As you may or may not have known, used to have a series of custom bb code images that dealt with a really cool way to display download links, screenshots, etc etc. Well now there back! and better than ever! They are as follows: Typing [shot]http://(your link here)[/shot]Without the "( )" Will render: Typing [dl]http://(your link here)[/dl]Without the "( )" Will render: Typing [home]http://(your link here)[/home]Without the "( )" Will render: Typing [src]http://(your link here)[/src]Without the "( )" Will render: Please report any problems you encounter with them in this topic, thanks --- WinCert Administration Team Please note: *You MUST include "http://" (without the quotes) before all links or they will direct to the WinCert server and you will receive a "404 File not found" error. *Glass effect on images may differ in appearance depending on the skin you are using.