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Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI for short) is a hypertext application designed for giving users choice. While Windows XP offers many ways of customizing the setup process out of the box, its major drawback is the lack of being able to select which applications an end user may install. In the past, end users and administrators needed to either download the files manually, or create overly complex scripts that could only be used once. WPI allows you to create one image, which can then be custom configured, and optionally, automated, so that end users can install any applications that have been configured into WPI.

Here is the 7.0 changelog:

* Now cleans up after itself after an aborted installation and a restart and

not continue installation.

* Fixed the long loading time of large config.js files.

* Added Style tab to the Options wizard. Can select from 11 different Windows

skins, 5 Tabs skins, 7 Sliders skins, 32 Butons skins, 17 cursors (mouse

pointers), 11 Progress bars, 12 installer backgrounds, 6 installer logos.

More to come......this is just a starting point.

* Localized more strings. (Dynaletik)

* Added line at end of installer log:

Number of failed installations: 24

You can quick look here to see if all went well or had errors.

* Streamlined all of the themes. All css data is now loaded in WPI.hta.

* Took out Extra Width and Extra Height gadgets for installer window. It is a

fixed size now. Can be put back if people want it.

* Took out 16 redundant images from every theme.

* Removed optionbg from all themes. It was a redundant picture.

* Moved all common images to either the common\imgs or the graphics folders.

* Added JSCRIPT=TimedWaitForDelet(delay,file,secs) to wait for a file to be

deleted. This can be used to check if an installer temp file has been deleted.

delay=num secs before start checking, give the installer time to start.

JSCRIPT=TimedWaitForDelete(10,"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe",10)

* Added JSCRIPT=TimedWaitForFile(file,secs) to truly wait for an installer to

finish. This can be used to check for the existance of the program's icon or

exe before doing a reg tweak. (deadbug had original idea/code)

JSCRIPT=TimedWaitForFile("C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe",10)

* Added JSCRIPT= to commands to execute a JavaScript function. (deadbug)

JSCRIPT=alert("Opens a window")


* Fixed bug dealing with RestartComputer not working if a %reboot% was done.

* Fixed bug dealing with no default log file reg key being written.

* About WPI is now opened in an internal window like below.

* The manual is now opened in an internal window like below.

* The Alt+G information page now opens in an internal window. This window can

be moved and minimized when working in Config wizard to see all the functions

and how to use them.

* Added Corp_WindowsXP theme. This was a seperate entity called WPI Corpprate

but decided to merge the two together. This theme is meant to look just like a

regular Windows window with menus and tool bar. No fancy graphics. Meant to

be used in a business setting where crazy graphics are not needed. Be sure to

use "Show window border" in Options -> Window.

There is still work to do in Config wizard......stay tuned for updates.

* Fixed several bugs, updated a ton of code, streamlined code, etc.......

* Updated the volume slider. Skinnable.

* Took out 2 checks for CDROM. If can't find WPI.hta on an actual CD/DVD drive

then cddrv (%cdrom%) defaults to %wpipath%.

* Added function isInstalled().

Usage: isInstalled("Adobe Reader 8.1.2")

Returns: true or false

WARNING: This could take from 5 to 30 seconds for each check!

Does not work on Windows 2003.

* Added function ConnectedToInternet().

Usage: ConnectedToInternet()

Returns: true or false

* Added function getmshtaBits().

Usage: getmshtaBits()==64

Returns: 64 or 32

* Updated the buttons to CSS buttons. Can be customizable in the Buttons

folder in Common/imgs/Buttons. Change name in the theme style sheet. Size is


* Added function getOSeditionID().

Usage: getOSeditionID()=="HomePremium"

Returns: HomePremium, Ultimate,... or "Not found"

* Updated the installer:

* Whole new look and feel. More professional looking.

* List of commands is scrollable

* Each item is broken down by rega, commands, regb

* No longer using images for success/failed.

* Window and list are wider

* Current command line shown at top of list box

The list will add the latest item to the bottom and scroll it in to view. If

move scroll bar up to see previous entries, it will stay there. Scroll back

down to bottom to resume scrolling.

