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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. The guy is a current wrestler. Used to be known as the Big Red Machine.
  2. and as for the registry.. just import your key under this string in the registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall]
  4. WHO EVER IS USING THE REPORT THIS TO A MODERATOR TO GET ATTENTION! (bono) Is looking for a banning! ONLY use that button to report rules infractions or forum problems...
  5. Everytime I treid Kapersky it really killed my boot time.
  6. He's soooooo OLD they just carbon-date him every now and then instead of giving him birthdays!!!
  7. Hahhahaahahah you fergot the title!!! (Sorry 38 hours awake now)
  8. To have them all show you simply choose classic veiw in the options on the left side of the control panel.
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