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Posts posted by x23piracy
i removed:
2603229 http://support.micro....com/kb/2603229
2533552 http://support.micro....com/kb/2533552
2603229 http://support.micro....com/kb/2603229
976002 http://windows.micro.../browser-choice
2592687 http://support.micro....com/kb/2592687
from sfx and all worked fine, so i was right with that one of that 5 causing that problem.
Now it's time to find out which of them.
Lets say its 2592687 how to force it to be last thing installed before final reboot?
I was thinking about a sfx that sets a runonce entry to the registry that executes install in next boot?!
What do you think?
Greetz X23
yeah i can find that its under runonce with para /BROWSE but iam sure that isnt all.
Greetz X23
as far as i understand the process, the installer will be executed via a registry runonce?
But how does it works?
I know that there is the wintoolkitrunonce binary in system32, where is the config that will tell
it what to offer and install?
What are the parameter that work with the binary?
I maybe want to use it in my own way so i need to know what i can do with it.
Greetz X23
Did you install KB2574819 first?
A I told you in the other thread, this KB MUST be installed before KB2592687! It's not enough, to integrate it in the ISO.
P.S.: I installed yesterday an WinToolkit-ISO with "mixed" configuration (20 prompt install, 55 always installed), 145 updates and many Files/Theme/Background/Tweaks: NO issue!
check my Screenshot:
i have KB2574819 installed as Update and KB2592687 as Silent Installs + SFX
I don't have the issue mentioned here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10950-141-14-installer-wont-work-nothing-happens/page-2#entry95405
This is allready been solved this here must be another issue.
I have checked the KB Articles from the KB's installed with the installer because they cannot integrated and i dont find anything that can give a clou because its nothing related to any msi installation issue or something.
These are the KB that are installed first and iam sure one of it is making that problem:
2603229 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2603229
2533552 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2533552
2603229 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2603229
976002 http://windows.microsoft.com/browser-choice
2592687 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2592687
dont believe that ie 9 language pack or the microsoft malicious
software removal tool and its definitions are causing the problem.So i have a bit of fear that i dont find whats causing this
Should i try to remove 2592687 from Installer? Maybe this update is so strong that it need a reboot for allowing anymore msi installs? In work we had several problems with Windows 7 and RDP because of protocol update to version 8.0...
Products like activefax and broadgun are installed fine and they don't have msi based installers. Am i stupid or must this stand into relation to my issue?
Greetz X23
thank you very much
know that works.
Greetz X23
I needed a long time before I got the right autounattend.xml for my purposes: a lot of work "try and pray" is necessary...
I worked with the WAIK and some links.
If you want can I give you those links (a couple of them in german).
For this I think you should use an Win7-Pro-ISO without removing the ei.cfg.
I think (but I'm not sure), if you give only the parameters "DiskID"=0, "Partition"=1 and no size, only 1 partition on the first HDD and over the complete HDD will be generated.
It should be in the section "specialize" (but I don't have experience with joining domain)
Regards, Thiersee
yes please gimmme that links.
I have win7 pro iso without removed ei.cfg i can only choose win 7 pro but i habe to choose, why choose if there is only one option.
There i no solution with the autounattended.xml to always choose pro?
For domain join and install destination i will test what you gave me
thanks for this.
Greetz X23
i have an annoying issue with my custom win 7 cd, iam very close to the end that everything is working fine but now i stuck with a installer problem that seems to be kb install related.
This is what i install:
The Problem is that the following products are not installed:
- Shockwave
- Acrobat Reader
- OfficeScan
- Office
Framework 4.5
After i mentioned it i directly tried to execute all this installers manually after installer finished and they also didn't worked, the error message i got was related to msi.
Then i thougth about the KB's i install first with the installer and gave the computer a restart. After this restart everything could be installed so my sfx are working well.
Now is the big question, which of these KB's i install makes that Problem to the msi installer service?
How to solve this? Is it possible to start the installer twice? first round all the automatic stuff then reboot and then installer again with all the manual stuff (choose)?
My idea is that lego may can give an option that installer will react like this, on first start it will install everything that is set to automatic install, then it sets another runonce to the registry, reboot, next instance of installer with manual updates, user makes its choice and then manual stuff will be installed, final reboot. finished.
