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Everything posted by SunLion

  1. Hello @DMD, I also use a similar script and everything runs smoothly. Maybe you have install.ESD in your sources folder and not install.WIM. If so, the script will not find the wim file and nothing will be processed. This is just a hypothesis, it would be up to you to check it. In my script I use: for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\sources\install.* set CDROM=%%i: Good luck!
  2. Hi Mooms, Can the script download the "Quantum" version as well? Sorry for my ignorance ... Quantum version is the new NORMAL version ...
  3. Advanced: Silent Installs + SFX See guide here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/9584-all-in-one-integrator/
  4. If anyone has interest, here a langpack for PT-BR. Just add the file in the folder "Config\Languages". I did the translation for version, but works well on version: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3595h3s3dodncvh/0x0416.rar Tested here and works very well. It's a big job.
  5. Here translation latest pt-BR_v2.0.0.12: pt-BR_v2.0.0.12.zip
  6. In this new text were deleted all the accents, as a way to show the entire text. But the version ' E ' would be better for our language, because it contains all the correct spelling.
  7. Here the new text corrected. Edit. I'm Sorry. I didn't see your reply before. Disregard the new text. Version 'E' work fine! WinToolkitv2.resources.dll_PT-BR.txt
  8. Hi Lego Special characters such as accent marks, do not work properly. I will correct the text and resubmit it again then.
  9. Here Brazilian resource.txt Edit in Notepad2 Hope it works well WinToolkitv2.resources.dll_PT-BR.txt
  10. Are you using adk 8.0. Try new adk 8.1 (updated: may 2, 2014): http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh825613.aspx http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn621908.aspx
  11. SunLion


    I really appreciate your work. DONATED! :dancing:
  12. Hi bphlpt, Thanks for the speedy reply. It is true that. Using Firefox it worked now! Regards
  13. Maybe some software installed that added a task... Try to see the startup folder and also Keys "Run" into HKCU and HKLM Mr. Moderator: why can't copy and paste on your website?
  14. Hi Ctrl, Try to correct the path, leaving no spaces in the names, this may fix the problem. Your path: E:\OS-\HOTFIX_W8_apr_2013\NEW X86\Windows6.2-KB2779444-x86.msu Path adjusted: E:\OS-\HOTFIX_W8_apr_2013\NEWX86\Windows6.2-KB2779444-x86.msu
  15. Hi Geej Thanks for the update! :prop:
  16. Do I integration into my XP SP3 with HFSLIP. These hotfix are integrated without problems. If you are interested, see these links: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/140336-the-file-checker-hfslipfc-for-hfslip/ http://mimo.zxq.net/updatelist.htm http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/163230-new-hfslip-beta/
  17. Thanks for this, Geej. This tool is very powerful.
  18. In my tests, I saw that the KB2592687, when installed before the Redist package, causes conflict in installation of VC_RedistInstaller_McRip. To work around this, install the KB2592687 by WPI, after VC_RedistInstaller. Do not know if this is your case.
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