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No Win10 / English download links working :(


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What? I have no idea what you are talking about. If you are using the Microsoft website (and Chrome), go to toggle device toolbar (Ctrl+Shift+M) then refresh the page. You should be able to see a drop-down and you can proceed from there.

If you are using the Windows ISO Downloader and it is not working for you, you can go to the Windows 8.1 download page and hack it. I've decompiled the latest version of the ISO Downloader and here is something useful to you:

<optgroup label="Windows 10 May 2019 Update - May 2019">
    <option value="1214">Windows 10 Home/Pro </option>
    <option value="1216">Windows 10 Education </option>
    <option value="1217" class="expert">Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows 10 </option>
    <option value="1215" class="expert">Windows 10 Home China </option>

Links for the next 24 hours.

32-bit: https://software-download.microsoft.com/sg/Win10_English_x32.iso?t=eb0fa704-d740-44c8-acf9-7318f025ad04&e=1569811638&h=5a5924a5a7206407d22cb830544eccfd

64-bit: https://software-download.microsoft.com/sg/Win10_English_x64.iso?t=eb0fa704-d740-44c8-acf9-7318f025ad04&e=1569811638&h=1cc97db389c5b81981fb0dfca968624a

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Thanks for the reply SnowBall.

I'm using the HeiDoc.net Windows ISO Downloader v8.21.0.128
When choosing Win10 anything / English,  it displays the 64-bit download link:


The attached picture is what I get whenever I click it.  Same if I paste it into the browser.

I'm not sure without further instuction how to 'go to the win8 download page' or use your info above to hack it, but most helpful was the link you provided.  Thankyou.


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On 9/29/2019 at 3:21 AM, BrAdAS said:

Thanks for the reply SnowBall.

I'm using the HeiDoc.net Windows ISO Downloader v8.21.0.128
When choosing Win10 anything / English,  it displays the 64-bit download link:





the problem is on Microsoft's end and not with the Windows ISO Downloader tool as they have not yet posted the actual 1903 V2 ISO downloads.

Edit 10/2: so wait until Thursday morning (Oct. 3) or next Tuesday (Oct. 8 ) and try again by any one of those future dates :)

even the Techbench by WZT (tb rg adguard) site is also currently having non-working 1903 V2 ISO links

Edit 10/3 - try downloading the 1903 V2 ISOs now as of Thursday Oct. 3, 12:45pm pacific local time - they are up now 😀

Edited by erpster9
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