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Win Toolkit Options


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Options to remember the last iso/updates selection folder and to list the the path for them


ie if my iso's sit & my updates sit here





then thats the default place it goes to.


But say if i downloaded an new iso to test something and its in


then it would open I:\ISOs\Os but i can navigate to F:\Firefox to use the new iso

and then next time when selecting iso its ask me "Would you like to use your previous iso?"

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Hello, I would like to know how I can manually rename the "WinToolkit_apps" folder by another name, what is the file that controls that folder and do not want to put programs on hand in that folder, I would like to save programs a folder within the custom route and DVD. 
Thanks for the information they can give me.


I'm planning on re-designing the layout of the 'Options' screen within Toolkit. Is there any options you want me to add?

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