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Everything posted by bphlpt

  1. New forum software has a bug, Until they fix it, right click the "Download" image and select "Open link in new tab". Cheers and Regards
  2. That is a known bug in the new forum software. Until it is fixed, right click the "download image" and choose "Open link in new tab". That should work for you. I just checked it. Cheers and Regards
  3. LOL, I've got Kel by almost 20 years. The first computer I worked with, besides my slide rule, was a mainframe that required punch cards to enter data, then you got output on 14" wide continuous feed computer paper. My first calculator was an HP45 that I got a great deal on by buying mail-order - only $280 instead of $395!! (1973 dollars) That was almost 30% off! And it was rugged - you could drop it from a second story dorm window and it would still work. I still have it. The first small computers I worked with when I got out of college had a 1MHz 8 bit processor with 64KB of external memory (the memory alone took up an entire 6"x8" plugin board), a single 8" floppy for "permanent" storage, a keyboard and an 80 character by 25 line black and white display. No mouse - weren't invented yet. Printers were usually dot matrix with a ribbon for ink. Communication with a remote computer, not the internet - not invented yet, was through a 1200 baud acoustically coupled modem. The PC was invented two years later. Cheers and Regards
  4. Thanks Reaper. Cheers and Regards
  5. Sorry to "double post", but felt this was important enough to deserve it's own post. Chief, your fears and warning are unfounded. I got a response from Black Viper to my direct question: His response was: You will also still be able to ask him questions through email - blackviper [dot] com [at] gmail [dot] com His latest posting on his site also confirms this: But thanks for bringing this up, Chief. At least now we have clarification. Cheers and Regards
  6. @Chief, I'm not sure if that is totally correct. He seems to be shutting down the forum, but from an earlier post: I interpret that to mean that his guides will still be there, you just won't be able to ask any questions. I could be wrong as well - we'll just have to see how things evolve. EDIT: I have written to BlackViper for clarification and will repost here when/if I get an answer. Cheers and Regards
  7. @Geej The Shortcut tool you found seems to be a wonderful way to confirm the keycode! ie when you have created the link along with the desired Hotkey, then the Shortcut Tool can then be used to verify what the keycode is that equates to that Hotkey. I guess we just have to rely on remembering the "200 = Ctrl + and 400 = Alt +" trick for the actual creating of the Hotkey keycode in the first place. Thank you for pursuing this so diligently. Cheer and Regards
  8. Great work Geej! I guess your finding the post telling you that "200 = Ctrl + and 400 = Alt +" was key. I tried verifying the keycodes by using keycodes.exe which you referenced and was unable to do it. I'm on Win7 x32 using a Logitech keyboard. When running the keycodes.exe, I found that it displays the keycode information of the LAST key-up that occurs. I was unable to get it to display multi-key info, ie if I have CTL+Alt+A pressed, when I release them it only displays the info of whichever of those single keys is the LAST one to lift, even if only by a few microseconds. So keycodes.exe is unable to confirm those values of "200 = Ctrl + and 400 = Alt +". For the keys by themselves, keycodes.exe shows Ctrl=11(Hex) and Alt=12(Hex). So were you able to use keycodes.exe for anything useful for this particular problem, of did you only rely on the "200 = Ctrl + and 400 = Alt +" reference? Cheers and Regards
