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Jan Krohn

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Posts posted by Jan Krohn

  1. I'll add them to the "Windows 10 Insider" dropdown for now, whenever new previews become available for public download.

    The Win 11 SDK is already there (first line in the "Win 10 Developer" dropdown).

    But with all the news that MS has announced in the past weeks, more changes need to be done to the downloader. Keep your eyes open for a big announcement.

  2. 1 hour ago, Helson Ferreira said:

    Good afternoon, I'm trying to download ISO Windows 7 Professional COEM Pt-BR but it's offline, when will it be available?

    It's determined by a first-come first-served process. Keep trying.

    There are some other PT-BR editions currenly available. You might want to grab one of those before they disappear, just in case Win 7 Pro COEM won't have a turn this month.

  3. On 5/1/2021 at 2:37 AM, DragonAssassin said:

    @Jan KrohnHey Jan. I tried to download Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 but there is no language choice other than Arabic? How can i reach other language versions? Thanks.

    The other languages apprear slowly, and become available one after the other. Sorry it has to be this way. If I pass all download requests to MS instantly, then my IP address would be blocked for many months.

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