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Still no internet


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I have no ideal when I will have internet again due to financial issues but I come on when I can. I hope everyone is doing well etc.

Yo LZR, hope that you're alright too.. Here is same ol', same ol', downtime due to a high bandwidth consumption etc :)

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I have a 263.00 bill from Comcast that I need to pay to get it back on. I tried to get it in my moms name since I was paying 60+ a month which would have got it down to 30 but I have to pay my bill first. AT&T only offers dial up in my area so I am SOL at the moment. I have also been in a joint custody battle for my daughter since April which is costing me money. I tried to start my own PC repair business but not getting many customers. There aren't many jobs in my area so it is difficult getting employment here. Hopefully things will change soon.

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Guest snakecracker

i have no internet :(

the only time i get is when im at school and in lessons!

i should be getting mine soon....

and LUZR hope you get yours as well mate.

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