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Yeah, I've only seen a very,very few over the last several months.  In general, WinCert has been much more stable and reliable than MSFN over the last year or two, and had much fewer spammers, though both boards use the same board software and cover similar topics so I would assume would attract similar spammers/attackers.


Cheers and Regards

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We have been using Stop Forum Spam DB in the past and during that time (1-2 years) we have stopped more than 50 000 spammers.

You can still see statistic at the bottom of the index page..


I have also paid for the latest version of the software where we are able to use IP spammer protection which seems to work even better than SFS.


Have in mind that soon we'll have a major forum software upgrade that will bring many new features and much faster and enhanced user experience.

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We have been using Stop Forum Spam DB in the past and during that time (1-2 years) we have stopped more than 50 000 spammers.

You can still see statistic at the bottom of the index page..


I have also paid for the latest version of the software where we are able to use IP spammer protection which seems to work even better than SFS.


Have in mind that soon we'll have a major forum software upgrade that will bring many new features and much faster and enhanced user experience.


If the IP spammer protection and SFS can coexist without interference, then maybe keep using both?


As to the forum upgrade, I just hope we don't have the "growing pains" we went through with past "upgrades".  Fingers crossed.


Cheers and Regards

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