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Posts posted by alfreire

  1. [Repack] Internet Download Manager 6.23 build 11... ;-)


    -Multilanguage (Installer only English/Spanish)

    -Automatic install Firefox Plugin... (Need restart Firefox if is running...)

    -For correct Uninstall, choose Reboot manually at the end...


    /silent or /verysilent to silent install...









  2. VirtualBox v5.1.4-r110228 x86/x64 [Multilanguage]... ;-)


    I extract *.msi installers from original *.exe Installer, Extension Packs, and Certificate to make x86/x64 installer... I hope it is useful...

    -Installer language: MULTILANGUAGE ...

    -VirtualBox: MULTILANGUAGE...

    -To silent install use /silent or /verysilent




    Regards... ;-)










  3. There is an error. The setup runs into maintenance mode every time. Im currently fixiing it.


    ===EDIT ON 13 October 2014 7:45 PM IST Time (Iam an Indian)===

    And, now it's fixed! Uploaded the new fixed version.

    This one's 100% working - tested in my computer(running windows 8) and also in a virtual machine (runnning windows 7) ;)

    Not works for me... I try install in normal mode and basic silent... My system is Win7 x64 spanish (in VBox)...

    Regards... ;-)



  4. alfeire, Could you please upload the Inno Script file so that I can make a few changes in it?

    Yes, here it is...

    Regards... ;-)

    ;InnoSetupVersion=5.5.0 (Unicode)[Setup]#define AppName "Internet Download Manager"#define AppVersion "6.21b11"#define AppDir "Internet Download Manager"#define AppExe "IDMan.exe"AppName={#AppName} by -=alfreire=-AppVerName={#AppName} v{#AppVersion}AppVersion={#AppVersion}AppPublisher=Tonec IncAppPublisherURL=http://www.internetdownloadmanager.comAppSupportURL=http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/support/index.htmlAppUpdatesURL=http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/download.htmlAppMutex={#AppName}DefaultDirName={pf}\{#AppDir}DefaultGroupName={#AppName}UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\Uninstall.exeOutputBaseFilename=IDM.v{#AppVersion}.MultiLang.SetupOutputDir=.Compression=lzma2/ultraInternalCompressLevel=ultraSolidCompression=trueSetupIconFile=embedded\Setup.icoDisableDirPage=autoDisableProgramGroupPage=autoAllowNoIcons=yesWizardImageFile=embedded\WizardImage.bmpWizardSmallImageFile=embedded\WizardSmallImage.bmp[Files]Source: "{app}\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion createallsubdirs recursesubdirs[Run]Filename: "{app}\{#AppExe}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#AppName}}"; Flags: postinstall skipifsilent nowait[UninstallRun]Filename: "{app}\Uninstall.exe"; [Icons]Name: "{group}\{#AppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#AppExe}";Name: "{group}\Uninstall IDM"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"; IconFilename: "{app}\Uninstall.exe"; Name: "{group}\Web IDM"; Filename: "http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com"; Name: "{commondesktop}\{#AppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#AppExe}"; Tasks: desktopicon; Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\{#AppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#AppExe}"; Tasks: quicklaunchicon; [Tasks]Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Name: "quicklaunchicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateQuickLaunchIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; OnlyBelowVersion: 0.0,6.01; Flags: uncheckedName: "pintaskbar"; Description: "{cm:PinToTask,{#AppName}}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.1; Flags: unchecked[UninstallDelete]Type: dirifempty; Name: "{app}"; Type: files; Name: "{commondesktop}\Internet Download Manager.lnk";Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{group}\Internet Download Manager";[CustomMessages]PinToTask=Pin %1 to TaskBarEnglish.PinToTask=Pin %1 to TaskBar English.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2English.AdditionalIcons=Additional icons:English.CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop iconEnglish.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch iconEnglish.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the WebEnglish.UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1English.LaunchProgram=Launch %1English.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extensionEnglish.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...English.AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Startup:English.AutoStartProgram=Automatically start %1English.AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 could not be located in the folder you selected.%n%nDo you want to continue anyway?Spanish.PinToTask=Anclar %1 a la Barra de TareasSpanish.NameAndVersion=%1 versión %2Spanish.AdditionalIcons=Iconos adicionales:Spanish.CreateDesktopIcon=Crear un icono en el &EscritorioSpanish.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Crear un icono de &Inicio RápidoSpanish.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 en la WebSpanish.UninstallProgram=Desinstalar %1Spanish.LaunchProgram=Ejecutar %1Spanish.AssocFileExtension=&Asociar %1 con la extensión de archivo %2Spanish.AssocingFileExtension=Asociando %1 con la extensión de archivo %2...Spanish.AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Inicio:Spanish.AutoStartProgram=Iniciar automáticamente %1Spanish.AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 no pudo ser localizado en la carpeta seleccionada.%n%n¿Desea continuar de todas formas?[Languages]Name: "English"; MessagesFile: "embedded\English.isl";Name: "Spanish"; MessagesFile: "embedded\Spanish.isl"; [code]varPinTaskBarCheck : TNewCheckBox;//the function is work well on Unicode Inno Setup, //if Non Unicode Inno Setup, one need to modify,//and I think you can do it!//Inno use Win32 API#ifdef UNICODE    #define A "W"#else    #define A "A"#endiffunction LoadLibrary(lpFilename : String) : LongInt;external 'LoadLibrary{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall delayload';  //if Non Unicode Inno Setup, use LoadLibraryAfunction FreeLibrary(hModule : LongInt) : BOOL;external 'FreeLibrary@kernel32.dll stdcall delayload';function LoadString(hInstance:LongInt; uId:UINT; lpBuffer:String; nBufferMax:Integer) : Integer;external 'LoadString{#A}@user32.dll stdcall delayload';  //if Non Unicode Inno Setup, use LoadStringA//here is the function//@param strPath The App's directory,//@param strApp The App's name//@example zylPinAppToTaskbar('c:\window', 'notepad.exe');procedure zylPinAppToTaskbar(strPath, strApp: string);  var    vShell, vFolder, vFolderItem, vItemVerbs: Variant;    vPath, vApp: Variant;    i: Integer;    sItem: String;     h: LongInt;   szPinName: String;   filenameEnd : Integer;  filename    : String;   strEnd    : String;begin   SetLength(szPinName, 255);   h := LoadLibrary(ExpandConstant('{sys}\Shell32.dll'));    LoadString(h, 5386, szPinName, 255);    FreeLibrary(h);    strEnd := #0;  filenameEnd := Pos(strEnd, szPinName);  filename := Copy(szPinName, 1, filenameEnd - 1);  if (Length(filename) > 0) then  //WinXp or lower, no pin taskbar function  begin    vShell := CreateOleObject('Shell.Application');      vPath := strPath;      vFolder := vShell.NameSpace(vPath);      vApp := strApp;      vFolderItem := vFolder.ParseName(vApp);      vItemVerbs := vFolderItem.Verbs;         for i := 1 to vItemVerbs.Count do    begin      sItem := vItemVerbs.Item(i).Name;    if (sItem = filename) then    begin      // 63 63 72 75 6E 2E 63 6F 6D        vItemVerbs.Item(i).DoIt;       break;      end;     end;    end;end;  //You can use zylPinAppToTaskbar like thisprocedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer);begin  //When Finished page is shown, call the function  //You can also call is when the "Finish" button clicked.  if  CurPageID = wpFinished then    begin  if IsTaskSelected('pintaskbar') then  zylPinAppToTaskbar(ExpandConstant('{app}'), '{#AppExe}');  end;end;
  5. does that idm repack include crack and registry entry?

