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windows 7 premium to Pro from the original disk


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hey all,


wandered the net and landed here.

I have a PC with win7 family premium OEM and the original install disk (that i had purchased separately and installed myself). It's in French.

Recently I made some upgrades on the pc, and ended up installing 32 Gb memory. But of course family only uses 16. So I had in mind to move to Pro, purchase a license for OEM from one of those shady vendors that offer them for a few coins, and install from an ISO rather than download from a chinese server an unchecked copy.

Reading the ISO downloader pages, I seem to understand that my disk already contains all needed files for this, and I should only use EICFG to remove the EI file from an ISO made out of my old disk.

This would be advantageous, since I can't find any other french ISO around, and the english download from ISO Downloader is the one from 2018 with all telemetry installed (which I patiently avoided when setting up this PC last time).

So the question is, can I do this? Create a ISO from my disk, clean it with EICFG and CVVERSION and install a fresh PRO copy from my family premium disk, with the right license? Or is it limited only to some image files?

Big thanks to anyone who can shed some light.

(and because several people feel compelled to offer W10 alternative ideas, please refrain in advance :D )




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Hi and welcome


We have a French section here at Wincert.


Yes, you can make an "universal" image by removing ei.cfg, it will then propose you the choice of the edition at the installation.


Here you can download French version of Windows 7: https://www.malekal.com/telecharger-iso-de-windows-7/#Windows_7_Edition_Integrale_x64


Then, you can use Simplix to update it with the latest KB: https://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/13434-simplix-update-pack-pour-windows-7-server-2008r2/


But be warned that Windows 7 is old now, you should move to Windows 10. The upgrade should be free from Windows 7.






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