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iTunes x86 custom silent installer
iTunes is a free application for your Mac or PC. It lets you organize and play digital music and video on your computer.
It can automatically download new music, app, and book purchases across all your devices and computers.
And it’s a store that has everything you need to be entertained. Anywhere. Anytime.

User can choose which components they want to install using an answer file iTunes11CustomPref.ini
Hence to a certain degree, customization is possible.
Customization is base on this article "The unofficial guide to installing iTunes 10 without bloatware".
Be sure to read all the 3 pages.

For iTunes v11.0.2.26, there is no QuickTime and MobileMe bundled.

Some information about all the various iTunes components.

The WinRAR SFX (iTunes11.0.2.26x86Si.exe) contains 8 files.

AppleApplicationSupport.msi AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi AppleSoftwareUpdate.msiBonjour.msi iTunes11xscript.exe iTunes.msiiTunes11CustomPref.ini Uninstall_iTunes11x.vbs

General description of the file:
1) iTunes11xscript.exe - Main autoit installer that drives the overall installation.
It reads the answer file and install accordingly.
2) iTunes11CustomPref.ini - This is an answer file for your customization.
You basically indicate what components you wish to install by indicating a value of '1' or '0'.
Generally, 1 means 'I want' , 0 means 'I do not want'

3) Uninstall_iTunes11x.vbs - This is iTunes uninstaller script using vbscript. Codes are taken from the net and modified by me.
It simply uninstall everything in logical order according to some recommended guides (Article HT1925). This is an unattended uninstaller.
Note: For every component removed, it will display a 4-sec timed out message.

Uninstall_iTunes11x.vbs is copied to %ProgramFiles%\Common Files
When you have uninstall iTunes and its all components, you can manually delete this file.
source1 , source2
Hence you do not need to go to Add/Remove panel to uninstall one-by-one.

Warning message will be display after starting iTunes if Bonjour is not installed.
Base on some of gathered tweaks on the net, some simple tweak are also included.

Lastly, if you do not need e.g Bonjour.msi, then you can remove Bonjour.msi from iTunes11.0.2.26x86Si.exe.
Also just indicate Bonjour=0 in iTunes11CustomPref.ini. This will reduce the size of the installer.
It is the same for AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi.

I am unlikely to update this package frequently. So just use winrar to update the package at your end if new iTunes version is out.

The aim is to have some control over the installation process. Not elaborate one.

Just a short note: Try to slipstream iTunes last, after all 3rd party web browsers are installed as it detects the presence of other web browsers before it add some files/registry to your machine.

Size: 83.77 Mb (87,783,124 bytes)
MD5: 7A5C172E2D5EB865FAC32D1D9AB0BCE4

iTunes11CustomPref.ini default setting & remark

Tooltip=1 (When 1, it displays tool tip for the entire install session)

Bonjour=1 (When 1, it installs Bonjour)
AppleSoftwareUpdate=1 (When 1, it installs AppleSoftwareUpdate)

NoiTunesHelper=0 (When 1, it deletes iTunesHelper from HKLM...\Run)
NoiTunesDesktopShortcut=0 (When 0, it keeps desktop shortcut)
NoRegisterMediaDefault(iTunes)=0 (When 0, iTunes takes over various multi-media files as default player)
NoAPSDaemon=0 (When 1, it deletes APSDaemon from HKLM...\Run)

Copy_to_Common_program_dir=1 (When 1, it copies Uninstall_iTunes11x.vbs to %ProgramFiles%\Common Files)


(When 0, it will let iTunes takes over .mp3 files as default player.)
(When 1, it will restore .mp3 files to WMP (usually), provided NoRegisterMediaDefault is set to 0)
(It could be any player if you have installed another player and that player takes over the .mp3 file type).
Uses cmd shell command ASSOC to make the change.

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  • 1 month later...

Updated to plus script finetune and added 1 more tweak "NoMP3AssociationWithiTunes=0" (see last section of iTunesCustomPref.ini)

To make the installer less version specific, following rename are done.

Rename iTunes105xscript.exe to iTunes10xscript.exe

Rename Uninstall_iTunes105x.vbs to Uninstall_iTunes10x.vbs. Also modify script such that the actual version is display in the uninstall title prompt.

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  • 10 months later...

Updated to

Major changes:

1) Mandatory install for AppleApplicationSupport.msi, AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi & iTunes.msi

Only Bonjour.msi & AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi are optional.

New set of answer file, iTunes11CustomPref.ini to change your preference.

Default value are as posted. Please make your preference by changing to 1 or 0

Generally, 1 means 'I want' , 0 means 'I do not want'

Changed uninstall script name for Uninstall_iTunes11x.vbs

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Thanks Geej, I tried the last one yours for the version 10 and work good for this version 11, but I will try this version with the new options. May I post it in the section of Spanish ? thanks.

Edited by luis
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Thanks Geej, I tried the last one yours for the version 10 and work good for this version 11, but I will try this version with the new options. May I post it in the section of Spanish ? thanks.

No problem. But I am unlikely to update every version update as this iTunes addon upload is rather big at 83MB. But if you got problem with autoit script, feel free to let me know. Perhaps you can update those .msi files at your end when there is new iTunes release.

By the way, also works on win7 x86

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HEllo, I was able to edit iTunes11CustomPref.ini by extracting the cab file, however, I don't know how to re-zip it into a cab, so, will re-zipping it into a .zip file work anyway? Sorry for noob question!!! (I though about just changing the extension to .cab as well)


Edit: Nevermind, it worked fine as 7z. Althought 7zip didn't let me edit iTunes11CustomPref.ini so I had to do it with Winrar, and then, zip it.

Edited by newuser121
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