  9. CREDIT - I referred to the following: http://www.jimprice.com/jim-asc.shtml Charts are copied from there. My ASCII Chart (Hex) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI 1 DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US 2 SP ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? 4 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 5 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ 6 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o 7 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL Another version of the table that includes Decimal, Hex, Octal, and HTML values can be found here - http://www.asciitable.com/index/asciifull.gif From my own experimentations, I've found that CTL effects the key codes in a "linear" manner. From the table above, the codes, in Hex, for A, B, C, D are 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44. CTL+A, CTL+B, CTL+C, CTL+D yielded 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04. My simple test program yielded the same results for CTL+a, CTL+b, CTL+c, CTL+d as CTL+A, CTL+B, CTL+C, CTL+D. A table showing how ALT effects the value transmitted is this one: IBM PC Keyboard Scan Codes For many of the special key combinations such as ALT-A, F1, PgUp, and so forth, the IBM PC uses a special two-character escape sequence. Depending on the programming language being used and the level at which the keyboard is being accessed, the escape character is either ESC (27, 0x1B), or NUL (0). Here are some common sequences: Char. Decimal Pair Hex Pair Char. Decimal Pair Hex Pair ALT-A (00,30) (0x00,0x1e) ALT-B (00,48) (0x00,0x30) ALT-C (00,46) (0x00,0x2e) ALT-D (00,32) (0x00,0x20) ALT-E (00,18) (0x00,0x12) ALT-F (00,33) (0x00,0x21) ALT-G (00,34) (0x00,0x22) ALT-H (00,35) (0x00,0x23) ALT-I (00,23) (0x00,0x17) ALT-J (00,36) (0x00,0x24) ALT-K (00,37) (0x00,0x25) ALT-L (00,38) (0x00,0x26) ALT-M (00,50) (0x00,0x32) ALT-N (00,49) (0x00,0x31) ALT-O (00,24) (0x00,0x18) ALT-P (00,25) (0x00,0x19) ALT-Q (00,16) (0x00,0x10) ALT-R (00,19) (0x00,0x13) ALT-S (00,31) (0x00,0x1a) ALT-T (00,20) (0x00,0x14) ALT-U (00,22) (0x00,0x16) ALT-V (00,47) (0x00,0x2f) ALT-W (00,17) (0x00,0x11) ALT-X (00,45) (0x00,0x2d) ALT-Y (00,21) (0x00,0x15) ALT-Z (00,44) (0x00,0x2c) PgUp (00,73) (0x00,0x49) PgDn (00,81) (0x00,0x51) Home (00,71) (0x00,0x47) End (00,79) (0x00,0x4f) UpArrw (00,72) (0x00,0x48) DnArrw (00,80) (0x00,0x50) LftArrw (00,75) (0x00,0x4b) RtArrw (00,77) (0x00,0x4d) F1 (00,59) (0x00,0x3b) F2 (00,60) (0x00,0x3c) F3 (00,61) (0x00,0x3d) F4 (00,62) (0x00,0x3e) F5 (00,63) (0x00,0x3f) F6 (00,64) (0x00,0x40) F7 (00,65) (0x00,0x41) F8 (00,66) (0x00,0x42) F9 (00,67) (0x00,0x43) F10 (00,68) (0x00,0x44) F11 (00,133) (0x00,0x85) F12 (00,134) (0x00,0x86) ALT-F1 (00,104) (0x00,0x68) ALT-F2 (00,105) (0x00,0x69) ALT-F3 (00,106) (0x00,0x6a) ALT-F4 (00,107) (0x00,0x6b) ALT-F5 (00,108) (0x00,0x6c) ALT-F6 (00,109) (0x00,0x6d) ALT-F7 (00,110) (0x00,0x6e) ALT-F8 (00,111) (0x00,0x6f) ALT-F9 (00,112) (0x00,0x70) ALT-F10 (00,113) (0x00,0x71) ALT-F11 (00,139) (0x00,0x8b) ALT-F12 (00,140) (0x00,0x8c) Hint - If you look at how the keys are laid out on the keyboard, you'll probably see the pattern. My VERY simple test program could not display these paired codes so I could not verify them, but I have no reason to doubt them. But as a result, I could also not display the paired codes created by CTL+ALT+A, etc. I assume it will also be a paired code, but I have not found a reference to describe what is actually produced. I've found AutoIT scripts that emulate these key presses, but those references also do not describe what the actual key codes are. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Cheers and Regards
  10. The problem is the ALT key. CTL + S is an easily defined value. When you add the ALT key it ends up being quite different. It's like trying to find the value sent by CTL + ALT + Del. All references I found described writing a program to send the code. Sorry I couldn't be of much help. Cheers and Regards
  11. I'm not sure if this would be better put in as a tweak or a choice in the toolkit, but since stsaerox mentioned profile... I would like the option to change the location of the "Users" directory to another drive at the minimum, and perhaps also change the location/rename the "My Documents" folder as well. I find it useful to keep these off of "C" so that if/when I reinstall, all my old settings/data/etc is available. It also helps minimize the size requirements of "C" as well. I also tend to relocate "%TEMP%" for the same reason. As I say, this might be better considered as a tweak. If so, please feel free to relocate this post to the appropriate location. Cheers and Regards
