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Everything posted by mooms

  1. Je pense que ça doit être possible oui, mais le mieux serait de refaire le sfx avec le setup de ton choix. Si tu souhaites juste rendre l'installation silencieuse, il suffit de rajouter le switch -ms edit: Je viens de poster un tuto ici: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/11041-cr%C3%A9er-un-addoninstallateur-dextensions-pour-firefox/
  2. bphplt: "pretty" mode is named wysiwyg. Nik: thanks for the new version, but as bphplt already said, the issue with %16 is still there.
  3. No, I mean I can't launch the 64 bits executable: no shortcuts, no visible options, I even tried to launch it from 'Program Files', it's always the 32 bits version that is started. Seems the solution is this: http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/40761-Solution-How-to-enable-IE10-x64-Mode Edit: Yes, this works after a reboot, but then IE10 will be only 64bits. Seems x64 users have to make a choice ! I don't really care as I use mainly Firefox and sometimes Opera, but it's good to know.
  4. Once the x64 setup installed, I can't find the 64 bits version, only the 32 bits version is accessible.
  5. Download it here: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/internet-explorer/downloads/ie-10/worldwide-languages Or here: x86: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36808 x64: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36806 IE10 Administration Kit: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36807 How to extract IE10 files: IE10setup.exe /x:c:\ie10 Links to always up to date IE10 cabs (for integration) : (English only, you still have to add LP and hyphenation cab/MSU for your specific language, you can take them from IE10setup.exe). x86:http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=272323 x64:http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=272322
  6. Coralco: I have edited your post to add English traduction. Thanks to post in English in this section.
  7. Thanks for the info compstuff, this should be noted on WinToolkit guide and/or stickied somewhere.
  8. @ricktendo: I will modify the first post to mention your maker. @icare: Ne t'embête pas avec la question des variables, c'était juste au cas où... Pour les faux positifs c'était justement avec Avira (je n'utilise que ce dernier depuis des années, merci à vmanda et son génial maker). Dans le doute tu peux uploader le fichier sur virustotal, tu verras si certain AV le détectent , c'est souvent aléatoire, peut-être qu'il y en a moins maintenant.
  9. ricktendo's installers are smaller, always up to date and language packs are easy to add, so I prefer them over original+updates, but it's your choice.
  10. mooms


    You have to let Wintoolkit delete the temp folder for you, because you don't have the rights to do it as you have seen.
  11. Just downloaded your sfx builder, I didn't realized you have already offered a solution to remake the installer. Drag'n drop is a cool idea, I love the fact it will be renamed after the name of the archive. We also need to edit the config.txt to remove the semicolons. I still don't understand why you have embedded the parameters in the sfx module though, but, since the language packs are correctly installed, it suppose that it is ignored if we add a new one by "conventional" means. (as my script do) I didn't want to compete with your solution, if it is a concern, I can modify the first post and redirect to your method. (explained in French)
  12. AFAIK it is just different packaging. DotNet will still be installed on first launch. Install progress can be hidden with sfx as well.
  13. How and why you do that? what's the purpose ? I have always reused the original sfx and never encountered errors , but I will maybe add a "standard" sfx in my archive and modify my tutorial if it's a concern.
  14. Il existe plusieurs versions du module sfx modifié suivant l'usage qu'on veut en faire, dans cette archive tu as la totale. C'est sur que si tu rend l’installation complètement silencieuse il vaut mieux utiliser une version de base. Gare à la compression UPX car ça génère souvent des faux positifs avec certains antivirus, je l'ai laissé tombé à cause de cela. Comment t'y prendrais-tu pour récupérer la variable dans le nom de fichier du language pack et l'insérer ensuite dans le nom du sfx créé ? dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_x64*_Slim.7z dotNetFx40_*_x86_x64.exe J'ai cherché un peu mais j'ai beaucoup de mal à déchiffrer la syntaxe.
  15. I think it will be possibly slower than fast compression, because the CPU is always faster than HDD, so the less it reads, the more it will be faster to decompress ( then write to disk)
  16. If you use them only for win7, decompress every pack in separate folders, delete all folders named VISTA and SERVER, then recompress them with very fast compression (keep the folder structure), it will be much more quicker to decompress.
  17. Merci pour la suggestion icare, j'ai maj l'archive du premier post avec la syntaxe revue et j'en ai profité pour modifier le nom du dossier temporaire avec un nom moins commun. On peut encore améliorer la compression en utilisant UPX: upx --ultra-brute dotNetFx45_Full_x86_x64_SlimSetup.sfxLe fichier sfx passe de 372 à 151 Ko. Le batch n'est vraiment pas ma spécialité, j'avais récupéré cette syntaxe sur un autre fichier. J'ai cherché à créer un script qui fonctionnerais pour tous les langpacks en récupérant la variable de langue dans le nom du langpack, et l’inclurais dans le nom du sfx créé, mais la syntaxe pour les commandes tokens, if, for, do, est encore un mystère pour moi :cool04: Quelqu'un de doué en batch pourrait même automatiser la phase d’édition du fichier texte.
  18. Maybe because you are logged, I have tried myself and indeed the download is blocked, and Mediafire is complaining about a broken or encrypted archive.
  19. yes, all updates (except language packs obviously) are language neutral.
  20. Sorry I had misread. I never used a USB3 or a more than 8GB stick to make an install, so I don't know.
  21. I have discovered a serious bug: If you toggle the "BBCode Mode" button many characters are changed in the code pasted! Example: the %16 in %16422% and %16426% disappears if toggle the "BBCode Mode" To reproduce: type %16426% and toggle the "BBCode Mode".
  22. maj: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/17.0.3/releasenotes/
  23. Maybe you USB3 stick is not bootable. Do you have tried in other USB ports ?
  24. Then you should edit the title to add [solved] at the beginning. If others have the problem: You can delete the previous partition in the 'Advanced" options when you select where to install Windows.
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