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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. They dropped support for win9x versions...
  3. http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1273 <------- Goto this thread there is a pre made silent installer with the updated addons...
  4. Size - 633 kb MD5Hash = D22F52962024481FF6A04A06C783656B This one actually use less than 400kb of ram while running (Its sitting at 364 right now in my system) Plus Wolf included 256x256 icons for dock users! ============================================ Silent installer!!! Coupla notes about this silent installer you can also use this to replace the original Vista Drive indicator incase you like the dark style and is also uninstallable.
  5. Only 6 billion possibilities to go......
  6. http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=2358
  7. Disabled bum. I build PC's and do programing for extra income.
  8. http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_US-ID.aspx
  9. Of course I use office '07 now, BUT I still have use the office '03 suite. Plus I haven't made a custom menu for office '07 yet.
  10. A little search shows your pc can ACTUALLY go all the way up to 2gigs of "PC2100 DDR SDRAM" so yeah I would definatly go as far up as you can afford. As for the extra storage sapce why not consider an external drive? You can get a 500 gig one for a fairly affordable price nowadays and that way you can carry your crap from pc to pc.
  11. OK that is most likely the issue. I am taking a wild stab here BUT is most likey a warez disk and already patched for unsigned themes. Thus causing a conflict in the patching proccess when you use nLite and breaking the uxtheme.dll.
  12. I take that back after some reviewing with google the max for that laptop is 2 gig so go for it.
  13. Yeah the max for that lappy is one gig so its not even worth trying the bios won't even recognize the extra.
  14. Ok here goes..... #1 reshacker the sysdm.cpl to your desired effect. #2 download the attached prog and run it. #3 right click on sysdm.cpl and send to the cabtool. #4 replace the sysdm.cp_ with the one you have modified and prepared into your i386 folder,
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