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Everything posted by Etz

  1. Etz

    AIO Tool BUG

    Actually found an issue...culprit was my SetupComplete.cmd which last line states: %WinDir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -f -t 0Apparently it rebooted, before...some stuff got loaded and messed things up. After removing that line all previously mentioned [HKCU] tweaks work fine. Only thing that still doesn`t get applied is: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WinToolkit]"Key"="XXX-YYY-ZZZ"But this may be intentional...
  2. Probably I ran into the very same issue: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10936-wintoolkit-install-apps-too-early/ :doh: But in my occasion KB2592687 is listed as Silent installer... EDIT: found the Culprit, its KB2574819 which doesnt like to be integrated, without it issue doesnt occure.
  3. Screeshot speaks for itself. For some strange reason it sometimes starts too early, even before Setup has finished...
  4. Currently it definately reboots, will try that...but first I have to set up clean VM... Will report back, thank you EDIT: Worked like charm (y)
  5. Does 4.5.1 installer reboots PC intentionally, when installed with /ai switch?
  6. Didnt have problems either with W7 x64 ... Asus Maximus IV Gene-z/Gen3 (Z68) motherboard and latest Intel drivers :g:
  7. Currently it is situating at the corner It would be much more consistent and prettier for the eye, if it was at the center of the screen and always on top. As All installers arent completely silent, some display nasty separate progresbar, etc...making setup windows popup randomly. On Older versions WinToolkit installer itself covered them nicely up, eliminating that annoyance. As tastes differ, probably make it optional, via checkbox in WinToolkit AIO tool options tab, where you could control its behaviour? Ticked = Center & On Top Unticked = Current Default behaviour.
  8. Etz

    AIO Tool BUG

    Well, its not a BUG then, but taste differs, too much information isnt useful either... About closing eyes...I dont want to be offencive...but use CMD script to install software then, when you actually want to see whats going on, you could make it fancy too with all the belss and whistles /End of OT from my part.
  9. Etz

    AIO Tool BUG

    OK, didnt notice that it was requested, but still its pretty annoying...as all installers arent tottaly silent and before that request, Installer window just covered those up...
  10. Etz

    AIO Tool BUG

    Also noticed that WinToolkit Installer isnt centered anymore:
  11. Etz

    AIO Tool BUG

    Also looks like this doesnt function either, not via internal tweak neither integrating external Registry file. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced]"Start_SearchFiles"=dword:00000000
  12. Etz

    AIO Tool BUG

    I dont now Why I cannot Include first one...spoiler just comes up blank... EDIT: too long to wrap into "code" tags... Also all of those worked fine in earlier versions. Also Noticed that Start Menu search tweak didnt get altered either.
  13. Etz

    AIO Tool BUG

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WinToolkit]"Key"="XXX-YYY-ZZZ" Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00; Windows_7_MouseFix_TextSize(DPI)=100%_Scale=1-to-1_@6-of-11[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse]"MouseSensitivity"="10""SmoothMouseXCurve"=hex:\00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\70,3D,0A,00,00,00,00,00,\E0,7A,14,00,00,00,00,00,\50,B8,1E,00,00,00,00,00,\C0,F5,28,00,00,00,00,00"SmoothMouseYCurve"=hex:\00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\00,00,38,00,00,00,00,00,\00,00,70,00,00,00,00,00,\00,00,A8,00,00,00,00,00,\00,00,E0,00,00,00,00,00[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Mouse]"MouseSpeed"="0""MouseThreshold1"="0""MouseThreshold2"="0" Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]"ScreenSaveActive"="1""SCRNSAVE.EXE"="C:\\Windows\\system32\\Lightning.scr""ScreenSaveTimeOut"="300""ScreenSaverIsSecure"="1"
  14. Etz