* Fixed a bug when creating a new Options file it would error at SortOrder

line. (t4user)

* Fixed a bug in the paths not inhereting their parent path properly.

* Fixed a "bug" in the OSLang code. Now defaults to ENU if none specified.

* Added function getOSlocale().

Usage: getOSlocale()=="English - United States"

Returns: English - United States

* Start to use: getFileVersion() and getDriveLetters(), lower-case get

instead of GetFileVersion() and GetDriveLetters(). Both will still work.

* Added function getTotalRAM().

Usage: getTotalRAM()>512

Returns: 1024 (megabytes)

* Added function getFreeRAM().

Usage: getFreeRAM()>300

Returns: 512 (megabytes)

* Added function getFileType().

Usage: getFileType("C:\test.txt")=="PNG Image"

Returns: "" or type, ie, "Text Document"

* Added function getFolderSize().

Usage: getFolderSize("C:\windows\")>10000

Returns: number of bytes or -1 if not exists

* Added function getFileSize().

Usage: getFileSize("C:\test.txt")>100

Returns: number of bytes or -1 if not exists

* Added function FolderExists().

Usage: FolderExists("C:\test\")

Returns: true or false

* Added function DriveAvailableSpace().

Usage: DriveAvailableSpace("C:")>75 or DriveAvailableSpace("C:\")>75

Returns: 150 (gigabytes) or -1 if not exists

* Added function DriveTotalSize().

Usage: DriveTotalSize("C:")>=100 or DriveTotalSize("C:\")>=100

Returns: 150 (gigabytes) or -1 if not exists

* Added function DriveFileSystem().

Usage: DriveFileSystem("C:")=="NTFS" or DriveFileSystem("C:\")=="NTFS"

Returns: FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, or null.

* Added function DriveShareName().

Usage: DriveShareName("X:") or DriveShareName("X:\")

Returns: null or a name like "\\server\share".

Must be a mapped network drive.

* Added function DriveVolumeName().

Usage: DriveVolumeName("C:") or DriveVolumeName("C:\")

Returns: "" or a name. C:\ is usually blank.

* t4user translated the manual into French. Thanks!

* Dynaletik translated the manual into German. Thanks!

* Added "Window Coordinates" to Window tab which allows:

* Custom window width and height

* Open main window at specified x y coordinates

* Open installer window at specified x y coordinates

Pick "Custom..." from drop-down box to enabled text gadgets.

* Added command line args:

theme=Evil_Vista no spaces!

resolution=1024 the width

800 = 800x600 12802 = 1280x720

1024 = 1024x768 12803 = 1280x768

1280 = 1280x1024 12804 = 1280x800

1400 = 1400x1050 1440 = 1440x900

1600 = 1600x1200 16002 = 1600x1024

1920 = 1920x1400 1680 = 1680x1050

19202 = 1920x1080

* Fixed bug in Config wizard not opening Other... text box for category.

* Fixed a minor bug picking which language for the manual.

* Added function getComSpec().

Returns: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe

or other appropriate path.

* Added function getArchMHz().

Usage: getArchMHz()>1800

Returns: 2002 (2GHz)

Return: 1496 (1.5GHz)

* Added function getNumProcs().

Usage: getNumProcs()>1

Returns 1, 2, 4, etc.

* Added function getArchIdentifier().

Returns: x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 8

Returns: x86 Family 6 Model 13 Stepping 8

* Added function getArchNameStrings().

Returns: AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3200+

Returns: Intel

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first of all thanks & wow that alot of updates

i couldn't help notice that on my recompiled config.js it takes a whole minute to load the the hta unless i am miss considering something else

like the 1 minute countdown somehow slipped to load before the hta window load

if it the config file i tested with hold no more then a dozed stand alone switchless installers so it shouldn't take long to load anyways

using a precompiled config.js when using integrator I still get that error "script error on page" on load with nothing showing up until i go to config and hit save then it will take another whole minute to load ...

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it isn't in config! oops\ one time it tried using ffdshow (maybe)

another time it complains about about configwizard line:159

but what the long wait minute when doing transactions in config\save\exit is what is bugging me right now

ill try cleaning up and run it again i hope this goes somehow


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