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Posts posted by myselfidem

  1. Many thanks Geej!

    But for a clean install we need to copy first the folder.


    However we can use the config.txt like this:

    ;!@Install@!UTF-8!GUIMode="2"OverwriteMode="0"InstallPath="%PROGRAMFILES%\\Everything"RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c copy Everything.inf \"%windir%\\INF\\\" /y"RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c Everything_Schedule.bat"RunProgram="\"regedit\" /S ROEveryThing.reg"RunProgram="rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection Everything.inf,LiveInstall,3";!@InstallEnd@!

    A restart is needed and all works fine.



  2. Another example with Everything search  engine; Version= x86


    1 - Read at first post the process to extract file .wa addon.


    2 - We can read inside Task.txt what we need to create the UTF-8 file text for SFX file.


    3 - Move to Everything folder: Everything.inf , Everything_Schedule.bat and ROEverything.reg


    4 - Create an archive Everything.7z with 7-Zip


    5 - Create the config.txt (save the file Everything.txt as UTF-8)


    ;!@Install@!UTF-8!GUIMode="2"MiscFlags="4";Version= x86 ;Website=http://www.voidtools.comInstallPath="%PROGRAMFILES%\\Everything"RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c copy Everything.inf \"%windir%\\INF\\\" /y"RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c Everything_Schedule.bat"RunProgram="\"regedit\" /S ROEveryThing.reg"Delete="%PROGRAMFILES%\\Everything\\Everything_Schedule.bat"Delete="%PROGRAMFILES%\\Everything\\ROEveryThing.reg";!@InstallEnd@!


  3. You can use a registry key like this:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    "Model"="Windows Se7en"

    Matching the path where is located the oemlogo.bmp!

  4. What does it mean all this?

    You can not put a file in an userprofile-folder in this way, I think you have to put it manually after the first login on this specific user.

    This is now demonstrated. Thanks Thiersee and vthand for your tests!

  5. Strange about adding images, because I can attach jpg, PNG and gif images format.

    Maybe you need to check the size for downloading the images (150K max.) using full editor or more options and select an image on your computer?

    Of course, don't change manually the extension format!


  6. %USERPROFILE%\Documents\test.doc

    What is the format allowed for the image in this forum. I've tried .jpg and .png and it does'nt work.

    Using %userprofile% path doesn't work and the folder %userprofile% will be copied inside WinToolkit140-77

    You can use gif files format to post images inside the forum. Thanks.

  7. When the image is mounted your account doesn't exist!

    But you can try:

    Copy to: %SystemDrive%\Users\Vincent\Mes documents\test.doc

    The User: "Vincent" will be created and the file test.doc will be copied...

    But I don't know if this will be overwrited during silent installation. Not tested!

  8. Thanks dotfusion! :)

    We can also use this batch file to know the Windows key inside runing Operating System using powershell:


    ;@echo off & Title Get-Productkey
    ;Findstr -rbv ; %0 | powershell -c -

    Function Get-ProductKey
    $value = (get-itemproperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").digitalproductid[0x34..0x42]
    $ProductKey = ""
    for ($i = 24; $i -ge 0; $i--) {
    $r = 0
    for ($j = 14; $j -ge 0; $j--) {
    $r = ($r * 256) -bxor $value[$j]
    $value[$j] = [math]::Floor([double]($r/24))
    $r = $r % 24
    $ProductKey = $map[$r] + $ProductKey
    if (($i % 5) -eq 0 -and $i -ne 0) {
    $ProductKey = "-" + $ProductKey

    Get-ProductKey >C:\Productkey.txt

    ;echo = Windows Key saved at C:\Productkey.txt file =
    ;pause & goto :eof

    Found help here:


    We can also change the reg key path to know the key inside the mounted image and change the reg key to:

    HKLM:\WIM_Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion



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