Info: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013/2014/2015, Microsoft Visual F# 2.0, Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 redistributable packages (with setup junk removed.) Also includes "extra" Visual Basic and C runtimes (see list bellow)
Same as above but excludes F# & J# runtimes
Info: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013 redistributable packages (with setup junk removed.) Also includes "extra" Visual Basic and C runtimes (see list bellow)
Some tools and resources for (re)creating your own installer
Visual AIO SFX Maker v6 (installer repacker): "No GUI" SFX alternative v4: MST Windows Update fix v1.7: MST Windows Update fix v3: -a <transform>.MST <installer>.MSI: down your vcredist 2005/2008 installers:"Extra" Visual Basic/C runtimes installer sources you cant find a hotfix try using the KB number w/ this URL
Hotfix list
The ability to copy files/folders to the WinSxS directory (as example) would be nice it's extra protected by TrustedInstaller as you know (implementing this would help)
moreover, applying a wim file to the mounted image because wim preserve NT Security ACLs, and eliminates the need for extra privileges to add files to the protected directories using the current feature leads to error in mounting registry, i. e. [RUNCMD]dism.exe|/Apply-Image /ImageFile:VCredist.wim /Index:1 /ApplyDir:%WIM%this new feature if possible will help making correct complete addon for the vcredist 2005/2008 (which adds files to winsxs) it also will make it possible to create offline addon for Windows7's KB2533552
Installateur silencieux, compatible avec Windows 7/8/10 32/64bits
Installe les runtimes DirectX 9/10/11.
Pour Windows 64 bits il faut exécuter les deux fichiers 32 et 64 bits ou utiliser la version AiO.
Vous pouvez tester leur installation en exécutant DX Web Setup.
Réalisés avec DXCB.
32 bits:
MD5: b9c6ad83040ff9f3c72ecae5ce0c8a76
Taille: 13 Mo
64 bits:
MD5: e1490e1e4eb24fc35b09df7ccca8b44c
Taille: 15 Mo
All in One - 32+64 bits :
Installe automatiquement les fichiers nécessaires en fonction de l'architecture.
MD5: 481156640fd0f8de2dcd0ba1bd9596c7
Taille: 26 Mo