Legolash2o Posted July 27, 2009 Share Posted July 27, 2009 Hey im having trouble splitting a wim image and keep getting "the parameter is incorrect", heres what i have..Public Const WIM_COMPRESS_NONE As Byte = 0 Public Const WIM_COMPRESS_XPRESS As Byte = 1 Public Const WIM_COMPRESS_LZX As Byte = 2 Public Const WIM_GENERIC_READ As Long = &H80000000 Public Const WIM_GENERIC_WRITE As Long = &H40000000 Public Const WIM_Create_NEW As Byte = &H1 Public Const WIM_Create_ALWAYS As Byte = &H2 Public Const WIM_OPEN_EXISTING As Byte = &H3 Public Const WIM_OPEN_ALWAYS As Byte = &H4 Public Const WIM_CreateD_NEW As Byte = 0 Public Const WIM_OPENED_EXISTING As Byte = 1 Public Const WIM_FLAG_RESERVED As Byte = &H1 Public Const WIM_FLAG_VERIFY As Byte = &H2 Public Const WIM_FLAG_INDEX As Byte = &H4 Public Const WIM_FLAG_NO_APPLY As Byte = &H8 Public Const WIM_FLAG_NO_DIRACL As Byte = &H10 Public Const WIM_FLAG_NO_FILEACL As Byte = &H20 Public Const WIM_FLAG_SHARE_WRITE As Byte = &H40 Public Const WIM_FLAG_FILEINFO As Byte = &H80 Public Const WIM_FLAG_NO_RP_FIX As Integer = &H100 Public Const WIM_REFERENCE_APPEND As Long = &H10000 Public Const WIM_REFERENCE_REPLACE As Long = &H20000 Public Const WIM_EXPORT_ALLOW_DUPLICATES As Byte = &H1 Public Const WIM_EXPORT_ONLY_RESOURCES As Byte = &H2 Public Const WIM_EXPORT_ONLY_METADATA As Byte = &H4 Public Const INVALID_CALLBACK_VALUE As Long = &HFFFFFFFF Public Const WIM_COPY_FILE_RETRY As Long = &H1000000 Public Const WIM_MSG_SUCCESS As Byte = 0& Public Const WIM_MSG_DONE As Long = &HFFFFFFF0 Public Const WIM_MSG_SKIP_ERROR As Long = &HFFFFFFFE Public Const WIM_MSG_ABORT_IMAGE As Long = &HFFFFFFFF Public Const WIM_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL As Byte = &H0 Public Const WIM_ATTRIBUTE_RESOURCE_ONLY As Byte = &H1 Public Const WIM_ATTRIBUTE_METADATA_ONLY As Byte = &H2 Public Const WIM_ATTRIBUTE_VERIFY_DATA As Byte = &H4 Public Const WIM_ATTRIBUTE_RP_FIX As Byte = &H8 Public Const WIM_ATTRIBUTE_SPANNED As Byte = &H10 Public Const WIM_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY As Byte = &H20Private Declare Auto Function WIMCreateFile Lib "wimgapi.dll" (<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> ByVal WIMPath As String, ByVal AccessType As Integer, ByVal Creation As UInt32, ByVal Flags As UInt32, ByVal Compression As UInt32, ByRef CreationResult As Integer) As IntPtr Private Declare Auto Function WIMGetImageInformation Lib "wimgapi.dll" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByRef ImageInfo As IntPtr, ByRef ImageInfoSize As IntPtr) As Boolean Private Declare Auto Function WIMDeleteImage Lib "wimgapi.dll" (ByVal hWim As IntPtr, ByVal dwApplyFlags As Integer) As Boolean Private Declare Auto Function WIMSetImageInformation Lib "WIMGAPI.DLL" (ByVal hImage As IntPtr, ByVal lpvImageInfo As Long, ByVal cbImageInfo As Integer) As Boolean Private Declare Auto Function WIMMountImage Lib "wimgapi.dll" (ByVal eMountPath As String, ByVal eWimFile As String, ByVal eIndex As Integer, Optional ByVal eTempPath As String = "C:\Windows\Temp") As Boolean Private Declare Auto Function WIMCloseHandle Lib "wimgapi.dll" (ByVal Handle As IntPtr) As Boolean Private Declare Auto Function WIMSetTemporaryPath Lib "wimgapi.dll" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> ByVal TemporaryPath As String) As Boolean Private Declare Auto Function WIMExportImage Lib "wimgapi.dll" (ByVal hImage As IntPtr, ByVal hWim As IntPtr, ByVal dwApplyFlags As Integer) As Boolean Private Declare Auto Function WIMLoadImage Lib "wimgapi.dll" (ByVal hwim As IntPtr, ByVal dwImageIndex As Integer) As IntPtr Private Declare Auto Function WIMUnmountImage Lib "wimgapi.dll" (ByVal MountPath As String, ByVal WimFile As String, ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal CommitChanges As Boolean) As Boolean Private Declare Auto Function WIMSplitFile Lib "wimgapi.dll" (ByVal hwim As IntPtr, ByVal lpszPartPath As String, ByRef pliPartSize As Integer, ByVal dwFlags As Integer) As BooleanDim sWimSplit As IntPtr = WIMCreateFile("D:\install.wim", WIM_GENERIC_READ, WIM_OPEN_EXISTING, WIM_FLAG_VERIFY, 0, 0)If WIMSplitFile(sWimSplit, "C:\install.swm", 734003200, 0) = False Then GetLastDLLError()WIMCloseHandle(sWimSplit)734 003 200 = 700MB in bytes Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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