  12. Thanks for this. By the way, 10.1 has been released. Cheers and Regards
  13. Hey Bugsy, assuming the link embedded in your signature is the one you want people to use to get to your site, you might want to fix it - it's missing the ":" in the address. Currently it's just "http//fixitwizkid.com/", which on most browsers will go nowhere. It might also be helpful to have your tutorials more prominently located. (And all together?) I FINALLY found this one in: Forums ..Systems ....Operating Systems ......Tips and Tricks ........How To Perform chkdsk In Windows 7/Vista and ONLY found it by doing a search for titles with "chkdsk". While frequent visitors to your site might be more familiar with the layout, this new visitor had a hard time. The information you produce is very good, correct and clear, but finding it... Just a thought. Cheers and Regards
  14. As Mr_Smartepants has confirmed, neither of these items are required for use with Windows 7 Toolkit, so their mention is NOT necessary. Hopefully, Legolash2o will add enough documentation so things will be clarified and people will understand that only the DriverPacks themselves, and nothing else, are required for successful results with Windows 7 Toolkit. Cheers and Regards
  15. Chief, my question still stands - "How were you wanting, or expecting, it to work?" Using Win7 Toolkit with the DriverPack files does NOT require the use of DP_Install_Tool.cmd or ANY other script available on the DriverPack site, just the DriverPack files themselves, ONLY. Using the scripts are an alternate way to use the DriverPack files which can be used with other means of creating a Win7 Install disk (and with the toolkit if you treat the entire package as an addon, IF I understand it correctly, though I could have that completely wrong, and I apologize if I do). As to having to give an explanation how torrent files work, that's like explaining how to get your Win7 source disk. You go to the store, or online, and buy it, or it comes with your PC purchase, or you're eligible for a copy from your school, or whatever. And torrent is not the only way to get the DriverPack files, though it is the current official way to get the absolute latest versions. You could have an older set you downloaded already, there are some distribution disks with the files, or a friend could have copied a set onto a disk for you. And as MR_Smartepants said, there is an explanation of how to get the files via torrent on the DriverPacks site, where it belongs. The documentation for Win7 Toolkit should lay out what you need, where to put it, and how to use it. It should point to where the files you need can be obtained, but other than that, getting the files should be left "as an exercise for the reader". I'm afraid if I had to follow your latest post as an explanation on how to use the DriverPack files with Win7 Toolkit I would be so totally lost I would throw up my hands and just forget the whole thing. I agree that there needs to be a bit more documentation on how to use DriverPacks with Win7 Toolkit, whether they need to be expanded or left compressed, where exactly they need to be located, etc, but what you wrote was no help to me at all. Cheers and Regards
  16. Which file needs to be copied from which folder to what folder? Cheers and Regards
  17. Chief, since the DriverPack script and, with proper preparation, W7Toolkit can each separately make use of the DrivePacks for Win7, I'm not sure what you mean by "compatibility". How were you wanting, or expecting, it to work? From what you quoted, the DriverPacks script works on a "running system" and installs to that running system. Are you asking if the script and the Packs can be added somehow to the source and then be triggered at install time to do its thing, like and AddOn? Or what? Cheers and Regards
  18. Kel, of WPI and countless other addons and general help, now needs our help.
  19. Congrats! Cheers and Regards
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