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A Better (Animated) Vista Boot Screen


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To add something new to my list of Windows Vista tips: what's up with the abnormally bland boot screen?! I'm all for decreasing clutter and all, but a simple progress bar seems so incomplete (then again, so does the rest of Vista). I read somewhere of a quick trick the other night when I was browsing the net. This trick apparently should only be used on newer / faster machines. You'll need to have administrative privileges to get it working right. Either use the Run command or a CMD prompt to enter:

bcdedit /set quietboot 1

Should make your Windows Vista startup animation a bit more animated?

I must admit that I've never tried this, so if anyone does try it, please let us know the result.. :)

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I know there was a way to change the boot logo in MSCONFIG. You set "/NOGUIBOOT" in the BOOT.INI tab to either on or off, I can't remember. But it changes your boot logo to something a bit nicer. IIRC

Correct. Instead of the progress bar, you get a visual boot screen that is not animated. I rather prefer the progress bar because if you run chkdsk during boot up and you have replaced the progress bar with a visual boot screen, you won't see the progress of the chkdsk... at least for me it didn't show.

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