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Jan Krohn

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Posts posted by Jan Krohn

  1. 23 hours ago, Agent said:

    I'm also experiencing problems with the tool. It worked before and I was able to download Windows 7 64-bit Professional but now I'm trying to install 7 Ultimate 64-bit but the tool also displays a blank screen and does nothing

    The downloader is currently running fine for me. Have you already gone throug the list of root causes in the FAQ?

  2. I've just received an email from Hostwinds which I believe is worth sharing.

    I migrated HeiDoc.net to Hostwinds a few months ago, and basically almost all the server outages stopped immediately. WinCert will be migrated to Hostwinds next week. It's a very reliable and consumer-oriented hosting business.

    Until Tuesday next week, they offer 70% discount on all managed hosting packages. Shared hosting starts from $54 annually including 1 domain (regular price, so that makes it about $16.20 after applying the discount!)


    (Disclaimer: This is an affiliate link. But it's still an awsome deal!)

  3. Dear Community,

    The WinCert blog and forum will be moved to the HeiDoc server soon. We'll try to keep the impact as low as possible.

    We will trigger the domain transfer on 24 November, which might or might not result in a few "bumps" when connecting to WinCert between 24 and 29 November.

    The actual transfer of files, database and email accounts is going to happen on 29 November, and will definitely result in an outage of at least one hour.

  4. Thanks, very helpful!

    Something is messing your HTML within your browser.

    The original select field is supposed to look like this:

    <select id="product-edition" href="#product-info-content"><option value="" selected="selected">Select edition</option><optgroup label="Windows 10 Fall Creators Update"><option value="484">Windows 10</option></optgroup></select>

    However, your HTML code looks like this:

    9 hours ago, lernien said:

    <SELECT id=product-edition href="#product-info-content"><OPTION selected value="">Select edition</OPTION><OPTGROUP label="Windows 10 Fall Creators Update"><OPTION value=484>Windows 10</OPTION></OPTGROUP></SELECT>

    Quotation marks are invalid, and capitalization is invalid. Do you have any rogue browser plugin installed that could have caused this?

    Anyway, I'll add a case for this kind of messy HTML to the downloader. I can't guarantee that the scripts are gonna work on invalid HTML. We'll see whether it work or not when I push out the new version, probably after the weekend.

  5. The login link is in the top right of the main area.


    Please give feedback whether this helps. Login should only be requred for downloading Insider Preview and developer images. However, I've received a few messages now that login is randomly required, and doesn't solve the issue of not getting access to the downloads. It looks like MS has changed something on the download page. I've not been able to replicate this error, so any further insights would be helpful to fixing this permanently.

  6. Dear Community,

    You might have noticed that WinCert had been down since 9 November around 7:40 AM CET.

    This happened as a direct result from the massive power outage at the OVH data centre in Strasbourg. After the main incident had been resolved by OVH, the WinCert server was still disconnected from the internet. In the aftermath of the main outage, getting in touch with OVH support was not easy, but finally, thankfully, someone has restored the WinCert server.

    As of 14 November, 19:45 CET, WinCert is back online. I'm sorry about any inconvenience to you caused by the downtime.

    Best wishes,


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