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Everything posted by Mr_Smartepants

  1. LOL, no. I'll just use a fresh clean source for the next test. I like squeaky clean!
  2. I'm getting this error too at startup. Tested on XP Home with GUI uxtheme.dll was previously patched with Zacam's patch. This disc worked fine before using the GUI. :|
  3. I reported that a couple of months back. I don't think it ever got fixed.
  4. I'll test this now. *Edit, Fail. Can't select the source folder. Error is "The selected folder does not contain the XP installation source files!" Path to source: C:\Users\Erik\Desktop\XPPV
  5. This memory leak was reported back here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?s=&...ost&p=43611 The older addon worked fine apparently.
  6. Not really a bug, but an inconsistency. No biggie. The fact that I spotted it was a fluke. 99.9% of users probably won't spot it anyway.
  7. I just came across an odd bug/feature with batch-addon I saved the screenshot, then lost it when I installed Win7. :oops: I'll try to recapture it in VM and repost later. Basically, there are two different AVI files for file copy. I spotted this by copying a 400MB file from an external drive while at the same time installing RogueSpears Standard installer (as part of the installer, it file-copies about 100 small files to various locations). One AVI background is the standard Vista "blue wave" and the other is the green/yellow Aurora background. The best way is to show you, I'll update this post with the screenshot when I get home.
  8. LOL, Batch addon worked perfect on my recent build with Sereby's IE8 addon. Great job!
  9. I figured as much. I haven't settled on an IE8 addon as of yet. So I wanted to find out which of the ones you pointed out are supported before I jump in. Thanks for the info.
  10. Which ie8 addon methods are supported? I use the vanilla installers via svcpack.
  11. It sounds like he didn't follow the instructions in the first post. I'll bet he didn't use viso live and instead used the straight batch file. Sounds like uxtheme didn't get patched right.
  12. Works for me no problems. What addon are you using? I install via svcpack with updates via ROE.
  13. Sounds good to me. The oeminfo.ini file doesn't exist in any plain-jane hologram M$ XP cds (retail, VLK or OEM). They only exist in royalty OEM discs that are premodified with OEM data and pics. Thanks for this awesome mod.
  14. LOL, no my batch file runs very VERY early in the setup process (@ T-39). I'll have to come up with a better method to keep it from being overwritten. *Edit, I think for my purposes, I'll edit the batch in oemgen.exe and add a few IF EXIST lines so it won't overwrite the specific OEM files. Like: IF EXIST "%SystemRoot%\System32\oeminfo.ini" GOTO EOF That way a custom oeminfo.ini file (which doesn't exist in any virgin copy of XP) won't get overwritten.
  15. Cool. I use the oemgen in my VLK installs, but it conflicts with my oemscan addon which adds oem vendor specific oeminfo files. Oemgen overwrites those.
  16. Right, but the spacing should at least be correct without running the utility. Add empty spaces maybe?
  17. Bug with batch version 1.4.6 (pre-release?) System properties, General tab OEM info not lining up correctly. and the orb on the right side is missing. Other than that, so far so good!
  18. I personally prefer the current black/blue-background image for the logoff/shutdown box, especially for the default theme for XP pro. XP Home on the other hand uses a different default theme, so the green/yellow box would be more suitable. *Edit IE8 is released. I just tested it. Nlite will fail to integrate it directly. But adding it to \svcpack\ and adding the listing to svcpack.inf with /quiet /norestart works perfectly. Though installing it this way will prove to be a challenge to patch it with XPtsp since you'll have to unpack the .exe, patch the files, then repack the .exe. ><
  19. @MadMaxx. Try it without OnePiece's updatepack. I haven't had any problems since I stopped using his work. The guy's got some mad skills, but I don't like testing his packs for him.
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