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Posts posted by shhnedo

  1. @Ricardo Silva If you want an up-to-date 19h2 iso, you shouldn't use a 19h2 iso as base to integrate update/lps. All 19h2 isos are 19h1 base with KB4517245 integrated after the ssu/cu.

    What you should do:
    1. Get a 18362.1 iso for base.

    2. Get the LPs for 18362.1 (1903).

    3. Get Servicing Stack Update, Cumulative Update, .NET Cumulative Update and KB4517245(use WHDownloader for this one).

    4. Integrate LANGUAGE PACKS into boot.wim index 2 and install.wim index *insert your desired index here*.

    5. Integrate SSU/CU/.NET CU updates.

    6. Integrate KB4517245 !!! AFTER ALL THE OTHER UPDATES !!! (it's a .cab file so don't put it into the same folder as the others, use a separate dism /add-package for it).

    7. You have a proper multilingual 19h2 iso.

    The problem likely comes from you integrating LPs into an iso which has integrated updates(which all 19h2 isos are) and that's known to be a problematic practice.

  2. 11 hours ago, vmk said:

    Do you know why I get No SP1 detected when I use Simplix pack to update win 7 Sp1 boot.wim files index=*?

    Because the updatepack works ONLY on the install.wim. boot.wim manipulation was never intended or implemented.


    11 hours ago, vmk said:

    Won't Win 10 Dism exe conflict with W7's?

    No conflicts.


    And anyway, servicing windows 8.1/10 isn't fully supported under windows 7. Conversely, windows 7/8.1/10 images can be serviced under windows 10. Simply having and using the adk from a newer OS doesn't provide full support for servicing newer OS images relative to the host OS.

  3. @Pavel 2015=2017=2019. 2019 replaces 2017, just like 2017 replaced 2015.

    You can see the version number is still 14.xx.xx.xxx.

    When microsoft actually adds a new, standalone version of VC++(for example 2020 or 2021 or whatever), they'll probably change the version number to 20.xx.xxx or 21.xx.xxx or whatever. This number usually corresponds to the last 2 digits of the year when the version is released(at least that's MY understanding).

    6 hours ago, Pavel said:

    2 - Если интегрировать все версии, то в какой последовательности правильно ?

    2 - If to integrate all versions, then in what sequence it is correct ?

    Usually there's no sequence, but for OCD sake - first old SxS addon, then 2013d, then 2019.

  4. On 5/4/2018 at 4:52 AM, ClayStation said:

    Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.1.7600.16385, time stamp: 0x4a5bdfe0

    You're using a pre-SP1 windows 7?

    Actually, scratch that, it started a chain of ram consuming error reports on my 7 pro x64 sp1.


    This is the first one. Every other error report zip that followed just had more screenshots inside.

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