These are the KB that are installed first and iam sure one of it is making that problem:
2603229 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2603229
2533552 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2533552
2603229 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2603229
976002 http://windows.microsoft.com/browser-choice
2592687 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2592687
I dont believe that ie 9 language pack or the microsoft malicious software removal tool and its definitions are causing the problem.
What if its not one of these kb's causing the problem? I dont know what is causing this i only know a restart solves it
Greetz X23
can someone help with integrating the following to my autounattended.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
<settings pass="specialize">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-IE-InternetExplorer" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<TimeZone>W. Europe Standard Time</TimeZone>
<settings pass="windowsPE">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<MetaData wcm:action="add">
<settings pass="oobeSystem">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<LocalAccount wcm:action="add">
</unattend>- I dont like to choose for win 7 pro i should automatically been taken
- Win 7 should automatically be installed on first hdd and should take all available space while deleting partition if existing and if not it should create one over the complete first hdd.
If possible automatic domain join would be great (like with win xp)
Thanks for your help
Greetz X23
is it possible that a hotfix (kb) can cause installer being executed before setup finish?
at all my last test it appears it the machine logon the first time regulary.
Now after applying several hotfixes from mcrip it is started before setup finish, now
some of my sfx wont install.
For example Office 2007 i have it as sfx and office has a config.xml which install it silently
but visible (basic) it will break and then rollback.
if it try it after first logon from install medium wintoolkitapps it will install fine, also i have tested
my sfx on other systems and it works well.
Iam not sure this is related to the early execution of the installer, iam using test15 but with the
latest test14 it was also there, i integrated drivers and all hotfixes before and i change autounattended
to another one that is fully automated instead of where to install windows.
One of this seems to be the reason.
also missing was:
Adobe Reader integrated as sfx (msi with parameters), checkpoint vpn client (msi with parameters), shockwave (msi with parameters)
parameters are always: /quiet /qn /norestart
Greetz X23
If stuff have been integrated, you don't have to do them again.
that means i can load a preset without allready done, hotfixes, drivers, gadgets and so on?
What if i only change the sfx for example the binary has another name will the app directory in the root of the image deleted and rebuilded or is just stuff added? in that case i have to delete the directory manually or i have ghost files.
What i use the same preset again especially drivers and hotfixes? will they skipped if they are allready integrated?
I just ask because of the amount of time drivers and hotfixes take to integrate.
Also if not needed i dont like to allready renew win7 source directory for every try.
Greetz X23
actually iam testing with wintoolkit, so i try settings, build an iso, install it and so on in a loop.
What to do next time if i have integrated hotfixes and drivers and i want to change just tweaks next time, will the tool reapply all the time eating sps and drivers or will it know that this was done allready?
The main reason for asking this is to save time will finding my way to the image i want. Sometimes its a bit frustrating to wait hours for next test step.
Actually i always make a new copy of a windows 7 x64 pro dvd to get sure i dont mess thinks up while using same path again and again.
Who can help with this?
Greetz X23
thank you works well
know lets wait for a bugfix from lego.
Greetz X23
some other questions.
With automatic install i have some programs that won't install but if i try the switches
on a test system everything works well.
What is the working directory if the installer executes a binary with parameters?
For example for Navision i execute setup.exe /quiet /config Classic.xml
Maybe he cannot find the Classic.xml because the working directory is not: installmedium:\WinToolkit_Apps\Appdir
Is there a variable i can use? like setup.exe /quiet /config ${WTKmedium}\WinToolkit_Apps\Appdir\Classic.xml?
I have no other idea why the installation should fail, the silent parameter are correct and work manually on a test system.
Greetz X23
I tried an integration with the same silent-installer (7zip, Flash, AdobeReader) like you and with both modes, prompt-Install and auto: in prompt-install mode I have exactly the same issue, in auto-mode NOT :ranting:!
Fresh ISO (X17-59885)
Win7 Professional x64 (integration) and working-environment
WinToolkit (Installer is
i like to thank god that someone confirmed that
What do you do when you set automatic, do you collect all the silent switches from the different installers and add these switches as arguments?
I need to choose some updates because i integrate thinks like office 07 and 10 and i want to choose which office to install, so i can live not only with automatic mode.
Lego can you fix that maybe?