    AIO Tool BUG

    Using version and there is a problem. If Custom Reg files are included in tweaks, they dont get applied at all. Only one that succeeded, was RunOnce script injection, all others didnt get integrated/applied. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce] Others which include: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\... or [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\... Dont get applied.
  15. Unfortunately not fixed....still same... v1.4.1.27 Exception:Unable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win-PE-Drivers.txt' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\$WinPEDriver$\Win-PE-Drivers.txt' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Unable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\bcd' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\bcd' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Unable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\bootx64.efi' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\bootx64.efi' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Unable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\cdboot.efi' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\cdboot.efi' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Unable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\cdboot_noprompt.efi' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\cdboot_noprompt.efi' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Unable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\efisys.bin' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\efisys.bin' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Unable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\efisys_noprompt.bin' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\efisys_noprompt.bin' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Unable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\fonts\chs_boot.ttf' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\fonts\chs_boot.ttf' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Unable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\fonts\cht_boot.ttf' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\fonts\cht_boot.ttf' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Unable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\fonts\jpn_boot.ttf' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\fonts\jpn_boot.ttf' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Unable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\fonts\kor_boot.ttf' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\fonts\kor_boot.ttf' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Unable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\fonts\wgl4_boot.ttf' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\fonts\wgl4_boot.ttf' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------
  16. Nope, all is fine, I just somehow read your version number wrong, dont know why...my mistake... :doh:
  17. Would be also real useful, when building $OEM$ folders to Installation media...
  18. Will definately do... When is v23 released to test it out?
  19. Be my guest... http://www.upload.ee/files/3253708/2013-04-17_18-33-34.ini
  20. Under the Files tab, there is a option to copy/replace files in media root. There is small problem though, it disregards first folder and throws out an error: Title: 11 error(s) have occurredErrType: Error ( Win Toolkit has recorded errors which occurred during integration and have been stored via '>> Details'.Exception:Exception:Enable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\bcd' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\bcd' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Enable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\bootx64.efi' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\bootx64.efi' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Enable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\cdboot.efi' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\cdboot.efi' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Enable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\cdboot_noprompt.efi' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\cdboot_noprompt.efi' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Enable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\fonts\chs_boot.ttf' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\fonts\chs_boot.ttf' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Enable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\fonts\cht_boot.ttf' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\fonts\cht_boot.ttf' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Enable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\efisys.bin' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\efisys.bin' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Enable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\efisys_noprompt.bin' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\efisys_noprompt.bin' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Enable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\fonts\jpn_boot.ttf' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\fonts\jpn_boot.ttf' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Enable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\fonts\kor_boot.ttf' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\fonts\kor_boot.ttf' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.----------------------------------Enable to copy file from 'Z:\Customization\Win7-EFI\boot\fonts\wgl4_boot.ttf' to 'D:\W7ToolKit\Mount\D:\Temp\efi\boot\fonts\wgl4_boot.ttf' (True)Exception:The given path's format is not supported.---------------------------------- Folder efi exists already on media though, but for some strange reason it simply ignores it. Also it tries to put those on mounted install.wim which is a bit incorrect, those files should go into source folder (media) not into mounted image. Also could we have an option to copy/replace/add the whole folder, as I had to rebuild USB EFI boot, file by file.
  21. Also Setup Background Tweak doesnt seem to get applied anymore, in latest versions...
  22. Looks like its not working, didnt even show up at all and of course nothing got intsalled either. #Silent InstallsMicrosoft NET Framework 4.5 Slim::/ai;NO;46.07 MB;X:\Local\dotNetFx45_Full_x86_x64_Slim.exe;Always InstalledMicrosoft Visual Runtimes::/y;NO;32.78 MB;X:\Local\VBCFJRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe;Always InstalledMicrosoft Surface Runtime::/qn;NO;2.66 MB;X:\Online\Runtimes\Microsoft Surface Runtime x86-x64.msi;Always InstalledMicrosoft Security Essentials::/s /runwgacheck;NO;12.04 MB;X:\Online\Anti-Virus\Microsoft Security Essentials x64.exe;Always InstalledMicrosoft Camera Codec Pack::/qn;NO;10.88 MB;X:\Local\MicrosoftCodecPack_amd64.msi;Always InstalledMicrosoft SkyDrive::/silent;NO;5.27 MB;X:\Online\Internet\Microsoft SkyDrive x86-x64.exe;Always InstalledMicrosoft Office 2010 Professional::/adminfile setup.msp /config setup.xml;YES;822.45 MB;X:\Local\Office 2010 x64\setup.exe;Always InstalledMicrosoft Visio 2010 Professional::/adminfile setup.msp /config setup.xml;YES;495.17 MB;X:\Local\Visio 2010 x64\setup.exe;Always InstalledSkype::/qn;NO;21.04 MB;X:\Local\SkypeSetup.msi;Always InstalledIntel SSD Toolbox::/qn;NO;33.17 MB;X:\Online\System Tools\Intel SSD Toolbox x86-x64.exe;Always InstalledWinCDEmu::;NO;926.72 KB;X:\Local\WinCDEmu-3.6-silent.exe;Always InstalledKels Runtimes Package::;NO;6.08 MB;X:\Local\Kels_Runtimes_Win7_v1.7.exe;Always Installed
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