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Everything posted by myselfidem

  1. Thanks Geej! Yes, we can use 7z Setup SFX (x86) version but it's a Beta release. The batch file is useful to avoid XML files with localised languages, and the Scheduler Task will be added with localisation system language. However Powershell is needed with this batch file. I have not yet tested my example on x64 computer. Tested EverythingSearch.exe (x86/x64) on Virtual Machine using WPI 8.6.3 for Windows 7 x86 and works fine. I don't know if it's work using WA Add-On file ! There is also modules for x64 computers: 7zsd_All_x64.sfx and others. Downloads:7z SFX Tools: http://7zsfx.info/en/ About Everything, some useful infos: http://support.voidt...nd_line_options Kind regards
  2. For testing purpose, I created an sfx file using the batch file given on my previous post and for x86 and x64 systems. All files are inside the "EverythingSearch.rar". Download for testing: http://www.mediafire.com/?udcf7go426rxt Tested and works fine! Regards
  3. Yes Geej the Task was exported with the Task Scheduler's GUI to create it. I found a nice batch that we can adapt for Everything Search Engine. Available for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7: http://myunster.com/...tration/30.html Here is for Everything.exe and you can improve it adding values for x64 systems (execution path: SET Task=). I made some changes for Everything.exe: Everything_Schedule.bat ::*******************************************:: :: Everything_Schedule.bat :: :: Set variables TaskName, Task and go ahead :: :: http://myunster.com :: ::*******************************************:: @ECHO off ECHO "Proceeding..." >NUL REM Delete variables, may be cached SET "TaskName=" SET "Task=" REM Set variables SET TaskName=Everything REM Following task will be executed on Logon SET Task=\"C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe\" -startup REM Determine if windows xpVER | find "XP" > NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO ver_xp REM Determine if windows Vista/Win7 systeminfo | find "OS Name" > %TEMP%\osname.txt FOR /F "usebackq delims=: tokens=2" %%i IN (%TEMP%\osname.txt) DO SET Version=%%i DEL /F %TEMP%\osname.txt ECHO %Version% | find "Windows 7" > NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO ver_7 ECHO %Version% | find "Windows Vista" > NUL IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO ver_vista :ver_xp :Run Windows XP specific commands here. REM Delete variable, may be cached SET "Result=" REM WinXP doesn't support TN for schtasks /query FOR /F "delims=, tokens=2" %%R IN ('schtasks /query /fo csv /v ^| findstr /L /C:"%TaskName%"') DO SET Result=%%R IF (%Result%)==() SET Result="-1" IF "%TaskName%" == %Result% ( REM Delete Task if it exists SCHTASKS /Delete /TN "%TaskName%" /F ) REM Then Create with Highest privilege SCHTASKS /Create /TN "%TaskName%" /TR "%Task%" /SC ONLOGON /RL HIGHEST GOTO exit:ver_vista :Run Windows Vista specific commands here. GOTO Elevation :ver_7 :Run Windows 7 specific commands here. GOTO Elevation :Elevation REM Don't forget escape double quotes for CMD argument that you will pass to powershell PushD "%~dp0" IF EXIST "%~0.ELEVATED" DEL /F "%~0.ELEVATED" SET Argument=SCHTASKS /Create /F /TN \"%TaskName%\" /TR \"%Task%\" /SC ONLOGON /RL HIGHEST SET ELEVATED_CMD=PowerShell -Command (New-Object -com 'Shell.Application').ShellExecute('Cmd.exe', '/C %Argument%', '', 'runas') ECHO %ELEVATED_CMD% >> "%~0.ELEVATED" CALL %ELEVATED_CMD% DEL /F "%~0.ELEVATED" PopD GOTO exit :exit ECHO "Done!" EXIT Tested on Windows 7 x86 and works fine, even if the shorcut isn't already inside the ToolBar, I can launch Everything from C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe without errors! And after the icon appears on the ToolBar or after restarting the computer! More help: http://www.robvander...om/schtasks.php *Edit: batch file updated *Edit 2: We can also use variables if needed (to avoid adding two xml files) using: For Windows x86: SET Task=\"%%ProgramFiles%%\Everything\Everything.exe\" -startup For Windows x64: SET Task=\"%%ProgramFiles(x86)%%\Everything\Everything.exe\" -startup Tested also and works fine!
  4. @mooms Tested on Windows 7 x86 and works fine! Thanks. @RicaNeaga You can also change the language after the silent installation: Tools | Options | Language On a runing system, you can use the shorcut on: Start Menu | Programs | Everything Or the shorcut on the ToolBar.
  5. Of course mooms, my example was created for your previous version using WinRar and a batch file! You can also add an icon using sfx modified module for your exe file an create a shorcut: Look at "Replacing the icon" and inside "Configuration file parameters": Shorcut. http://7zsfx.info/en/ Regards *Edit: the new exe sfx file works fine!