P.S found an old forum thread about irc... the channel is empty seems to be obsolete?
Greetz X23
yes i can do that but remember it look like wintoolkitrunonce and its config is right prepared on the cd,
i can start it but it still does nothing, iam sure it must be a little bug or maybe mistake on my side but which?
I come back later to report if what u want works.
Greetz X23
It's OK!
Where did you get this version from?
The actual test is 14; only the nstaller is version (withou t15).Did you try with automatic install (always)?
I ask only, because I do the same and I have no problem: a couple of driver, addon, and silent-installers (always install).
sorry i ment t14 grabbed it from here: http://www.wincert.net/leli55PK/Testing/
Yes i added one of the addons with automatic (7zip) actually iam waiting if the installer will do something after waiting a bunch of minutes.
i will now close it, and will check if 7zip was installed. mom ill be back
Edit: 7zip wasn't installed, i also didnt saw any installer, i didnt gave silent switches so it just execute the installer but there was nothing. ;(
this is the log after installing windows: (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)
CommandLineArg: C:\Windows\System32\WinToolkitRunOnce.exe (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)
CommandLineArg: /BROWSE (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)
Found Drive: C:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
Found Drive: D:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
IDrive: D:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinKit]... (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinKit]...)
Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\W7T]... (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\W7T]...)
Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]... (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00000|7z920_x64 (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: |%DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\7z920_x64\7z920_x64.msi* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00001|install_flash_player_11_active_x_ie (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\install_flash_player_11_active_x_ie\install_flash_player_11_active_x_ie.msi* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00002|AdbeRdr11001_de_DE (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\AdbeRdr11001_de_DE\AdbeRdr11001_de_DE.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)If i start wintoolkitrunonce in system32 manually again also nothing happens, no failure no choice just silence.
I just see the installer asking me to choose what to install but i cannot choose from anything and the progress bar never changes.
this is the log after manually starting wintoolkitrunonce: (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)
CommandLineArg: C:\Windows\System32\WinToolkitRunOnce.exe (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)
CommandLineArg: /BROWSE (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)
Found Drive: C:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
Found Drive: D:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
IDrive: D:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinKit]... (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinKit]...)
Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\W7T]... (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\W7T]...)
Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]... (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00000|7z920_x64 (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: |%DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\7z920_x64\7z920_x64.msi* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00001|install_flash_player_11_active_x_ie (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\install_flash_player_11_active_x_ie\install_flash_player_11_active_x_ie.msi* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00002|AdbeRdr11001_de_DE (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\AdbeRdr11001_de_DE\AdbeRdr11001_de_DE.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...) (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)
CommandLineArg: C:\Windows\System32\WinToolkitRunOnce.exe (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)
Found Drive: C:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
Found Drive: D:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
IDrive: D:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinKit]... (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinKit]...)
Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\W7T]... (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\W7T]...)
Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]... (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00000|7z920_x64 (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: |%DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\7z920_x64\7z920_x64.msi* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00001|install_flash_player_11_active_x_ie (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\install_flash_player_11_active_x_ie\install_flash_player_11_active_x_ie.msi* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00002|AdbeRdr11001_de_DE (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\WinToolkit_Apps\AdbeRdr11001_de_DE\AdbeRdr11001_de_DE.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)Greetz X23
and again same with the latest T15 Version, installer appears but nothing ever happens.
And again i just opened the wim integrated flash, acrobat reader and 7zip with non automatic install.
I could make a screenshot but i will look exactly like the one above.
Help please.
Greetz X23
ok my test was negative, same like before the installer is shown but nothing ever happens:
I really just opened a fresh copy of the latest ms iso download of win 7 x64
selected professional to edit, just added 2 installers (flash, shockwave)
made the iso and installed it.
I first thougth iam to stupid and i have to click somewhere but i saw screenshots
if how it have to look like
FYI: I mounted the image as iso into the vm to install
What happend?
FYI: Iam actually testing with 1.4.1-15T15
Greetz X23
yeah iam actually starting from scratch.
What i do first is do nothing except adding flash and shockwave installers with non auto mode.
Actually its rebuilding and saving the wim i come back if i tried it in a vm.
Greetz X23
What is your installation media? DVD, USB, etc...
i burned a double layer dvd.
Same failure if i boot the iso over pxe.
