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Posts posted by shhnedo

  1. On 2/28/2018 at 6:13 PM, sweden8 said:

    but this phenomena is new (started jan/feb) for me

    You shouldn't be too surprised. They basically screwed up amd cpus since then so you should always bare in mind that WU is not the optimal source of updates, at least not for windows 7/Server R2. Don't get so worked up about WU still offering superseded updates, just ignore them. I for one trust that abbodi is doing a fine job at compiling updated .net 4.x packs more than I trust WU's "correct functionality".

  2. I've already installed such a modular package on an XP in a virtualbox, it's fine. Now I just want to integrate it. So far I've managed to integrate the post-sp3 qfe package(20171010), the posready package(20171128), .NET 1.1/3.5/4, directx 9.0c, the older microsoft runtimes, the official themes, IE8 and WMP11. All that's left is the 2005-2017 ms runtimes. I'm even considering some sort of a silent installer after OS installation is finished if I can't find a proper addon to integrate.

  3. I've created two AIOs: x86 6in1 and x64 5in1.

    I'm trying to integrate .NET and DX june2010.

    I open the AIO integrator, browse for the respective .iso, after extraction I select all indexes, I add the two addons and press Start. After the process is complete, in the Integrated tab I only see addons integrated into the first index(Starter or Home Basic - x86 or x64 respectively).

    My question is whether this is normal or not and if the addons are applied for all other indexes?

    If not, how should I go about integrating the two addons for all indexes?

  4. I'm happy to have it as lifetime!

    Hello! I know I'm not the most active person on this forum, but I've been following and using WTK for quite some time and it's proven quite capable of creating quality AIOs. I will absolutely understand you if you wish to make a profit from this tool, It's great, and I will buy it if it is a lifetime license! Hell, I'd even pay 20 bucks or GBP for it.

    Keep up the good work! I'm sure the final release will impress us all. :)

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