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Mozilla Firefox 126.0 AIO Silent Arabic/English/French

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oday, Mozilla published the final build of Firefox 125 as the latest stable release for their popular open-source and cross-platform web browser that introduces new features and many improvements.

Highlights of Firefox 125 include a new URL Paste Suggestion feature that allows users to quickly access URLs copied to the system clipboard without the extra step of pasting them onto the address bar. Firefox will automatically detect that a URL is copied on the clipboard and offer to open it when focusing on the address bar.

This is a welcome productivity enhancement in Firefox, which should shorten the time spent copying and pasting URLs into the address bar. Here’s the URL Paste Suggestion feature in action!


Mozilla Firefox 126 also brings support for highlighting in PDF documents, AV1 codec support for Encrypted Media Extensions (EME), a new option to let users enable Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) while configuring Firefox to use the system proxy, and expanded download protection to proactively block downloads from URLs that may not be trustworthy.


For users of tab-specific Container add-ons, Firefox 125 lets you search in the address bar for tabs that are open in different containers. For users in the US and Canada, this release will prompt you to save your addresses when submitting an address form so you can more easily complete forms in the future.

Firefox 125 also improves keyboard navigation of the Firefox settings by allowing users to reach the first option in a group of radio buttons where no option is selected with the Tab key rather than reaching every option, as well as to navigate between options with the arrow keys when there’s a selected option.

For Android users, Firefox 126 no longer includes the variant and extension of BCP47 in the Accept-Language header of HTTP requests, which translates to better interoperability with other web browsers.

For web developers, Firefox 126 enables WebAssembly multi-memory by default for more efficient interoperation between wasm modules and better polyfills for upcoming wasm standards like the component model, adds support for Unicode text segmentation to JavaScript, and adds support for the content-box and stroke-box keywords of the transform-box CSS property.


Moreover, it updates the align-content property to work in a block layout to allow block direction alignment without using a flex or grid container, removes the SVGAElement.text method in favor of the more widely-implemented SVGAElement.textContent method, and improves support for the popover global attribute.

It also adds support for contextlost and contextrestored events on HTMLCanvasElement and OffscreenCanvas to allow user code to recover from context loss with hardware-accelerated 2Dcanvas, as well as support for the navigator.clipboard.readText() web API that prompts users with a paste context menu to confirm when attempting to read clipboard data not provided by the same-origin page.

Mozilla will officially announce the Firefox 125 release tomorrow, April 16th, 2024. Until then, you can download the official DEB package for Ubuntu/Debian distros or the tarball binary for other GNU/Linux systems, as well as binaries for macOS and Windows systems from Mozilla’s download server.

Update 2: Firefox 125 is once again available for download and it’s rolling out now to all supported platforms as Firefox 125.0.1.

Update 16/04/2024: Mozilla delayed the release of Firefox 125 and pulled the final build from download. Mozilla says that this is due to the late discovery of a blocker bug. Firefox 125 will be re-released as Firefox 125.0.1 with a fix soon.


Firefox 126 changes also include:

  • The Copy Without Site Tracking option can now remove parameters from nested URLs. It also includes expanded support for blocking over 300 tracking parameters from copied links, including those from major shopping websites. Keep those trackers away when sharing links!

    screenshot of the context menu when right clicking a URL and demonstrating the Copy Without Site Tracking option

  • Firefox now supports Content-encoding: zstd (zstandard compression). This is an alternative to broti and gzip compression for web content, and can provide higher compression levels for the same CPU used, or conversely lower server CPU use to get the same compression. This is heavily used on sites such as Facebook.

  • Catalan is now available in Firefox Translations.

  • Enabled AV1 hardware decode acceleration on macOS for M3 Macs.

  • Telemetry was added to create an aggregate count of searches by category to broadly inform search feature development. These categories are based on 20 high-level content types, such as "sports,” "business," and "travel". This data will not be associated with specific users and will be collected using OHTTP to remove IP addresses as potentially identifying metadata. No profiling will be performed, and no data will be shared with third parties. (read more)



Mozilla Firefox 115.0.3 (Last version support Windows 7)

Edited by 大†Shinegumi†大
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  • 大†Shinegumi†大 changed the title to Mozilla Firefox 124.0.1 AIO Silent Arabic/English/French
  • 大†Shinegumi†大 changed the title to Mozilla Firefox 124.0.2 AIO Silent Arabic/English/French
  • 大†Shinegumi†大 changed the title to Mozilla Firefox 125.0.1 AIO Silent Arabic/English/French
  • 大†Shinegumi†大 changed the title to Mozilla Firefox 125.0.3 AIO Silent Arabic/English/French

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