What i have done:
Downloaded latest Windows 7 x64 Image
opened the wim removed all except win 7 pro 64
opened again, integration:
a bunch of drivers - worked i saw some of the integrated ones in the test system
some tweaks - worked havent proved all but there was some of the changes i saw
unattended into boot2.wim - worked
added one gadget - worked
added background pics - worked
added all available security updates - worked
added a bunch of apps like (flash, acrobat reader) without automatic install, i expected then the installer will let me choose what to install. - fail
Then after it has finished ~6 hours later i burned the image to dl dvd and tried it.
How works wintoolkitrunonce? with which parameter (config, ini) will it be executed?
Like that i may can rerun the installer to check what gets wrong instead of building a new iso and install it completely again.
One Try one day
Greetz X23
wintoolkitrunonce.exe but i finally found it under windows/system32
i also found the log file...
Please Check here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10950-141-14-installer-wont-work-nothing-happens/
Greetz X23
this is my runoncelog.txt (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)
CommandLineArg: C:\Windows\System32\WinToolkitRunOnce.exe (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)
Found Drive: C:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
Found Drive: D:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
IDrive: D:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinKit]... (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinKit]...)
Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\W7T]... (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\W7T]...)
Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]... (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00000|7zip (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\7zip\7z920_x64.msi* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00001|Acrobat Reader 11 (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\Acrobat_Reader 11\AdbeRdr11001_de_DE.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00002|Active Fax (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\Active_Fax\actfax_setup_x64_ge.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00003|Flash Player 11 (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\Flash_Player 11\install_flash_player_11_active_x_ie.msi* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00004|Greenshot (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\Greenshot\Greenshot-INSTALLER-* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00005|Java 7u13 (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\Java_7u13\jdk-7u13-windows-x64.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00006|MegaView (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\MegaView\MegaView.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00007|MegaView3D (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\MegaView3D\MegaView3D.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00008|Navision (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\Navision\setup.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00009|Office 2007 (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\Office_2007\SETUP.EXE* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00010|Office 2010 Home+Business (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\Office_2010 Home+Business\X17-75062.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00011|Office 2010 Professional (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\Office_2010 Professional\X16-32011.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00012|Shockwave (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\Shockwave\Shockwave_Installer_Full_other.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00013|TeamViewer (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyFound: 00014|CheckPoint VPN Client (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...)
KeyValue: %DVD%:\Apps\CheckPoint_VPN Client\VPN_x64.msi* (Enumerating Installation [sOFTWARE\WinToolkit]...) (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)
CommandLineArg: C:\Windows\System32\WinToolkitRunOnce.exe (Looking for CommandLineArgs...)
Found Drive: C:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
Found Drive: D:\ (Looking for Installation Files...)
Found Drive: C:\ (Looking for alternatives...)
Found Drive: D:\ (Looking for alternatives...)
IDrive: (Looking for alternatives...)
No IDrive Found: (Aborting: No installation files found...)Paths are correct and programs are in right place, what happens here?
Also i found the wintoolkitrunonce binary!
Greetz X23
i have a bug with the installer it will be shown but nothing happens.
Where is the binary located on the image to restart the installer manually?
Any log files for the installer to find bugs why it isnt working?
Greetz X23
used 1.4.1-14 with Win 7 Pro x64 and integrated some stuff,
Wintoolkit Installer will start but nothing happens, the status bar is never moving.
Howto debug what happenend and howto manually start installer again?
Anyone else experiencing this installer bug?
I checked the forum and there are similar reports that installer dont work with older
Is there a wintoolkit version out that is stable and working?
I used this ini: http://pastebin.com/refwHSk2
Someone in win-lite forum told me that maybe the integration of ati and nvidia gpu drivers
is the problem... LOL?
For what else should be the driver integrations functionality might be?
Greetz X23
Installer Problem KB Update may disturbing
in Win Toolkit
Posted · Edited by x23piracy
yeah i allready found my mistake and removed them both because when i tried to install it system says allready installed,
so it seems i can discard both, for the rest 3 kbs i added 2533552 to automatic again and 976002 and 2592687 went to manual.
Since 976002 is annoying and 2592687 made problems for us i decided to have them manually but good to know that
i may work also if i add them to automatic again.
I later come back and will tell if that what i told above is working.
Greetz X23