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Found 4 results

  1. Internet Download Manager (IDM) - v6.21 Build 19 - With Extra Toolbar Styles INFO: This is the SFX of my repack of the original installer (v2.10)Added 12 extra cool IDM Toolbar Styles. See here for the list.Added .docx, .xls & .xlsx into the documents download category; and added .application into programs download category. (MEGA Hosting) (Click the above button to download) File Name: idman621b19_SilentSFX-_-niTe_RiDeR.exe File Size: 6.79 MB (71,24,688 bytes) Architecture Supported: Both (x64 & x86) MD5: cb31a10492f2c0e3235fced3b8ddfc7c SHA1: 98bc18370d6f80fea0e84118c90493cc2d61d7ab VirusTotal Scan Report: Click Here (0/57 scanning engines found threat)
  2. This is a script to repack JRE (Java Runtimes) setups into a silent 7zip SFX installer. Current version (for Java 8u73 and newer) (could work on XP if you use a custom build of aria2) JAVA-Multi_Maker_3.5.zip MD5: 7716dddd8c576f0d002e6ddeb43d1ac6 SHA-1: 495cf642bf73571bca97179e63ab28c88ca2f5f1 Size: 3.79 MB How to use: - Extract the archive in a work folder with no space in the path. - Run the batch file. - Choose the version you want to use. The script will download the newest JRE automatically. If there is a problem with the download (or if you don't have access to Internet), you can also put the desired version(s) in the same folder than the script, it will always use the greater version found in the folder. Notes: - To avoid errors, the SFX will uninstall any previous Java version(s) newer than JRE 6.0 Update 22 before installing the new one(s). nLite/RVMi Addons are no longer created - It's highly recommended to NOT install Java web plugins, they are plagued with many vulnerabilities, but using Java locally is rather safe. - You can use the uninstall tool for Java to remove (very) old versions. Available switches: GUI version: -ai - Silent install with Web plugins -ai1 - Silent install without Web plugins noGUI version: no switch - Silent install without Web plugins -ai - Silent install with Web plugins ------------------------------------ Beta version for Java 9/10 (obsolete) JAVA-Multi_Maker_4.0b4.zip MD5: 203c7e514414c932ff847d3d8dac5fa4 SHA-1: 93fc856e026fc42298ebc8e76bba338f21c1704a Size: 800KB How to use: You have to download the Java 9/10 setup(s) from here (x64) | mirror x64 | mirror x64 | mirror x86 . - Extract the archive in a work folder with no space in the path. - Copy the setup(s) in the "JRE_setups" folder - Launch "_JAVA_Multi_Maker.cmd". Available switches: No switch (default) - Silent install without Web plugins. Remove any previous Java version(s). -ai - Silent install with Web plugins. Remove any previous Java version(s). -ai1 - Silent install without Web plugins. Remove only previous Java 9 version(s). -ai2 - Silent install with Web plugins. Remove only previous Java 9 version(s). Tested on Windows 7 & 10 x64, everything works as intended. Please test and report how it works for you. ------------------------------------ Old version (for Java 8u20 up to 8u72) (works on XP) JAVA-Multi_Maker_3.0.zip MD5: d89eec93311acedd842c6378ed630734 Size: 1.29 MB ------------------------------------ Old version (for Java 6, 7 and 8 before 8u20) JAVA-Multi_Maker_1.3a.zip MD5: 8d592f99c2b25e2c4404203af0b4d082 Size: 373 KB How to use: - Extract the archive in a work folder with no space in the path. - Download the x86 and/or x64 Offline setup of Java 6/7/8 and put it in the same folder. - Run the batch file. The maker will perform an admin install of Java and repack them inside a 7zip SFX. Notes: - The install is passive by default, use a switch if you want silent install. - To avoid errors, the SFX will uninstall any previous Java version(s) newer than JRE 6.0 Update 22 before installing the new one(s). - Update check and Java quick starter are disabled (JQS doesn't exist in x64 anyway). - It's highly recommended to NOT install Java web plugins, they are plagued with many vulnerabilities, but using Java locally is rather safe. - You can use the uninstall tool for Java to remove (very) old versions. Available switches: -ai - Silent install with Web plugins -ai1 - Silent install without Web plugins
  3. As the title suggest : Is it possible to remove an addon once it has been integrated using Win Toolkit All-in-One Integrator? I'm thinking not, but I thought I'd ask just the same, and for the benefit of anyone else who might be want to know. It's not really a big issue for me, It just means I'll have to be more diligent with my builds. Any insight is much appreciated.
  4. Scenario, I would like to integrate and install McRip System Files using the AiO integrator. However the installer requires admin rights for a successful install. So i'm wondering if the 7z SFX module can help me in getting the job done. or perhaps simply turning off UAC in via answer file. Like so... <settings pass="offlineServicing"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-LUA-Settings" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="[url="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State"]http://schemas.micro...fig/2002/State"[/url] xmlns:xsi="[url="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance%22>"]http://www.w3.org/20...hema-instance">[/url] <EnableLUA>false</EnableLUA></component></settings> I'm wondering if something like, adding xml to the manifest of the SFX module using reshack might help, but I'm note sure If it's safe, or even how to code it so it works with the installer. This is an example snip of the manifest found in rvkroots.exe <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false"></requestedExecutionLevel> </requestedPrivileges> </security> </trustInfo> The installer supports the switches /VERYSILENT /NORESTART, I've taken a look at this post which provides some insight, but I would prefer to either use the Answer File method or 7z Modified Module as oppose to using WinRAR SFX as suggested in to mentioned post. Any insight would be much appreciated. Best Regards.
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