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Can It Install Fonts?


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I looked at the pinned Win Toolkit v.1.4.0.x thread, and did a search in the Guides section... can't find anything about if I can add fonts to the install process. What I mean is just the same as any drivers or program files... except I want it to install my 2500+ .ttf files into the Windows/Fonts folder.

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Well, you could let copy the fonts under tab "Advanced/Files", but it is a huge job with 2500 fonts!

May be Lego can add an option to this tab to copy not only single files but folder too.

Or you try it with a batch-file.

I would do it with a batch-file after the Win7-installation.


it should work also with a folder $OEM$ within the folder "sources" on the install-medium:

<DVD>\sources\$OEM$\$$\Fonts\<all your fonts>

All files and folders in the subfolder $$ will be copied in the windows-directory on the HDD (normally "Windows").

Edited by Thiersee
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http://www.wincert.n...tallfonts-tool/ ?? you can create an addon, or an exe sfx mod

example By DMD


@echo off
Color 4f
echo ==========================================
echo Fonts Extra
echo ==========================================
echo Attendere...

rem per vedere la descrizione dei fonts andare nel registro di sistema e portarsi nel percorso
rem HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts

CD "%~p0"
"InstallFontsTool.exe" "aquarelle.ttf" "Aquarelle (TrueType)"
"InstallFontsTool.exe" "barbie.ttf" "Barbie MediumItalic (TrueType)"
"InstallFontsTool.exe" "cacshishonibrush.ttf" "CAC Shishoni Brush (TrueType)"
"InstallFontsTool.exe" "lokicola.ttf" "Loki Cola (TrueType)"
"InstallFontsTool.exe" "signetroundhandceattitalic.ttf" "Signet Roundhand CE ATT Italic (TrueType)"
"InstallFontsTool.exe" "silentinafilm.ttf" "Silentina Film (TrueType)"
"InstallFontsTool.exe" "silentinamovie.ttf" "Silentina Movie (TrueType)"


Edited by OnePiece
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... except I want it to install my 2500+ .ttf files into the Windows/Fonts folder.

While having WinToolkit do this is not a bad idea for something like just a *few* fonts, however that many should be put into a switchless installer. The installer will be compressed, so they save space. Plus, you can install on any computer you want.

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