 onwards, Windows will release a single Monthly Rollup that addresses both security issues and reliability issues in a single update. The Monthly Rollup will be published to Windows Update (WU), WSUS, SCCM, and the Microsoft Update Catalog. Each month’s rollup will supersede the previous month’s rollup, so there will always be only one update required for your Windows PCs to get current. i.e. a Monthly Rollup in October 2016 will include all updates for October, while November 2016 will include October and November updates, and so on. Devices that have this rollup installed from Windows Update or WSUS will utilize express packages, keeping the monthly download size small.

    Over time, Windows will also proactively add patches to the Monthly Rollup that have been released in the past. Our goal is eventually to include all of the patches we have shipped in the past since the last baseline, so that the Monthly Rollup becomes fully cumulative and you need only to install the latest single rollup to be up to date. We encourage you to move to the Monthly Rollup model to improve reliability and quality of updating all versions of Windows.

    We are planning to add these previously shipped patches over the next year and will document each addition so IT admins know which KBs have been included each month.





    The .NET Framework Monthly Rollup is a single install that updates each supported .NET Framework version on a machine to its latest respective update level. Each Monthly Rollup supersedes the last one, so you if you’ve missed the last few months of updates, you only need to install the latest rollup to update to the latest update level. The Monthly rollup will not install a new version of the .NET Framework, only security and reliability updates.

    Imagine that you have the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and the .NET Framework 4.5.2 installed on your machine. After installing the .NET Framework Monthly Rollup, both of these .NET Framework versions will be updated to their latest update levels and you will still have the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and the .NET Framework 4.5.2 installed, as opposed to higher versions. Upgrading to a higher version such as .NET Framework 4.6.2 is a separate step that is not accomplished with the monthly rollup.



  5. I make 3 test last 24 hours. Result = Hara Kiri :o

    WU Ask old Dotnet 3.5.1 Update KB2446710 - KB2478662. Install 2 updates WU says up to date. After deepclean that update uninstalled and WU show again.

    That update was superseded a long time ago. KB2972100 or KB2604115 replace this old update. Try to install show this message. "The update is not applicable to your computer"


  6. Win7 Pro X86 Test result (not roll-up)

    KB3162835        replace  KB3153731 (Timezone update)
    KB3161561        replace  KB3156417 & deepclean KB2536275
    KB3161664        replace  KB3153199
    KB3161949        deepclean KB2888049
    KB3164033        replace KB3140735
    KB3164035        replace KB3156013

    KB3160005        replace    KB3154070

    Windows 10 Spyware Updates
    KB2952664   /
    08.06.2016 v18

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