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Append to %PATH%


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Once again I'm stuck on an inf problem. Does anyone know of a way to append to the %PATH% using an INF installer?

I know that the path is stored in the registry at:

HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment","Path"

And I know it would be easy to replace the path. The question is can I append to the existing path in the registry?

And, then, to really complicate matters... Would there be a way to uninstall the appended path portion ONLY on an uninstall? I'm probably asking for too much, now. :albert:

Edited by Uncle_Gadget
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Ive struggled with this too, I can get append (0x10008) to add but never could figure out the uninstall

Thanks. Even this helps. I'll probably write a simple AutoIt executable and execute it during RunPostSetupCommands=

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I was doing a bit more research and found the Registry Data Types below. Is there a difference between NOCLOBBER and APPEND?

; REG_MULTI_SZ_APPEND = 0x0001000A

I know it doesn't help me with a REG_EXPAND_SZ, but wouldn't the line below work as an uninstall data type for REG_MULTI_SZ?

; REG_MULTI_SZ_DELVAL = 0x00010006

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If anyone's interested, I wrote a fairly sophisticated AutoIt script to add/remove to/from %PATH% using the registry.

If you run it silently, it will generate an ERRORLEVEL if it encounters any errors while executing. Feel free to use or modify as needed.

#region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Append or Remove elements from %PATH%
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=ProductName|PATH Appender-Remover
#endregion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoIt Version:
Author: Uncle Gadget
Script Function:
This script will appends or remove elements from the %PATH% Environment
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Local $Silent, $NewRegPath

Global $CommandError = "Uninstall.exe <a/r/as/rs> <path to append/remove>" & @LF & @LF & _
" a = Append to existing %PATH%" & @LF & _
" r = Remove from existing %PATH%" & @LF & @LF & _
" as = Append (silently) to existing %PATH%" & @LF & _
" rs = Remove (silently) from existing %PATH%"

If $CmdLine[0] <> 2 Then; not enough Command Line parameters were entered
MsgBox(262160, "Command Line Error (1)", "Uninstall.exe expects parameters to be as follows:" & @LF & @LF & _
Exit 1

Global $Path = StringStripWS($CmdLine[2], 3) ; Strip all White Space from Begin and End of Command Line (2)

Global $Command = StringLower(StringStripWS($CmdLine[1], 3))

Local $RegPath = RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment", "Path")

Switch $Command
Case "as" ; (a)ppend / (s)ilent
$Silent = 1 ; Turns on the Silent (No Output) Flag to eliminate any user output
ContinueCase ; Continue on to Append below

Case "a" ; (a)ppend
Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 1) ; Turns ON Expanded Environment Strings
If Not FileExists($Path) Then ; the requested Path to Append/Remove does not exist - ERROR
If Not $Silent Then ; we'll let User know about error if 's'ilent was NOT specified
MsgBox(262160, "Path Does Not Exist (2)", "The Path to append (below) does not currently exist." & @LF & @LF & _
$Path & @LF & @LF & _
"Verify that Path exists prior to execution.")
Exit 1

$LowerPath = StringLower($Path)
$LowerRegPath = StringLower($RegPath)
$ExpPathLen = StringLen(";" & $Path)
Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 0) ; Turns OFF Expanded Environment Strings

If $LowerPath & ";" = StringLeft($LowerRegPath, $ExpPathLen) Or StringInStr($LowerRegPath, ";" & $LowerPath & ";") Or ";" & $LowerPath = StringRight($LowerRegPath, $ExpPathLen) Then ; the path to remove is currently somewhere in %PATH%
If Not $Silent Then ; we'll let User know that Path to Append currently exists in %PATH%
MsgBox(262208, "Path Currently Exists (3)", "The Path to append (below) is currently specified in %PATH%." & @LF & @LF & _
$Path & @LF & @LF & _
"No changes will be made to the %PATH%.")
Exit 0 ; Although no changes were necessary we'll exit with no error since our mission WAS accomplished

$AppendWrite = RegWrite("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment", "Path", "REG_EXPAND_SZ", $RegPath & ";" & $Path)
If Not $AppendWrite Then ; some sort of error occurred while writing
If Not $Silent Then ; we'll let User know about error if 's'ilent was NOT specified
MsgBox(262160, "Registry Write Error (4)", "Unable to write appended %PATH% to the registry." & @LF & @LF & _
"Error Code Returned was: " & @error & @LF & @LF & _
"Review command line options before trying again.")
Exit 1

If Not $Silent Then ; we'll let the User know that all changes have been made as requested.
MsgBox(262208, "Path Successfully Appended", "The path (below) was successfully appended to %PATH%." & @LF & @LF & _


Exit 0

Case "rs" ; ®emove / (s)ilent
$Silent = 1 ; Turns on the Silent (No Output) Flag to eliminate any user output
ContinueCase ; Continue on to Remove below

Case "r" ; ®emove
$PathLen = StringLen(";" & $Path)

If $Path & ";" = StringLeft($RegPath, $PathLen) Then ; the path to remove is at the BEGINNING of %PATH%
$NewRegPath = StringTrimLeft($RegPath, $PathLen) ; and we'll create the new %PATH% String by Trimming of the beginning of %PATH%

ElseIf StringInStr($RegPath, ";" & $Path & ";") Then ; the path to remove is in the MIDDLE of %PATH%
$NewRegPath = StringReplace($RegPath, ";" & $Path & ";", ";") ; and we'll create the new %PATH% String

ElseIf ";" & $Path = StringRight($RegPath, $PathLen) Then ; the path to remove is at END of %PATH%
$NewRegPath = StringTrimRight($RegPath, $PathLen) ; and we'll create the new %PATH% String by trimming off the end of %PATH%

Else ; the path to remove is NOT in current %PATH% and we can't make any changes
If Not $Silent Then ; we'll let User know about error if 's'ilent was NOT specified
MsgBox(262160, "Path Removal Error(5)", "The Path specified for removal (below) does not exist in current %PATH%." & @LF & @LF & _
$Path & @LF & @LF & _
"Review command line options before trying again.")
Exit 1

$RemoveWrite = RegWrite("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment", "Path", "REG_EXPAND_SZ", $NewRegPath)

If Not $RemoveWrite Then ; some sort of error occurred while writing
If Not $Silent Then ; we'll let User know about error if 's'ilent was NOT specified
MsgBox(262160, "Registry Write Error (6)", "Unable to write removed %PATH% to the registry." & @LF & @LF & _
"Error Code Returned was: " & @error & @LF & @LF & _
"Review command line options before trying again.")
Exit 1

If Not $Silent Then ; we'll let the User know that all changes have been made as requested.
MsgBox(262208, "Path Successfully Removed", "The path (below) was successfully removed from %PATH%." & @LF & @LF & _


Exit 0

Case Else ; an invalid parameter was entered
MsgBox(262160, "Invalid Command option (7)", "Uninstall expects parameters to be as follows:" & @LF & @LF & _
Exit 1


Edited by Uncle_Gadget
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