    Cracking not allowed in this forum, you can be banned... Crack or Serial are not included in installer...


    Read here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/2-wincertnet-forum-rules/

    1. This is not a warez site! Links or Requests to warez and/or illegal material (porn, cracks, serials, braindumps, etc..) will not be tolerated. Discussion of circumventing WGA/activation/timebombs/keygens or any other illegal activity will also not be tolerated. Advertising is strongly forbidden here. If you ignore any of the aforementioned you will be banned without previous notice.


    Regards... ;-)

  6. Hi, @Ricktendo http://www.wincert.net/forum/user/29-ricktendo/, could you pleas make a silent repack of Internet Download Manager? Here's the link:


    I want to silently install this software, but even after a lot of research in google, I couldn't find a silent install. Yes, there was a silent repack made by someone: http://kickass.to/internet-download-manager-6-21-build-10-silent-install-kpojiuk-t9573023.html but there was some error (IDM integration error), it was saying that some spyware has damaged IDM intgration to browsers; this means that there is some crapware or something in it.

    So I want a proper repack, and you, Rick, you are the only person I know who can help me. So please repack it also with a silent install switch! 


    Thank You,


    Here it is... IDM 6.21 build 11 Multilanguage

    To silent install use /silent or /verysilent... Installer only English/Spanish...

    Regards... ;-)




  7. Slightly improved code...

    Change this:

    function LoadLibrary(lpFilename : String) : LongInt;external 'LoadLibraryW@kernel32.dll stdcall delayload';  //if Non Unicode Inno Setup, use LoadLibraryAfunction FreeLibrary(hModule : LongInt) : BOOL;external 'FreeLibrary@kernel32.dll stdcall delayload';function LoadString(hInstance:LongInt; uId:UINT; lpBuffer:String; nBufferMax:Integer) : Integer;external 'LoadStringW@user32.dll stdcall delayload';  //if Non Unicode Inno Setup, use LoadStringA

    to this:

    #ifdef UNICODE    #define A "W"#else    #define A "A"#endiffunction LoadLibrary(lpFilename : String) : LongInt;external 'LoadLibrary{#A}@kernel32.dll stdcall delayload'; function FreeLibrary(hModule : LongInt) : BOOL;external 'FreeLibrary@kernel32.dll stdcall delayload';function LoadString(hInstance:LongInt; uId:UINT; lpBuffer:String; nBufferMax:Integer) : Integer;external 'LoadString{#A}@user32.dll stdcall delayload'; 

    to automatic Unicode/No Unicode library selection... not my code, I found searching in internet... (I don't know programming... X-D)


    Regards... ;-)

  8. would be nice to have:


    Potplayer x86 and x64 with default English language. For silent installation.



    Hi... Try this:


    It's x86/x64 English default, but no extra codecs, integrations, or associations are included in installer, you can associate and integrate by settings...

    Silent switch is /silent or /verysilent...


    Regards... ;-)



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