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[Exclusive] Windows 7 RTM by June 26?


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According to Neowin, Microsft is set to RTM Windows 7 by June 26th. Wzor has been pushing out rumors that Microsoft has been vigorous with pushing out new builds at the request of Steve Ballmer due to Apple’s recent announcement to push out Leopard before Windows 7’s release. Will this result in an earlier release? No one knows yet.

Microsoft originally announced the RTM will be finalized during mid July. Currently, the latest build leak of the RTM branch is Build 7260 (6.1.7260.0.win7_rtm.090612-2110) , and seems to be the first build of the RTM branch. This is not the final RTM build, since Build 7261 (6.1.7261.0.win7_rtm.090615-1900) was compiled two days ago.


Microsoft will officially release Windows 7 to the public on October 22.

Source :- Neowin

Source Neowin.


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Thanks for the info, so far I knew that Win7 is planned for RTM in July, but this surely are the great news.

I will let you know when it goes RTM and is available for download through SA agreement.


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