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Everything posted by Kelsenellenelvian

  1. Just download the newest version manually
  2. Sigh.... it's more than the last session you said compare files didn't you? What is the problem with making your own directly from a newly updated source? There is no debate here. Any condoning of Warez at all can cost our ad revenue and server. Don't be so blindsighted as to having to rely on a Warez based do the work your self. Where did you get the last session? From one of his releases, right? That still perpetuated the Warez use. You're going to have to drop this avenue of a disk, I will ban you for further argument. It's not that hard to make a nlite setup of your own, your actually going about it the long hard way.
  3. Your still admitting to and requesting warez related assistance. THAT is the core of the issue here simply by assisting you with your request we are condoning warez use. I am afraid you'll have to do the work and testing all on your own and make your own version of a xplite. (Please also note that nLite is not for business or corp uses.)
  4. We will not support, condone or assist in any way Warez here at Wincert...... See forum rule #1 ANY argument with this rule or decision will result in a permanent ban.
  5. Sure! Replace the current one with the image of your choice. It is located in the common\imgs\InstallLogo folder.
  6. It seems to me you are missing a link to the download?
  7. I closed the other thread as we only really need one thread about this issue.
  8. http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/163066-516bmp-transparent-spwizimgdll/page__pid__1040767#entry1040767
  9. You say clearly "I still never pay for software". Yes you do say on occasion you donate. I am pretty jaded towards people with that kind of thinking. Software costs way too much due to the fact that so many people think they shouldn't pay for it at all or just use only free software while rarely donating. This is the core of the argument. Lego is only wanting to charge because there is not enough support without charging a fee. He (And most other developers including I) did not start thinking this would be a career or wanting to get rich, but Lego (And many others I know) are actually much worse off for attempting to put free open source software out there and not even being able to make ends meet. (Saying you have bought a game and sandboxie is not really saying much, are you using warez os's to browse and post that with?) have you ever bought MS office or Windows? You seem to say you haven't I can access stats that show what my ad driven revenue on my site would be without ad-blockers and it would be considerably more. You seem to insinuate that ads on the site should be enough to cover basic costs and it is not. I am trying to make it clear that developers like us spend thousands yearly on services, supplies and time that we don't see back, yet when we bring up the subject of charging everyone throws a fit. My argument with you is not the ad free it is the pedestal you set yourself on coming here with the intention of helping and then saying you never pay for software. (Which you very clearly say)
  10. hmmm says it right there ^ I was using myself as a example but its attitudes like yours that is the reason for the need like adware and so much less hi-quality freeware out there. People don't care about the little guys costs as long as they can get it for free.
  11. Adblocking is actually very damaging to my revenue at www.wpiw.net I really must say you are quite a smug person. I myself have on many occasions spent well over 40 hours a week on my program and have lost internet and many other things (I don't even have a pc of my own right now) due to the fact the people exactly like you never donate or purchase licenses. IMO you are even lower than the standard leecher because you just admit to being a jerk and don't care. I get less than 40 a month in ad revenue and over the last ten years I have recieved less than a thousand in unsolicited donations. So lets do basic math here: BASIC internet = $30 a month times 12 = $360 x 10 = 3,600 Lost wages AT LEAST 700 a month Hosting costs = at least $50 a month. So your looking at a personal investment of at least 10,000 and then you waltz in here and pull that "I never pay" sh*t By the way before you make helpful suggestions to me my programming is always open source, never add-linked or any adware at all not even nagware. And the only thing I actually ask for real money is when they want to use it corporate side. That's $100 and you know how many actually have bought licenses for that?? 12 companies. I get over 10,000 dl's a month from my server and my stuff is hosted everywhere yet I can't even afford a pc.........
  12. According to this thread : http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/7250-microsoft-silverlight-v51305140/ THE addon is switchless........ Quick check of the sumutra it is also switchless. Please research your addons better. For chrome you now need the enterprise installer and the proper switch for it is /qn
  13. One major thing I see right of is your complete lack of extensions in your commands. 2 you failed to mention you were having issues with chrome also... Also what does reapers thread say about switches with his (likely switch-less installer??)
  14. We cannot help you unless you provide more information like what switches you have tried and what methods you are trying to install them with. (Also what OS and architecture...) Our crystal balls were shipped to Indonesia for cleaning and thus our fortune telling and guessing skills are quite lacking at the moment.
  15. User banned for major violation of forum rules. (On both accounts he had) Warez rules are not up for debate. Google translate: Utilisateur banni pour violation majeure des règles du forum . ( Sur les deux comptes qu'il avait ) des règles de Warez ne sont pas l'objet de débat .
  16. No, you won't you were banned once for trying to share it and you will be banned again for bypassing that with another account. Warez is not welcome here and that is not a subject up for debate! Google translate: Non, vous ne vous étiez banni une fois pour essayer de la partager et vous serez banni de nouveau pour contourner cela avec un autre compte . Warez est pas la bienvenue ici et qui ne sont pas un sujet à débat !
  17. We still have to get funding and keep our servers so there is no choice but to follow common law in most countries. Google translate: Nous avons encore à obtenir du financement et de garder nos serveurs il n'y a donc pas d'autre choix que de suivre la common law dans la plupart des pays
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