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Posts posted by ccl0

  1. recently paypal put a restriction on my account for no reason. they sent a friendly email stating i could not withdraw funds for 21 days!

    i wish there was some competition with paypal b/c they can do this crap to people and a lot of people have no other alternative

  2. lol that review is just for bitcoin mining, which is much different use compared to games. 6870 gets smoked buy a lot of newer nvidia cards.

    but for 1680x1050, i'd say anything over 6870 is overkill. but also depends on your cpu as well.

    on nvidia side, something comparable (actually a little faster by 10%-ish) would be a gtx 560. but, those are also more expensive by about $20+ so probably not worth it.

    anyways, a friendly recommendation would be this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?SID=u0t3151160f9fp0dd0c0s701&AID=10440897&PID=1225267&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-cables-_-na-_-na&Item=N82E16814150521 general rule is two fans are better than 1, should be a tad bit quieter and cooler compared to the stock fan

    i'd say out of the video card companies xfx is pretty decent. along with evga. plus you can get dirt 3 and shogun total war as a bonus

    just make sure to register on their site to activate your warranty.

  3. i guess that means kel is officially the oldest person on the forum :P unless he was a phenom and built his first system at age 5 or something

    one thing i remember about the olden days is how very expensive ram was.

    oh and how you could use a common pencil to mod those old duron cpus and unlock them (i think)

  4. well i discovered something i didnt like.

    when you are trying to embed a link, and click on the link icon in the topic tools, a box pops up. in the old website you had 2 spaces. one for the actual link and one for a text description.

    afterward it automatically converted the link to clickable text.

    now, there is just one box for the link..and i'm not sure how to convert the link to clickable text

  5. i doubt that it does anything else :P

    seems kind of a waste to spend that resource with no good cause, but then the whole system seems very odd.

    can you do anything else while running the program? or does it use 100% of your cpu..i wonder if it can be throttled, like 50/50 or something.

  6. Somewhat. It's just a program that runs on my PC that processes the bitcoin network. The more hashes I have the more share I contribute. The more share you contribute the more BTC you earn.

    that much i understood. but what exactly is being processed? i mean what are your cpu cycles being used for? is it similar to something good, like for seti? or is it just running some virtual 'mining' program that does absolutely nothing or has any benefit in the real world :(

    if its just virtual currency, then seems like they could (or should) slap some seti-like program to run under the 'mining' program, and say the more you mine, the more you do for seti, but at the same time the mining aspect also can randomly give you bitcoins, so it encourages people to keep running their systems. basically it would seem like a win-win situation. anyway, to me that would make more sense :P

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