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How lock/pin desktop icons once they are arranged?


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Hi, does anybody know of a way (in Windows 7) to lock/pin the desktop icons in place

once you have arranged them?

My desktop isn't exactly cluttered, I think, there are at any given moment some 45-50. For

the sake of easy navigation I try to keep the number to a minimum.

When I have moved the icons around so that they are grouped into categories (roughly)

and have their fixed places, it's easy to find what I'm looking for, and one gets used to it,

like the layout of ones apartment for example. The desktop 'feels like home' to put it

simply, plus it looks good.

But every once in a while upon boot they are moved to the left side of the screen, not

sorted alphabetically (which, at least, would have been some help) but in completely

random order so it takes unnecessarily long to find what youre looking for.

I would understand it, and accept it, if it ocurred only after I, say, change the resolution,

but it happens randomly, 'unprovoked'.

Not a big problem, true, but kind of a drag, so if anybody knows how to pin/lock the icons

in place I'd be very grateful to know how.

Thank you!


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I feel your frustration, I hate the way Windows 7 handles desktop icons. If I want my icons sorted by name I have to do it twice...and on my moms PC sometimes after a reboot the icons are totally not in the same place they were before, there are now empty spaces in between a couple

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You can fix this issue in two ways. Try booth, see which will work better for you.

You can install Icon Restorer application, which is a third party program for Windows, which should fix the desktop layout and positions of your desktop iconsl.

IconRestorer supports XP, Vista and Windows 7 and it works with 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems. It also supports dual monitors.

If you'll need help with it, check the how-to topic in the link below:

Read more: http://www.troublefi.../#ixzz0bFKss6TX

You can also try with messing the registry:

Run registry editor

Run | Regedit | Enter




HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Program Manager\Restrictions

In the right pane find a DWORD value "NoSaveSettings"

The DWORD should be located in any of above mentioned locations, but possibly in the last one.

Once you find the DWORD value, delete it and restart your system. This should solve your issue and windows should remember your desktop settings from now on.

or you can do the following:

Download the following file layout.zip

Unzip the files on your desktop.

Copy Layout.dll to C:\Windows\System32 (for Windows XP and Vista, Win 7) or C:\WINNT\System32 (for older versions of Windows).

Run the Layout.reg file to make necessary changes to your registry.

Arrange icons on the desktop where you want icons to be saved. Then right click on the Recycle Bin and select "Save Desktop Icon Layout".

The icon positions are now saved.

You should see the pop up saying "Desktop Icon Settings Saved" which will verify the desktop layout has been saved.

If you do not see the message, right click the Recycle Bin and select "Save Desktop Icon Layout" again.

Next time Windows rearranges the icon layout again, you can restore the layout by right clicking either:

- My Computer

- Network Neighborhood (My Network Places),

- Recycle Bin

and select "Restore Desktop Icon Layout" to restore the layout back to the way you previously saved it.

You can move the icons around freely, however whenever you want them restored to their original saved positions, right click on Recycle Bin, Network Neighborhood, or My Computer again and select "Restore Desktop Icon Layout" to save the new desktop layout.

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  • 11 months later...

Hi, does anybody know of a way (in Windows 7) to lock/pin the desktop icons in place

once you have arranged them?

My desktop isn't exactly cluttered, I think, there are at any given moment some 45-50. For

the sake of easy navigation I try to keep the number to a minimum.

When I have moved the icons around so that they are grouped into categories (roughly)

and have their fixed places, it's easy to find what I'm looking for, and one gets used to it,

like the layout of ones apartment for example. The desktop 'feels like home' to put it

simply, plus it looks good.

But every once in a while upon boot they are moved to the left side of the screen, not

sorted alphabetically (which, at least, would have been some help) but in completely

random order so it takes unnecessarily long to find what youre looking for.

I would understand it, and accept it, if it ocurred only after I, say, change the resolution,

but it happens randomly, 'unprovoked'.

Not a big problem, true, but kind of a drag, so if anybody knows how to pin/lock the icons

in place I'd be very grateful to know how.

Thank you!

This little program solves your problem: http://www.softwareok.com/?seite=Freeware/DesktopOK



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