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Everything posted by SnowBall

  1. I think so and theoretically yes but I've never experimented with it. In a few hours time, the ISO Downloader will be able to generate links again for Windows 7 and you can download COEM versions there.
  2. What? I have no idea what you are talking about. If you are using the Microsoft website (and Chrome), go to toggle device toolbar (Ctrl+Shift+M) then refresh the page. You should be able to see a drop-down and you can proceed from there. If you are using the Windows ISO Downloader and it is not working for you, you can go to the Windows 8.1 download page and hack it. I've decompiled the latest version of the ISO Downloader and here is something useful to you: <optgroup label="Windows 10 May 2019 Update - May 2019"> <option value="1214">Windows 10 Home/Pro </option> <option value="1216">Windows 10 Education </option> <option value="1217" class="expert">Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows 10 </option> <option value="1215" class="expert">Windows 10 Home China </option> </optgroup> Links for the next 24 hours. 32-bit: https://software-download.microsoft.com/sg/Win10_English_x32.iso?t=eb0fa704-d740-44c8-acf9-7318f025ad04&e=1569811638&h=5a5924a5a7206407d22cb830544eccfd 64-bit: https://software-download.microsoft.com/sg/Win10_English_x64.iso?t=eb0fa704-d740-44c8-acf9-7318f025ad04&e=1569811638&h=1cc97db389c5b81981fb0dfca968624a
  3. It looks like you are downgrading Windows. The best way to do it is boot using a Windows PE USB and create a folder called BACKUP (on C drive), move everything from your C drive to that folder and install Windows 10 1703. You can simply install Window 10 1703 and it should move everything to Windows.old but I never tried that before. The real question is why do you want to downgrade to 1703? It is no longer supported. I suggest you just keep using 1903, it is quite good.
  4. If you can tell me the edition and architecture you need (given that you want English ISOs), I will be able to provide you with a link. Funny that a lot of users simply neglect other threads/topics/posts and I should start charging money for every link given to them.
  5. Everything will work. The ISO files were provided by Microsoft and you will get the file directly from Microsoft. If there are problems with the Microsoft ISO, there aren't much we can do.
  6. Yes I can, check your messages. The link will expire in 24 hours and if you need more time, just tell me.
  7. Through batch files. Make a batch file to launch the app and add that batch file to your program group. You might want an icon somewhere to make it look good.
  8. Microsoft is the one who releases all Windows 7 downloads generated by the ISO Downloader. Hopefully the ISO Downloader will be able to generate Windows 7 links after the first of October.
  9. I highly recommend you to read other topics like: I am happy to provide you with some English ISOs of Windows 7, PM me for more information.
  10. Done, PM sent. The link will expire in 24 hours.
  11. Sorry that I forgot to bring my hard drive home and hopefully I will be able to share a link by tomorrow.
  12. I have to re-upload the ISO and please be patient.
  13. Sorry for double posting... I've sent you a PM and the link will expire in 24 hours.
  14. I've PMed you the link for the official ISO and hopefully that will help you. If you want the 32-bit one, just tell me.
  15. OK, PM sent. Link will expire in 24 hours.
  16. Sure, but please wait for me to get back from work. My speed is slow, so please wait patiently.
  17. Which SKU (edition) do you want? I can PM you a link.
  18. @newbie1, I just PMed you the link for the 32 bit version as you requested and please check your messages. The link will expire in 24 hours.
  19. Do you want to download Windows 7 or something else? Tell me the edition and architecture (64-bit or 32-bit) if you want Windows 7. Portuguese translation if you have trouble with English: Você quer baixar o Windows 7 ou outra coisa? Diga-me a edição e arquitetura (64 bits ou 32 bits) se você quiser o Windows 7.
  20. @newbie1, please tell me the architecture next time. I am assuming that you want the 64-bit one. I've already PMed you the link and it will expire in 24 hours. If you want the 32-bit ISO, please reply. @asolnew2018, I sadly don't have any Russian ISOs with me and I do not have the disk space for every language. Please search the internet for that and I am sure you will find what you are looking for. Russian translation if you have trouble understanding English: К сожалению, у меня нет русских ISO-образов, и у меня нет места на диске для каждого языка. Пожалуйста, поищите в интернете, и я уверен, что вы найдете то, что ищете.
  21. @Walker1, PM sent. You didn't specify the edition and architecture so I assume it is Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit (English).
  22. I don't have Portuguese ISOs sadly but if you tell me the version you want, I can share you a link for the English version. Here is the translated text if you have trouble understanding English: Eu não tenho Português ISOs, infelizmente, mas se você me disser a versão que você quer e eu posso compartilhar um link para a versão em Inglês.
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