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My daughter just built her 1st PC


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My daughter (9rs old) has been wanting a PC for awhile now so I told her she would have to build it, so today she put it together. I had to give her a hand on a couple things but for the most part it was all her.

CASE: Cooler Master 430 Elite black (was using for a BTC machine)

PSU: Inland 500w

Mobo: Gigabyte MA785GMT-UD2H (DDR3)

CPU: AMD Phenom X4 945 (stock)

RAM: MicroCenter (2X2G) 4G 1333mhz DDR3 (rebranded ADATA Gaming Series)

GPU: XFX HD4770 512 (1 of my old GPU's)

HDD: WD 160G (spare drive lying around)


She did very well and it posted on 1st start up. Unfortunately, she can't retain the names of the parts. LOL.


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You have a nice daughter LZR. 9 years and already can build a PC. You must be very proud. My daughter is now 3.5 years and I remember when I made a post here that I became a father. It feels like that was yesterday and already 3 years have passed :)

Glad to see you again :)

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I built my 1st one when I went to school back in 05 for computers. It seems like the kids are starting real young now in computers. I see young kids at work from time to time knowing what parts they want for their builds etc.

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You have a nice daughter LZR. 9 years and already can build a PC. You must be very proud. My daughter is now 3.5 years and I remember when I made a post here that I became a father. It feels like that was yesterday and already 3 years have passed :)

Glad to see you again :)

Damn, has it been that long?

The time goes by so fast. It's hard to believe that she will be going into 5th grade and is 4'7. It seem like yesterday I was changing her but.

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My first build was on Pentium 2 @ 400mhz and 128mb of ram, along with the 13,5gb hard drive. I also had matrox millenium g400, if I remember correctly. I know I borrowed money for this beast :)

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i guess that means kel is officially the oldest person on the forum :P unless he was a phenom and built his first system at age 5 or something

one thing i remember about the olden days is how very expensive ram was.

oh and how you could use a common pencil to mod those old duron cpus and unlock them (i think)

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LOL, I've got Kel by almost 20 years. The first computer I worked with, besides my slide rule, was a mainframe that required punch cards to enter data, then you got output on 14" wide continuous feed computer paper. My first calculator was an HP45 that I got a great deal on by buying mail-order - only $280 instead of $395!! (1973 dollars) That was almost 30% off! And it was rugged - you could drop it from a second story dorm window and it would still work. I still have it. The first small computers I worked with when I got out of college had a 1MHz 8 bit processor with 64KB of external memory (the memory alone took up an entire 6"x8" plugin board), a single 8" floppy for "permanent" storage, a keyboard and an 80 character by 25 line black and white display. No mouse - weren't invented yet. Printers were usually dot matrix with a ribbon for ink. Communication with a remote computer, not the internet - not invented yet, was through a 1200 baud acoustically coupled modem. The PC was invented two years later.

Cheers and Regards

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