  6. @ Geej Thanks @ mooms About everyg32.exe I made some changes, like this: Rename Everything64.xml as: Everything.xml (Available for Windows 7) Change everything.cmd like this: cmd /c schtasks /Create /TN "Lancer Everything" /XML "%~dp0Everything.xml" del Everything.xml del everything.cmd Works fine but the batch execution shows the command prompt! About XML Task versions ("1.1"; "1.2"; "1.3"): Configured for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000 <Task version="1.1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task"> Configured for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 <Task version="1.2" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task"> Configured for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 <Task version="1.3" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task"> Thanks and regards *Edit: I hope you see that I wouldn't hijack the thread
  7. We can use a batch file but available for Windows Vista and Windows 7: Using the command prompt to see options: http://technet.micro...6.aspx#BKMK_cmd schtasks /Create /? Example: Schtasks.exe /CREATE /TN mcupdate /XML "C:\TAKS\mcupdate" You can also save the new created task as XML file and use this one for the installation. *Edit: Tip about reg file hex value. Go to your Registry, write the path and save your new reg file and this one will be write with hex values ! Maybe there is a tool to convert hex registry values to decimal values ?
  8. When you save the registy key, the value is with hexadecimal. I think we must add a reg key inside the registry with hex values to avoid errors and to write the value if % or others signs are used ! *Edit: It seems to avoid to launch EveryThing on startup it's better to use RunOnceEx during the silent installation! And create a task to bypass UAC, save all reg files and path and integrate inside your customized program! Import a Task: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc722156.aspx http://technet.micro...y/cc722156.aspx
  9. The reg key is to launch "EveryThing Search Tool" using RunOnce: The value is: rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\Evthing.inf,Install
  10. Use WinToolkit instead RT Seven Lite! Make your choice...
  11. Ayllon "myselfidem" Antoine. Thanks and regards
  12. Oui, je vais toujours "jetter un oeil" de temps en temps sur Forum French System AddOns! Mais je ne sais pourquoi, je me sens plus à l'aise sur les Forums anglophones bien que mon anglais soit scolaire! Amicalement
  13. Liked on Google+: Antoine Ayllon Many thanks and regards *Edit: I give my place to ricktendo64 if it's possible! Good luck
  14. No! If you customize Windows 7 professional, only Windows professional will be customized!
  15. Maybe the reason is because is missing x86 inside Java7u6_Dual.txt: RunProgram="jre1.7.0_06x86.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 SYSTRAY=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 /norestart" RunProgram="x86:jre1.7.0_06x86.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 SYSTRAY=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 /norestart" And maybe you have IE9 x86 and IE9 x64 on your computer.
  16. Using the workaround works fine for me! :dancing: Windows 7 ULTIMATE.log [2696] [ INFO ] Mounting new image. Wim: [C:\Win7_SP1\sources\install.wim] Image Index: [5] Mount Path: [C:\WinToolkit\Mount] [2696] [ INFO ] Wimserv process started for guid 594e443a-69ba-4572-82c4-105d967cb99c. Id is 3488 [3488] [ INFO ] ImageUnmarshallHandle: Reconstituting wim at C:\Win7_SP1\sources\install.wim. [3488] [ INFO ] Mounted image at C:\WinToolkit\Mount. [3488] [ INFO ] Received unmount request for image with guid 594e443a-69ba-4572-82c4-105d967cb99c. [3488] [ INFO ] Unmount for image at C:\WinToolkit\Mount complete.
  17. Try this workaround: Create yourself manually the folders inside: C:\WinToolkit\Mount It seems WinToolkit doesn't create properly these folders! Unmount Error: Did not find an image mounted to [C:\WinToolkit\Mount]
  18. It seems there is the same error here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10384-the-problem-with-creating-the-image/#entry89909
  19. Try without spaces inside the image name! Windows7_Enterprisex64
  20. Solved adding first Net Framework 4.0 and using this command for Windows 7 on WPI: cmds[pn]=['"%wpipath%\\Install\\WLive\\wlsetup-all.exe" /q /AppSelect:Messenger%comma%Mail%comma%MovieMaker%comma%Writer%comma%Wlsync%comma%idcrl /log:%temp%\\Wlsetup.log /NOToolbarCEIP /NOhomepage /NOlaunch /NOMU /nosearch']; desc[pn]=['Windows Live 2012']; Skydrive is also installed! (Image) https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=D178EA021B182B88&id=D178EA021B182B88%211397&sc=documents#cid=D178EA021B182B88&id=D178EA021B182B88%211488&sc=documents Cheers
  21. However using this silent switches doesn't work for me with Wimdows Live 2012, but works fine for Windows Live 2011: wlsetup-all.exe /q /NOToolbarCEIP /NOhomepage /nolaunch /nosearch /AppSelect:Messenger,Mail,MovieMaker,Bingbar,Writer And Silverligtht installed first!
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